Health News

Cancer News
Tips for Healthy Skin as You Age
Beyond the natural wear and tear God expected to come of your skin, there are numerous ways to maintain healthy skin as you age and ensure overall health and wellness. Here are a few tips.

Cancer News
Nutritional Labels: Harmful Ingredients to Look For
To ensure you’re choosing the healthiest foods and avoiding the most harmful ones, keep your eye out for the following ingredients.

Cancer News
How to Improve the Health of Your Joints
Consider the following tips for taking care of your joints as you age.

Cancer News
Improved Kidney Function Through Raw Food Diet
Did you know that on average, more than 1 in 7 United States adults have some organ damage that can keep these crucial body parts from adequately functioning? When it comes to an organ that does pl...

Cancer News
Product Spotlight: Tribest Personal Blender
The Tribest Personal Blender is recognized as a versatile, portable, and complete blender and grinder. It delivers powerful ice-crushing, smoothie-making, seed-grinding, and sauce-blending function...

Cancer News
12 Mistakes to Avoid After Finishing a Colon Cleanse
You just finished a cleanse and have taken an essential step toward becoming a healthier version of yourself, so congratulations! And, now, the only thing you’re planning post-cleanse is how you’ll...

Cancer News
How Does a Diet Change Aid Cancer Prevention
So how exactly does a diet change reduce your risk for developing cancer? Let’s take a closer look at some of the food options to avoid, plus replacement suggestions for fueling a healthy body.

Cancer News
Low Blood Oxygen Implications
With the spread of COVID-19 over the past year, we’ve all started paying more attention to different aspects of our health. For some, they know instantly if they feel feverish or may feel concerned...

Cancer News
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Exercise?
We all know that two of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle are diet and exercise, but is there such a thing as too much exercise?
The short answer: absolutely.
Exercise is a great...

Cancer News
Why You’ll Love Our Line of Digestive Enzyme Supplements & Probiotics
Today’s dietary supplement market is in full stride with a wide range of supplement types and brands to choose from. While supplements do offer effective ways to fill nutritional gaps in your diet,...

Cancer News
3 Wholesome and Healthy Dinner Ideas
Give some of our favorite wholesome and healthy dinners a shot!

Cancer News
Great Recipes for Football Sunday
If you’re hosting the next football Sunday get-together, try some of our favorite snackable recipes!

Cancer News
How to Cut Sugar Out of Your Diet
As you may well know, consuming too much sugar can have many adverse effects on your health and is probably one of the worst things you can do to your body. The National Institute of Health (NIH) e...

Cancer News
Plant-Based Diet May Reduce Risk of Prostate Cancer, Study Finds
A new study points to the notion that consuming a clean food diet is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of prostate cancer among men.

Cancer News
All You Need to Know About Acid Reflux
Nothing ruins a good meal like digestive discomfort can. If you experience heartburn or feel bloated or nauseous after eating, these may be symptoms of acid reflux. Like any other digestive problem...

Cancer News
Why You Should Take Immune Boosters All Year Round
Your immune system is a complex network of white blood cells, organs, and tissues of the lymph system. This is spread throughout the body and involves many types of cells, organs, proteins, and tis...

Cancer News
Rapid Virus Recovery, A Book by Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD
A Commentary by Michael Donaldson, PhD
Dr. Thomas Levy has done it again. Following up such blockbuster books like Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins and Death by...

Cancer News
What to Eat After a Juice Cleanse
A juice cleanse offers one of the most natural and efficient ways to flush toxins and harmful materials out of the body. The health benefits from doing a juice cleanse on a regular basis can’t be b...

Cancer News
3 Ways to Maintain Vitamin D Levels During the Winter Months
Could you be one of the overwhelming numbers of Americans who are deficient in vitamin D? In fact, other than having heard that exposure to the sun’s rays may boost your levels of this “sunshine vi...

Cancer News
Is Inflammation the True Cause of Heart Attacks and Strokes?
According to recent research by scientists at the University of Oxford, inflammation in the heart’s blood vessels could actually be the underlying cause of heart attacks and strokes.

Cancer News
How to Reduce Your Blood Pressure Naturally
For those seeking a more natural approach to reducing blood pressure, read on.

Cancer News
All You Need to Know About Our Cancer Rescue Plan
Believe it or not, the link between diet and cancer is strong. The Hallelujah Diet addresses this as it’s an entirely plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other cancer-fighting whole fo...

Cancer News
Does Chemotherapy Have a Dark Side?
Research by the Ohio State University found that a chemo drug used to prevent breast cancer can also fuel the spread of lung disease.

Cancer News
Top 5 Ways to Boost Your Energy Naturally
How can you boost your energy levels naturally? Consider our tips.

