Health News

Vegetarian Christmas Recipes
The holiday season is nearing, and the world seems all aglow with twinkling lights. We are ready to celebrate His birth, family, and friends, and share the gift of love with one another. And of cou...

Fighting Flu Season Through Diet and Raw Foods
When it is cold and flu season, many of us dread the moment when the tell-tale tickling symptoms of illness begin. The common cold and the flu are often caused by the rhinovirus, coronavirus, respi...

The Best Raw Foods to Keep Optimal Eyesight
When it comes to maintaining a well-balanced, healthy diet, it can be a lot to keep track of when you are just starting. Luckily for all of us, when it comes to keeping every part of your body heal...

Celebrating Rev. Malkmus' 83rd Birthday and Hallelujah Diet's 25th Anniversary
Happy 83rd birthday Rev. Malkmus!

Lives Changed In Uganda
“Praise the Lord! I started on the Hallelujah Diet after having been given a copy of Rev. Malkmus’ book, ‘God’s Way to Ultimate Health’ by the then Ambassador to the United States from Uganda. Afte...

Happy 81st Birthday Rev. Malkmus!
Thank you for all the wonderful birthday greetings that have come in by email and postal mail from so many people around the world. It is such a blessing to hear from you. And thank you for your co...

No More Sleep Apnea!
“I was suffering with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and a chronic form of Epstein-Barr virus. I first noticed the symptoms 5 years ago after I started on the Atkins Diet. Then the symptoms gradual...

"Mom's Only Hope Was The Hallelujah Diet"
“Dear Rev. Malkmus, I wanted to write and share how the Hallelujah Diet has helped my 87-year-old mother. My mom became very ill and ended up in the hospital’s emergency room. Her blood pressure wa...

Health Boom in 'Bama!
“Hi, I enjoy reading your weekly Health Tips and learning of all the wonderful things the Hallelujah Diet is doing for people. There is a group here in Mobile, Alabama on the Hallelujah Diet and th...

Turning 70, But I Feel Like 40
“I’m so grateful for this series. So many Christian friends and relatives have tried to condemn me for following the Hallelujah Diet. I’ve watched many of them die of cancer, and other diseases, b...

Here's Who Is Taking "The Daniel Challenge"
A couple of weeks ago, I asked Health Tip readers if they would take the "Daniel" challenge to go on a 100% plant-based diet for 21 days. We had a good number of readers taking the challenge. Below...

Why I Want To Be A Health Minister
This week I share testimonies from people who desire to become Hallelujah Diet Health Ministers.
Thus far, over 12,000 people have become Health Ministers and one can now take Health Minister Trai...

"Keep It Biblical!"
In a recent Health Tip, I dealt with the reason Cain slew Abel and the curse of Cain. Many of our subscribers responded to that Health Tip. Below are a few of those responses:
“Thank you Rev. Malkm...

Renal Failure Reversed... In 3 Weeks!
This week’s testimony was sent in by Joan E., who lives in Lady Lake, Florida. Joan writes:
“When I came to the Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center, I was desperate! You see, I am a retired nurse and...

The Hallelujah Diet Saved My Voice!
“Dear Dr. Malkmus: Last July, I had a large tumor on the left side of my neck, which had paralyzed my vocal chords. As a result of the tumor, I was not able to talk normally. The surgeon told me th...

The Truth of God's Amazing Plan
“Thank you for this awesome article. It’s amazing that the Holy Spirit is again revealing the truth of God’s amazing plan (Genesis 1:29) – the availability of ultimate, healing, peace, love and joy...

BarleyMax: "Better Than Coffee for Me!"
Can BarleyMax Grass Juice Powders really give you energy? You don't know until you try... like Tommie did! Read on and discover what this war vet has to say about the power behind the simple, barle...

Doctor Says, "Your Test Results Are Amazing!"
It is hard to believe what improvements can be make in a person’s health in just 120 days (4 months), but here is a testimony from Kathy who shares how she experienced an unbelievable improvement i...

Nurse For 22 Years: "Most Tests and Treatments Are Wrong!"
“George, you are my hero and a like mind! People don’t understand when you don’t follow the doctor’s advice so I try not to discuss things. It’s because I want quality of life! I’ve worked in the ...

Your Prayers Are Needed!
In this mailbag section I share two letters. One letter will inspire you, as it comes from a man who shares his experience with pancreatic cancer.
In his testimony, Lauren tells how the doctor’s h...

Colon Problems... Gone!
Writing in response to last week’s Health Tip, Kim, a Hallelujah Acres Health Minister had this to say:
“Rev. Malkmus, I am a Hallelujah Acres Health Minister. Thank you for your excellent article ...

Pre-Cancerous Colon Polyps Reversed!
“I have been on the Hallelujah Diet for over a year now, and have seen many changes in my life since I started the diet. My husband Darrin and I, as well as my mom and dad, and friends Doug and Car...

"Incurable" Macular Degeneration... GONE!
"Two summers ago I was diagnosed with macular degeneration – an "incurable" disease. I was the youngest patient my eye doctor had ever seen with this devastating eye disease and said that I would p...

