“I want to take a moment to thank Rev. Malkmus and all his associates at Hallelujah Acres for all the work they are doing. I have been so blessed. Five years ago, at the age of 37, after having experienced irregular pap smears for years prior, my gynecologist told me that I had carcinoma insitu (cancer), level 3, in my cervix, and that it had metastasized.
“My gynecologist urged that I take immediate action and have surgery to remove significant portions of my cervix. This news was especially difficult for me to hear, as I still had hopes of having children. It was at this low time in my life that my mom kindly shared with me information regarding the Hallelujah Diet, and I decided to give the diet a try before considering the surgery route.
“Reluctantly, my doctor agreed to give me one month before proceeding with surgery. I immediately called a Hallelujah Acres trained Health Minister who lived in my area. Carmie graciously answered all of my questions and patiently day after day answered all my questions when I was struggling to figure out what to eat, and provide answers to the many other concerns I had. I also carefully read Rev. Malkmus’ book God’s Way to Ultimate Health which was so helpful.
“After only ONE MONTH of doing the diet perfectly, with a focus on drinking lots of fresh vegetable juices every day, my doctor did a biopsy that revealed that the carcinoma was no longer present and that the cells in my cervix were only moderately dysplastic.
“Within that first month many other good things came about due to making the diet change: I began to lose weight; I started having enough energy to begin exercising moderately; my bad breath which I had since a child, simply disappeared; body odor was gone; my mind was much clearer, my moods less erratic, and PMS symptoms lessened considerably; I stopped having restless leg syndrome; and I slept soundly through the night, waking up refreshed in the morning. I remember thinking that even if I did require surgery, I would never go back to the SAD diet I was on prior to the Hallelujah Diet – I felt so healthy and I was so happy.
“After five months on the diet, my doctor diagnosed me as being completely well. She then went on to tell me that there was nothing she could attribute my healing to, except for my change in diet and exercise.
Numerous other good things happened as well during those five months: I dropped from a size 14 to a size 6; I had more energy than I had ever had in my life; and I went from a high risk HPV to no HPV whatsoever, nor have irregular pap smears returned; my gums firmed and I no longer have loose teeth (previously I had experienced gum recession for years and had two gum surgeries), and my dentist could hardly believe the improvement in my teeth, with no plaque, and the excellent condition of my gums; my vision tests revealed ‘unexplained’ significant improvement; and I was much better able to control stress and focus on the most important parts of my life, including my spiritual life, my family, and my friends.
“Four years after adopting the Hallelujah Diet, I am a size 4 and rarely ever get sick. While I vary between the ‘recovery” Hallelujah Diet and the ‘maintenance” Hallelujah Diet, I always have my raw vegetable juices every day and eat lots of raw vegetables throughout the day. My work colleagues and my friends have all been inspired by the positive changes in my life and many of them have made adjustments to their diets as a result.
“I am always enthusiastic to share my story with anyone who I believe might benefit from my experience – and many have benefited. Thank you again, Rev. Malkmus, for the insights you and your assistants have given me about what it means to feed one’s body with healthy, living foods. I am very grateful to you and to God.”
~ Patricia D.
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