Men, This Is For You!

Men, This Is For You!

Most men will at some time in their life experience Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) that are related to BPH. One of the challenges many men experience as they age is BPH, which stands for Benig...
A Day On The Hallelujah Diet

A Day On The Hallelujah Diet

I am almost 80 years old (born February 12, 1934). For almost half of my life I ate what is considered the “traditional (or Standard) American diet.” My mother was a Registered Nurse, a graduate o...
What Makes Survival Bars So Good?

What Makes Survival Bars So Good?

How far would you go to make the best tasting energy bar in the world? Would you use ingredients that were "good enough" or would you travel the world to get the very best of the best? Getting th...
How to Stop Cheating on The Hallelujah Diet

How to Stop Cheating on The Hallelujah Diet

Before anyone can stop cheating on The Hallelujah Diet, they have to have a reason to stop cheating. Knowledge is power and sadly the Bible tells us God’s people are being destroyed for lack of it:...
Eating Healthy On-the-Go!

Eating Healthy On-the-Go!

Let’s face it – life can get pretty hectic. Thankfully, finding the time for a nutritious, protein packed meal doesn’t have to be hard! Whether you are traveling, on the trail, or just need a qui...
Is the Flu Vaccine Worth the Risk?

Is the Flu Vaccine Worth the Risk?

Every year, as the temperature starts to drop, signs urging us to take precautions against the flu begin popping up in drug stores and doctor’s offices everywhere. One such poster, designed by the...
Could B Vitamins Boost Brainpower?

Could B Vitamins Boost Brainpower?

Ever have that sluggish feeling, like you are running on an empty tank? It might be a sign that your body needs more energy-fueling allies, like those found in B vitamins! Once believed to be a s...
Avoid Alzheimer's - 5 Good Ideas from Dr. Neal Barnard

Avoid Alzheimer's - 5 Good Ideas from Dr. Neal Barnard

Are there really ways to avoid Alzheimer's? Dr. Neal Barnard, President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, has looked into the subject extensively. PCRM is the organization known...
Juicing Saved My Life

Juicing Saved My Life

In the Garden of Eden there were no juicers, but neither was there a need for one. In Garden times, soil nutrients had not yet been depleted and man’s physical body was not racked with physical bre...
How Stress Taxes Your Brain

How Stress Taxes Your Brain

Does tax time have you stressed? You'd be amazed at what that stress can do to your health! If not controlled, the vicious circle of stress can lead to depression, poor gut health, heart disease,...
NEW — Get Health News As It Happens!

NEW — Get Health News As It Happens!

If you like Hallelujah Acres Health News, you're going to LOVE this! Now you can have Health News articles emailed to you as soon as they're published throughout the week!
How To Get Fit... and Stay Fit!

How To Get Fit... and Stay Fit!

Dave Hubbard is no stranger to fitness. In fact, he's a former pro football player. Now, you may be saying, "Great, he's in perfect shape and I'm not... what can I possibly learn from that guy?" ...
The Power of Antioxidants

The Power of Antioxidants

These days there’s a lot of buzz about the importance of antioxidants, but do you really know just how crucial they are in your fight against disease and aging? Every day our bodies are exposed to...
How To Cancer-Proof Your Body

How To Cancer-Proof Your Body

The truth is that doctors and drugs can never disease-proof, cancer-proof, or heal anybody of anything! Only the body has the power to do that! Man can assist the body in the healing process and t...
How To Make Alkaline Water

How To Make Alkaline Water

Staying healthy is all about maintaining a good pH balance. The pH scale, as you probably know, is a measurement of acid versus alkaline. The pH scale is measured from 0 to 14 — 0 is extremely acid...
How Food pH Affects Body pH

How Food pH Affects Body pH

The physical body we each possess was designed by God to be nourished (fueled) with predominantly alkaline foods in order to maintain an alkaline pH environment, for not only our health, but for ou...
Massive Response: Should George Retire?

Massive Response: Should George Retire?