Cancer News
5 Benefits of Magnesium Rich Foods
Magnesium-rich foods offer a host of nutritional benefits due to the central role magnesium plays in keeping the body healthy. A wide range of different foods like legumes, nuts, seeds, bananas, wh...

Cancer News
A Different Take On Christmas
Do you remember a few weeks ago when you heard the first Christmas song of the season? How did it make you feel… like you just found a long lost friend?
Do you remember when you held your first c...

Cancer News
6 Plant-Based Recipe Books That Everyone Should Own
While there must be an infinite number of ways to harness the power of Google to find the best plant-based recipe books out there, a simple search for the “top plant-based recipe books” for 2018 an...

Cancer News
HD Supplements That Will Help Fuel Your Active Lifestyle
There’s no substitute for regular exercise when it comes to staying fit and healthy. Exercise combined with a healthy diet offers the very best defense against sickness and injury. That being so, a...

Cancer News
New Research Highlights Obesity and Cancer Defense Mechanism
Obesity is the cause of many health problems, including cancer.

Cancer News
Help Filter Out Unwanted Toxins with Liver Support Supplements
Toxins can build up in your body, increasing the risk of illness, disease, fatigue, and other unwelcome side effects. Your liver is an organ that converts toxic substances to less harmful materials...

Cancer News
The Importance of Digestive Enzymes in a Plant-Based Diet
Digestive enzymes help your body break down carbohydrates, proteins, and dietary fat. These enzymes are crucial for proper digestion and to prevent symptoms associated with poor digestion. Enzymes ...

Cancer News
What Is the Jack LaLanne Diet?
Jack LaLanne, the founding father of America’s fitness movement, was a strong advocate for healthy eating and physical fitness. The Jack LaLanne diet grew out of a life experience that depicts the ...

Cancer News
3 Ways the Hallelujah Diet Can Help Promote Better Circulation
The human circulatory system is a complex, hard-working system that feeds every single cell of the body. If the arteries, veins, and capillaries were all laid out end-to-end, it would extend as far...

Cancer News
Fish Oil: The Reports of Its Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Today you will find a guest blog article from our Director of Research, Michael Donaldson, PhD. Please enjoy the wealth of experience and wisdom this article entails.
Michael Donaldson, PhD writes:...

Cancer News
5 Recipes That Use Last Night's Leftovers
The leftovers from last night can be turned into a new, delicious plant-based dish for today.

Cancer News
Super Immunity 101: Understanding and Obtaining a Healthy Immune System
Ever wish you could ward off diseases and viruses the second they enter your system? Having this ability would be like possessing a superpower, and one that could do a lot of good. In the medical c...

Cancer News
The Most Dangerous Cancers in Men and Women
Read on to learn which cancers are most dangerous in men and women.

Cancer News
Do Carrots Really “Make Your Eyes Shine”? Carrot Juice Benefits, Myths & More
How many of us heard our parents say “Eat your carrots, eat your carrots, eat your carrots,” and now it’s one of those phrases that forever plays out in our heads at mealtimes? As pressing as those...

Cancer News
Lifestyle Tips for Reducing Your Cancer Risk
Based on the most common risk factors for developing cancer, here are a few lifestyle tips for reducing your chances.

Cancer News
Product Spotlight: BarleyMax
Each of the three starter plans offered by the Hallelujah Diet, “Boost Your Health,” “Live Healthy,” and “Restore Your Health,” are built on BarleyMax original pure green juice. This product, which...

Cancer News
Product Spotlight: The Perfect Cleanse
When it comes to ridding the body of accumulated toxins and waste materials, juice cleanses are the way to go. A juice cleanse should provide the body with the nutrients it needs to carry out daily...

Cancer News
Dr. Campbell's "The China Study"
You may have heard about Dr. Campbell’s book The China Study, which investigates the benefits of plant-based diets, but want to learn more about this fascinating topic. The China Study book was wri...

Cancer News
Fall in Love With These Seasonal Soups
Here are some of our favorite recipes to try while you’re wrapped up in a blanket on a crisp autumn night near the fireplace. You’ll surely “fall” in love with them.

Cancer News
Coping with Arthritis Pain This Winter
Here are a few natural ways to cope with arthritis pain during the winter.

Cancer News
Jumpstart the Winter Season with a 7-Day Detox
Should you consider a detox this winter? When the holiday season is over and the New Year approaches, you may feel you need a plan to recover from all those feasts and treats, overindulgence, chron...

Cancer News
5 Ways to Help Strengthen Your Immune System
Our immune systems age much like any other part of the body. Staying up for half the night in our teens and 20s only to get up the next day without missing a beat came easy and with minimal repercu...

Cancer News
3 Health Benefits of Consuming Hemp Protein Powder
For healthy skin, hair, muscles, bones, and heart, our bodies need protein, and a meal that includes hemp protein powder is a great and convenient way to find that nourishment. Not only can a prote...