"I Didn't Want To Give Up Meat!"
John and Theresa live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Theresa suffered a back injury, which led her to the Hallelujah Diet — but her husband took a while to give up the idea of eating meat. After thyro...

Doctors Don't Know As Much As You Think!
Before we put any profession on a pedestal, we need to ask ourselves what they truly know before we entrust our very lives to their care! Consider this first letter from Peter, a professional educa...

"I Lost 50 Inches on The Hallelujah Diet!"
“The Hallelujah Diet has given me a new lease on life! Because of my wonderful experience on the Hallelujah Diet, I want to attend Health Minister Training so that I will have the knowledge I need ...

Hallelujah Diet Restored My Voice
Testimonies are what help keep me going at the age of 81, long after the average retirement age of 65. So please keep sending me these testimonies.
“Dear Dr. Malkmus, Thank you for your Health Tips...

Take Charge Of Your Body
Over the past weeks, I have been sharing a number of articles regarding the “wisdom of this world” vs the “wisdom of God”. There have been several interesting responses – below are a few of them:

Rave Reviews for "The Hallelujah Diet" Book
Letters from those who have read Rev. Malkmus’ book, The Hallelujah Diet, are so exciting to read:
“This book, The Hallelujah Diet, is one of the most thorough treatments of nutrition as it relates...

Former NFL Player Starts "Hallelujah Healthy" Campground
This first letter comes from Justin Armour, former NFL wide receiver, with the Buffalo Bills, Denver Broncos, and Baltimore Ravens. Justin is Founder of Baja Life Camp , and along with his mother r...

Powerful Cancer Testimony Still Amazes!
Below is a testimony sent me 15 years ago by Health Minister Rex E. who lived in Florida. I don’t know if Rex is still with us; he was 75 years old at the time of the writing. But it is an amazing ...

Too Late For The Hallelujah Diet?
Even if a cancer is advanced and radiation has been administered, some people still are able to be helped by refusing chemotherapy with a change in diet and lifestyle. Below is a wonderful testimon...

The Message of Truth!
A great BIG THANK YOU to all that write in to tell how they appreciate the information shared in my weekly Health Tips. Here are a few recent letters:
“I pray for your ministry. Fantastic articles!...

Meet The Orcutts
Dave and Sherry Orcutt are the Hallelujah Acres trained Health Ministers who host the Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center in Plant City, Florida. While they are there to help people from around the w...

Diabetes Free in Nigeria
Here is a wonderful testimony from a Health Minister in the country of Nigeria:
“Dear Rev. Malkmus, I want to express my profound gratitude to you and your dear wife, and to the entire staff of Hal...

Metastasized Cervical Cancer... Gone!
“I want to take a moment to thank Rev. Malkmus and all his associates at Hallelujah Acres for all the work they are doing. I have been so blessed. Five years ago, at the age of 37, after having exp...

Doc Says: "Hallelujah Diet Saved Your Life"
This letter comes from Judy, who lives in Jupiter, Florida:
“Hi George & Rhonda, I have known about the Hallelujah Diet since 2001, when my husband and I both went on the diet. We both had gre...

How I Relieved My Sinus Symptoms
How we rejoice in hearing from so many friends and in all their Christmas greetings this Christmas season:
“Dear George & Rhonda – We are forever thankful for the big part you have played in ou...

Never Felt Better!
How would you like to feel better than you ever have — in your whole life! Regardless of your age...
To their surprise and delight, that is exactly what is happening to people when they start the ...

God's Laws Help Our Health
When we are children, our parents give us rules to live by — because they love us! Why would we think anything different of the rules our Heavenly Father gives us for health and life?
The Halleluj...

Why Be A Health Minister?
With two Health Minister Training sessions coming up at Hallelujah Acres International Headquarters in Gastonia, North Carolina during the months of June and July (click here for info), I thought i...

Diabetes Completely Reversed
Testimonies are what this ministry has been built upon - testimonies from people who have applied the teachings of Hallelujah Acres and resulted in the improved health they have experienced as a re...

New Hobby: Olympic Weightlifting at Age 56!
When a person applies for training as a Hallelujah Acres Health Minister, a part of their application is sharing their experience with the Hallelujah Diet. Below, Carolyn T. who lives in South Caro...

Diet? Chemo? Or Both?
For over 20 years, Hallelujah Acres has been receiving testimonies from people who have seen their health improved after adopting the Hallelujah Diet and sharing these testimonies so that perhaps o...

Your Flesh Is The Enemy... This Is War!
For over 20 years, Hallelujah Acres has been receiving testimonies from people who have seen their health improved after adopting the Hallelujah Diet and sharing these testimonies so that perhaps o...

Healthy... Forever
For over 20-years Hallelujah Acres has been offering some of the best training available for people interested in learning more about health, nutrition, and ways to share this knowledge with friend...

Mystery Diagnosis... Solved!
Here is a wonderful testimony from Faye, who had a physical problem the doctors could not diagnose. But after the doctors had tried all kinds of medications that did not bring healing, Faye found t...

Why You Should Be A Health Minister...
In 1984, we began our Health Minister Training program. Twenty-five people attended that first training session. Since then we have trained over 12,000 Health Ministers. Health Minister Training pr...