Last week, the question was asked “Should George Retire? What Do You Think?” The response was overwhelming! Over 250 people responded and the vast majority of the responses were that I should not r...
Is ObamaCare The Same As The Affordable Care Act?

Is ObamaCare The Same As The Affordable Care Act?

“Dear Dr. Malkmus, I have been a friend and consumer of Hallelujah Acres products for many years. Please fill me in on the Affordable Care Act in your poll question. Is this the same as ObamaCare...
Did Adam and Eve Eat Grains?

Did Adam and Eve Eat Grains?

There is so much confusion today regarding grains! Many realize that today, most grains contain gluten, and are acidic. Then there is the incredible difference between whole grains and refined grai...
Curcumin: 700% Better

Curcumin: 700% Better

Curcumin already has a long list of health benefits, and now there's another! What is Curcumin? Curcumin improves immune system function and is also a powerful antioxidant, which reduces free radic...
Almost Heaven, West Virginia

Almost Heaven, West Virginia

If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear John Denver wrote Take Me Home, Country Roads sitting poolside at Ben and Janis Medeiros’ home overlooking the rolling hills near Parkersburg, West Virgin...
Why Cow Milk is So Dangerous

Why Cow Milk is So Dangerous

Let’s start by blowing out of the water something most people have been taught to believe all their lives... that ‘Milk Does the Body Good.’ I am going to share abundant information with you that r...
Healthy Getaways: Vacation at a Lifestyle Center

Healthy Getaways: Vacation at a Lifestyle Center

With summer in full swing, it's time to go on a vacation! Sure, you could go on a cruise or stay at a beachfront resort, but you'd have near-zero choices at the buffet (or maybe have to cheat a li...
How To Remain Healthy Into Your 80s, 90s, and Beyond!

How To Remain Healthy Into Your 80s, 90s, and Beyond!

Upon creation, how long did God intend for mankind to live? What would man’s life-span have been if Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned and been expelled from the Garden? And how long did God say man would ...
The Dangers of Tatooing

The Dangers of Tatooing

Before moving, I never thought much of the subject of tatooing. Then last year Rhonda and I moved from Shelby, North Carolina to St. Augustine, Florida and began taking our 2-mile walks on the beac...
Gems From Genesis

Gems From Genesis

Late on a recent Saturday afternoon, I received an email from the assistant pastor who heads up the Sunday School classes in my church here in St. Augustine, Florida. He asked if I could teach an a...
Stem Cells To The Rescue!

Stem Cells To The Rescue!

It is simple truth that there is not a doctor in the entire world capable of healing anyone of anything, nor is there a drug, radiation or surgery that can heal anyone of anything. And I’ll go a st...
Healthy Diet, Healthy Prostate

Healthy Diet, Healthy Prostate

Generally speaking, the healthier your diet, the healthier your body will be overall. The same logic applies if you want to address a specific part of your body — you need to concentrate on specif...
How Much Protein is The Right Amount?

How Much Protein is The Right Amount?

In 2006, there was a debate between T. Colin Campbell, PhD (author of The China Study) and Professor Loren Cardain, PhD. Interestingly, Professor Cardain based his beliefs regarding protein on evol...
NEW! Hallelujah Acres Snack Bars

NEW! Hallelujah Acres Snack Bars

If you loved Hallelujah Acres' previous snack bars — you're in for a delicious surprise! We kept all six of the original flavors (Blueberry, Pecan Pie, Mocha Coconut, Orange Cranberry, Maple Crunc...
Does The Hallelujah Diet Have Healing Power?

Does The Hallelujah Diet Have Healing Power?

One of the questions I am often asked goes something like this: “Does everyone who adopts The Hallelujah Diet get well, and see all of their physical and psychological problems simply go away?” My ...
Health Minister Training - Now $100 Off!

Health Minister Training - Now $100 Off!

