Health News

Cancer News
Take Charge of Your Health, Start Your Diet Now
Here are a few reasons to stop making excuses and start your diet right now.

Cancer News
Gardening Tips
Eating healthy may be the best track for your body mentally and physically, but there is no doubt that a raw food diet is not an easy one. Once you get over the initial adjustment and cravings of u...

Cancer News
Reducing Your Risk for Prostate Cancer
Here are a few tips on how to reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

Cancer News
Eating Well for Cancer Prevention
Learn how healthy, plant-based eating reduces your risk of cancer.

Cancer News
Silicon—The Strength and Flexibility Mineral We Take for Granted
Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth (oxygen is first). It is present as silicon dioxide—common sand and various kinds of quartz crystals. There is no official recommendation for ho...

Cancer News
3 Top Health Benefits of Juicing for Cancer
This is a scary time. With everything else you're learning, this little bit on juicing for cancer hopefully will give you the boost of nutrition you need, with the peace of mind of knowing you're g...

Cancer News
Raw Foods Diet and Mental Health Benefits
There are many health benefits that come along with the raw foods diet. But did you know raw foods can boost your mental health? A study conducted at the University of Otago in New Zealand found th...

Cancer News
What Norman Walker Can Teach You About Healthy Living
It’s funny to think of how widely our basic understanding of nutrition has grown in the past few decades alone. With the help of food gurus like Dr. Norman Walker (1886-1985), a nutrition pioneer w...

Cancer News
4 Benefits Of Implementing Organic Protein Powder into Your Diet
One crucial element of the Hallelujah Diet is organic protein powder. Why? It’s simple — because we eat mostly raw, plant-based foods, supplementing with the right protein powder gives us extra pro...

Cancer News
Preventing Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Here is what you need to know about age-related macular degeneration.

Cancer News
How Proper Dieting Can Help Stage 4 Bone Cancer and Other Health Issues
Bone cancer is an abnormal growth in the cells of the bones, particularly the long bones, such as the arms and legs. Most bone tumors are benign, meaning they won’t develop into cancer and won’t sp...

Cancer News
Is There Such a Thing as an Anti-Cancer Diet?
Cancer deeply affects almost every corner of the United States and the world, with an estimated 1.7 million new cases of cancer diagnosed annually, according to the National Cancer Institute. With ...

Cancer News
How to Self-Check Your Moles for Skin Cancer
Here’s what you need to look for, followed by a step-by-step self-examination for checking for skin cancer.

Cancer News
Fuel Your Body With Superfood Powder Supplements
Superfood powders are a great way to get extra nutrition when eating whole foods just aren't enough. Hallelujah Diet Advanced Superfood powders are popular among those looking to boost their health...

Cancer News
Gaining Weight on a Raw Food Diet
In many cases, you may find yourself starting a raw food diet because you want to lose weight. For some, it's to help stave off health issues, others realize it'll help them in the future and want ...

Cancer News
How to Help Stimulate Glutathione Production in the Body
They call glutathione the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier, and it’s not for nothing! This naturally occurring antioxidant—made up of the amino acids glutamine, glycine and cysteine—is foun...

Cancer News
Why Food Synergy Is Important to Your Health
When referring to synergy in general, Aristotle just about summed up food synergy in the following quote, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Food synergy applies this idea to the nut...

Cancer News
Natural Home Remedies as Medicine
Your home is likely filled with natural remedies that work far better than prescription drugs.

Cancer News
Full Body Cleanse: Natural Ways to Detox the Body
In this article, we’ll discuss reasons to detox your body, how long the process takes and some of the natural, healthy ways to cleanse your system.

Cancer News
Help Ward Off Sickness with Liposomal Vitamin C
Everyone knows how important vitamin C is for a healthy immune system. After all, there’s a reason why the doc usually recommends ample O.J. when you’re suffering from a cold or the flu. But did yo...

Cancer News
The Remarkable Antioxidant Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C
Liposomal vitamin C is a lipid-encapsulated form of vitamin C that is shuttled without digestion into the bloodstream..

Cancer News
The Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise, or the physical activity that raises your heart rate, is particularly beneficial for heart health.

