Health News

Cancer News
Product Spotlight: Why We Love The Champion Juicer
A plant-based diet offers the healthiest way to go when it comes to maintaining optimal health. There’s even more to be gained from eating fruits and vegetables in their natural state or raw. Juice...

Cancer News
How to Decrease Vegan Detox Symptoms
By now, most people have heard about the range of harmful substances found in today’s meat products, with growth hormones and antibiotics topping the list. Processed and refined foods, such as suga...

Cancer News
What Is an Excalibur Dehydrator?
If you enjoy the chewy, delightful flavor of fruit leather, dried fruits, sun-dried tomatoes and trail mix, then you’d probably love to have a food dehydrator in your kitchen! This handy little too...

Cancer News
The Dangers of 5G Wi-Fi
It's important to understand the risks associated with 5G technology.

Cancer News
5 ways to maintain bone density
Though it's difficult to reverse the effects of bone density loss once it's set in, there are several ways to maintain bone strength in the first place.

Cancer News
Toxins in Vaccines Linked to Autoimmune Disease: The Latest in Vaccination News
A recent study found contaminants in all but one of the 30 vaccines tested.

Cancer News
Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?
Contrary to popular belief, the answer might be an astounding "no," as some research says breakfast is certainly a meal, but it's not as important as you think.

Cancer News
The Power of Living Foods
Living plant foods are some of the most nutritionally dense sources of fuel you can feed your body.

Cancer News
Tomatoes May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer
Fight prostate cancer with the foods that you eat.

Cancer News
The Power of Leafy Greens
Leafy greens may take the trophy when it comes to optimizing your health.

Cancer News
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Eat Microwave Food
Even though "official" releases have stated that microwave ovens are safe to use, researchers have uncovered evidence which shows many reasons why you should be concerned about having a microwave i...

Cancer News
How Harmful is Alcohol Consumption?
Drinking a single alcoholic beverage with dinner may have seemed harmless in the past, but recent research states otherwise.

Cancer News
Pesticides and Cancers: What's the Connection?
Pesticides are linked to various cancers and other chronic conditions.

Cancer News
The Hallelujah Diet's Impact on Autoimmune Disorders
What happens when the defense system is compromised?

Cancer News
Is there a Difference between Healthy and Unhealthy Dietary Fat?
Some people are nervous about adding fat into their diet, because they assume that any type of fat is bad for their health. But, there are many ways that dietary fat can be beneficial for your heal...

Cancer News
Does Your Bread Contain Carcinogens?
White, fluffy bread might taste good, but did you know that there are often dangerous and harmful ingredients added to the bread? Next time you bite into a sandwich or a piece of bread, consider th...

Cancer News
The Best Way to Supercharge Your Immune System
As the only thing standing between you and outside invaders, a strong and healthy immune system is key for good health.

Cancer News
Ann Malkmus Talks Companionship and Teamwork in Spreading the Good Word
Ann discusses her dynamic partnership and friendship with Paul.

Cancer News
Dr. Donaldson's Journey and Navigating the Path to the Hallelujah Diet
Follow the journey of Dr. Donaldson, PhD and the road that led him to Hallelujah Diet.

Cancer News
Just Say No: How Harmful Habits Deteriorate Your Health
When you don't treat your body properly, you're more likely to develop chronic conditions.

Cancer News
Taking Proper Care of Your Bones Without Dairy
Keeping your bones strong and healthy doesn't have to require dairy.

Cancer News
How Dangerous is White Sugar?
You already know that consuming added sugars is an unhealthy decision, but just how dangerous is it?

Cancer News
How Meal Preparation Leads to Weight Loss
If you're looking to shed pounds as you improve your overall health, you should consider preparing your foods ahead of time.

Cancer News
Top Foods for Eye Health
To lower your risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, eat these foods.

Cancer News
The Rate of Second Cancers in the U.S. is Growing
The cancer industry has yet to find a cure and the rate of second cancers in the U.S. is now 1 in 5.

Cancer News
The Benefits of the Super Delux Detox Kit
Skip the fad detox diets and try our Super Delux Detox Kit.

Cancer News
Why is Exercise an Important Component for Staying Healthy?
A primarily raw, plant-based diet isn't the only factor that fuels a thriving body.

Cancer News
What is the Optimal Diet for Preventing Thyroid Cancer?
Your dietary choices have a larger impact on your overall well-being than you think.

Cancer News
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Eat Microwaved Food
It is convenient to throw some leftovers in the microwave if you are hungry, and many households use a microwave oven daily. People like the energy efficiency and fast results that can be achieved ...

Cancer News
Best Superfoods for the Recovery Diet
You've heard of superfoods. But what makes them super?

Cancer News
Benefits of Healthy Fats
The word "fat" doesn't always sound appealing, but there are healthy sources that can improve your overall well-being.

Cancer News
How to Identify Toxic Foods in Your Pantry
Fruit snacks, goldfish crackers, potato chips, granola bars, and more… these are common snack foods found in a typical American pantry. Even though these convenience foods are quite common, they ar...

Cancer News
Eliminate Toxins With Hallelujah Diet Fiber Cleanse
Cleansing can taste good, thanks to the Hallelujah Diet Fiber Cleanse!

Cancer News
The Benefits of Vitamin D3 with K2
Perhaps you're getting enough calcium through the foods that you eat, but is your body absorbing this vital nutrient properly?

Cancer News
Life After Cancer: Your Recovery Checklist
Follow our checklist to improve your life after cancer.

Cancer News
Tips For Staying in Top Health During Flu Season
Promote your health the natural way this cold and flu season.

Cancer News
5 Healthy Plant-Based Protein Sources
One of the biggest dietary myths is that it is necessary to eat meat in order to get the best sources of protein. The truth is that there are many healthy plant-based sources of protein, and it is ...

Cancer News
Understanding The Dangers of Smartphone Radiation
Though smartphones have enhanced our lives in many ways, there are still cautions regarding the risk of radiation exposure.

Cancer News
The Power of Flaxseed: Can it Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer?
This micronutrient flaxseed is more beneficial than you think.

Cancer News
Why a Vegan Diet is Not Enough
There's a problem with a vegan diet that many tend to overlook.

Cancer News
Surprising Statistics About the Health of Americans
These statistics may be shocking, but there's a way to reverse them.

Cancer News
The real consequences of weight gain and obesity
All too often, Americans don't fully recognize the consequences of obesity or weight gain until it's too late.

Cancer News
Stop Feeding Cancer Cells: How to Change Your Diet to Reduce the Risk of Cancer
With the cancer rates increasing every year, many people mistakenly think that there is nothing they can do to reduce their risk of cancer. Whether you are recovering from cancer or you are looking...

Cancer News
Report: Death rates from cancers keep dropping
Finding out that you or a loved one has a potentially terminal illness, such as cancer, is devastating. And although it seems like the end of the road is near, it is important to look to God for pe...

Cancer News
New study links alcohol, processed meats and obesity to stomach cancers
Late last month, the American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund released a report providing evidence that links alcohol, processed meat and obesity to stomach cancers.