If you've ever thought about becoming a Health Minister, now is the most affordable and convenient time to do it! Enroll now and you'll get $100 off Health Minister Training starting July 23 or Au...
Now In Chinese — Why Christians Get Sick

Now In Chinese — Why Christians Get Sick

Rev. Malkmus wrote his first book,“Why Christians Get Sick”, in 1988 on a typewriter. Not able to find a publisher to publish the book, he self-published it in 1989. In 1997, the book was picked up...
Something Man Can't Do!

Something Man Can't Do!

One hundred years ago, in the year 1913, the American poet Joyce Kilmer wrote the lyrics for a poem, a poem I was required to memorize way back in the 1940s while still in grade school. The poem is...
Should George Retire? What Do You Think?

Should George Retire? What Do You Think?

If retirement isn’t what it is cracked up to be, it’s all my fault! You see, on my 79th birthday, I told my son Paul (president of Hallelujah Acres), that I was going to start retiring. The plan w...
Hidden Dangers In Refined Grains

Hidden Dangers In Refined Grains

In last week’s Health Tip, we began our study of grains by stating that even whole grains, when cooked become dead foods! Why? Because they have had their life force removed by the simple act of co...
Self-healing: Built In By God

Self-healing: Built In By God

Hallelujah Diet follower Carol writes: “Dear Mr. Malkmus, I started The Hallelujah Diet about 2 months ago. I read a number of other health and lifestyle books . . . and chose to follow The Hallelu...
The Miraculous Self-healing Body

The Miraculous Self-healing Body

Hallelujah Acres has produced a powerful 34-minute video featuring four medical doctors who discuss the body’s ability to heal itself of almost any physical — and even psychological — problem. Ha...
The Most Dangerous Diets

The Most Dangerous Diets

In this Health Tip we are going to zero in on what I consider to be the most dangerous and destructive of all foods – animal sourced foods. Animal sourced foods, both flesh and dairy, are the cause...
Smart Snacks for Kids

Smart Snacks for Kids

When it comes to our children, there is nothing we want more for them than to have good health. So, when they reach for a snack, we try our best to offer nutritious choices that will benefit their ...
It's Time for a Reality Check on B12 Deficiency

It's Time for a Reality Check on B12 Deficiency

Could you be at risk of B12 deficiency? For decades it was thought that the risk was limited to the elderly and those on a diet free of animal source foods. However, more recent research by Sally P...
How Temperature Affects Our Bodies... and the Foods We Eat!

How Temperature Affects Our Bodies... and the Foods We Eat!

Have you ever thought about the effect temperature has on the physical body? For instance, if a person has a fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit, do we get concerned? Of course we do! How about if the...
Fitness For Seniors

Fitness For Seniors

Retirement is all about slowing down to smell the roses, right? Think again! More and more retirees are re-discovering the health of their youth by ramping up their exercise routines. And with mo...
Why Raw Plant Sourced Foods Are Essential

Why Raw Plant Sourced Foods Are Essential

Evolutionists try to tell us that all life forms miraculously came into existence as a result of some dead rock minerals colliding with a great big “bang” eons and eons ago. Interestingly, though, ...
How To Avoid Osteoporosis

How To Avoid Osteoporosis

The causes of osteoporosis are not what you think — and neither are the remedies! Olin Idol, ND, CNC, explores how to give your bones the best strength of your life, no matter your age.
Tips for Transitioning to The Hallelujah Diet

Tips for Transitioning to The Hallelujah Diet

For most of us, what we eat has been dictated to us by outside sources. The first people to program our eating habits are our parents when we are children and they control our diets. Later, we bec...
The Right Diet for Radiant Skin!

The Right Diet for Radiant Skin!

December is a great time to give thanks for your body’s biggest organ - your skin! Skin protects us against harmful bacteria, it regulates body temperature, and it sends our brain information g...
Hallelujah Acres' Stand On Protein

Hallelujah Acres' Stand On Protein

After reading Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s opening statement from last week’s Health Tip, I pulled from my library shelf a copy of “God’s Way to Ultimate Health,” a book I had written, with the assistan...
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