Cancer News
Eliminating Meat Can Reduce A Third of Early Deaths
A team of Harvard Medical School scientists have calculated how a vegan diet can prevent early deaths.

Cancer News
Part 2: Is Alkaline Water Beneficial?
Dr. Donaldson shared his research about how beneficial alkaline water can be, just so long as the alkalinity is in tact.

Cancer News
Best Lunch for a Summer Picnic
If you’re looking for a new delicious meal to pack for your next picnic, consider the following primarily raw, plant-based options.

Cancer News
Health Benefits of Avocado Seed
Here are a few health benefits of avocado seed, plus the proper way to eat and prepare it.

Cancer News
The Best Diet for Cancer Remission
To ensure your long-term health and ability to enjoy many years ahead, it’s important to pay close attention to your diet so you can return to good health.

Cancer News
Kissing Flu Season Goodbye
If you want to ensure your safety and say goodbye to flu season without a worry in the world of catching a cold or developing an illness, keep these last-minute tips in mind.

Cancer News
3 Foundational Practices to Prevent Cancer
Cancer rates are increasing, despite the research and medical treatments that have been discovered. Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer, and it can be scary to consider the idea ...

Cancer News
The Ultimate Anti-Cancer Diet
Let’s take a closer look at what you should avoid, plus what you should consume more of, A.K.A. the anti-cancer diet.

Cancer News
Reducing Your Cancer Risk with Healthy Food Choices
Your choice of dietary habits has major influence over the wellness of your immune system, ultimately heightening or reducing your chances of developing certain cancer.

Cancer News
The Power of Blueberries in Cervical Cancer Radiation Therapy
Early research has shown that blueberry extract may help to improve the outcomes of radiation for cervical cancer.

Cancer News
Aging and Cancer Risk: What's The Connection?
When it comes to aging and cancer risk, your immune system plays a big role.

Cancer News
4 Benefits of Selenium
Start fueling your body with this essential trace mineral to reap the following benefits.

Cancer News
Not All Lung Cancer Patients Were Smokers
Contrary to popular belief, many people diagnosed with lung cancer have never even used tobacco.

Cancer News
How to Detox Your Kidneys
Today’s modern-day conveniences—cars, fast food, mass production plants—expose the human body to more toxins and pollution than ever before. These conditions force our bodies to work overtime at fl...

Cancer News
How to Get Enough Protein on a Plant-Based Diet
For those of us following the standard American diet, which, more and more these days, is referred to as “SAD,” we are encouraged to build our meals based on either the Food Pyramid or its replacem...

Cancer News
Following a Plant-Based Diet on a Budget
If you’re still worried about embarking on your new and improved regimen because of the price, don’t worry. Here are a few tips for following a plant-based diet on a budget.

Cancer News
The Dangers of Diets that Restrict Calories
Is the very low-calorie diet worth it? We don’t think so. Here are a few of the many side effects that come with following a diet that severely restricts calories.

Cancer News
Taking Small Steps: How to Transition to the Hallelujah Diet Lifestyle
Before you follow us on the path to better health, you have to take small steps in your personal journey.

Cancer News
4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Metabolism on a Plant-Based Diet
Here are a few simple ways you can increase your metabolism, boost your confidence and shed weight while following a plant-based diet.

Cancer News
How Raw Foods Promote a Healthier Heart
Did you know that heart disease is still the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups within the United States?(1) It is tragically estimated that one pers...

Cancer News
A Certain Diet Can Help You Prevent Diabetes
Recent research published in The Journal of Nutrition found that a high-carbohydrate, high-fiber and low-fat diet could be your ticket to wellness.

Cancer News
The Importance of Diagnosis and Treatment Timelines for Melanoma
Fueling your body with a plant-based diet can help fight back against melanoma.

Cancer News
Exercise May Prevent Return of Breast Cancer
Exercise can strongly reduce one’s risk of breast cancer recurrence, according to recent research published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Cancer News
Eat This or That: Comparing Unhealthy and Healthy Snacks
Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common unhealthy snacks, plus some healthy alternatives that you and your family will love.