New Year’s Resolution: Tackle All 7 Dimensions of Your Well-Being

New Year’s Resolution: Tackle All 7 Dimensions of Your Well-Being

Achieve a Full Mind-Body-Spirit Renewal Last week we addressed the most popular New Year’s Resolution—losing weight—and provided you with the information you need to kickstart weight loss with the ...
Is Your Diet Built Upon the Proper Foundation?

Is Your Diet Built Upon the Proper Foundation?

We read in the Bible about the importance of foundations: "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock." (...
Nearly 200 Registered for Biblical Nutrition Course

Nearly 200 Registered for Biblical Nutrition Course

About a month ago, the pastor of Turning Point at Calvary Church in St. Augustine, Florida (where Rhonda and I are members), asked if I would teach a course on Biblical Nutrition in our church. Wha...
Why You Need Astaxanthin

Why You Need Astaxanthin

Nature works in concert. One organism, regardless of how miniscule, can initiate a synergy of actions that affect countless other organisms. Natural dietary supplements work this way. While we may ...
Your Miraculous, Self-healing Body

Your Miraculous, Self-healing Body

There is not a drug, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, Hallelujah Acres product, vegetable juice, herb, mineral, vitamin, homeopathic medicine, or any other substance found in a store, on the Inter...
How Sugar Affects The Immune System

How Sugar Affects The Immune System

The immune system is God’s gift to His human creation, a gift that protects the body from disease. God placed this gift in the bodies of Adam and Eve at creation, and this gift was passed on, gener...
The Right Kind of Exercise

The Right Kind of Exercise

Guest blogger Dave Hubbard, America’s Fitness Coach, explains the big difference between fitness and thinness — even when you’re on The Hallelujah Diet — and why a shorter workout may be better for...
Health News Magazine: Spring 2013

Health News Magazine: Spring 2013

Health News magazine (Spring 2013) is ready to read online! Read the digital edition magazine now and discover: Delectable recipes for spring brunch Which mineral can reduce your stress What ...
Health News #75 Now Available Online

Health News #75 Now Available Online

Health News #75 magazine (January-February 2013) is ready to read - check it out! Read it now and discover: How to let your body do the calorie counting for you Which supplements can boost you...
Make All Things New

Make All Things New

At this time of year, as we celebrate the innocent sacrifice and glorious resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we are reminded in Scripture that “…if any man be in Christ, he is a new...
A Strong Immune System Is Your Key To Wellness

A Strong Immune System Is Your Key To Wellness

Let me begin by saying that God did not design His human creation to ever experience sickness! To do so would be totally out of character for a loving God. So if God didn’t design man to be sick......
GMOs: What You Need To Know

GMOs: What You Need To Know

If you know anything about The Hallelujah Diet, you know that food is very powerful. The right foods can give the body what it needs for optimal health, and the wrong foods can cause such deficienc...
Why Green Is Good For You

Why Green Is Good For You

What you eat is the most important thing to consider for good health. And the best things you can eat are green foods — specifically dark, leafy greens. Why? Leafy greens are loaded with chloroph...
The Doctor of the Future

The Doctor of the Future

Throughout history, men of God, men of science, and men of politics have been telling us about diet and health. God had this to say immediately after creating Adam in the Garden of Eden: “Behold, I...
See You At The New Hallelujah Acres Store!

See You At The New Hallelujah Acres Store!

This coming Saturday, March 2, Rhonda and I will be in Charlotte at the Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel, where I will conduct my first-Saturday-of-the-month, “God Way to Ultimate Health” seminar a...
The All-Inclusive Gourmet Getaway

The All-Inclusive Gourmet Getaway

Did you know that you can make aged, fermented cheese without dairy? Or that you can make traditional-looking, raw, vegan birthday cakes that are actually good for you? Hallelujah Acres' new Raw ...
Refined Sugar Compromises The Immune System

Refined Sugar Compromises The Immune System

Most of the prayer request letters I receive come from people who have a physical problem that modern medicine has failed to solve. But the second most frequent request is that I pray they ‘stop ch...
How Emotions Affect Your Health

How Emotions Affect Your Health

Is it possible to get sick because you held a grudge? Or to “think” yourself well? Incredibly, there are documented cases of people successfully using only the power of their emotions to visualize...
What Kind of Water Should We Drink?

What Kind of Water Should We Drink?

There is a quote from the early 1800’s that exemplifies the concern they had for drinking water in the poem “Ancient Mariner” by the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge that fits very well with th...
What Is Serrapeptase, Anyway?

What Is Serrapeptase, Anyway?

Maybe you've seen Hallelujah Acres' Serrapeptase in our online store and wondered "what is that stuff?" Or maybe you bought it — and it sits on the shelf because you're not sure what to do with it....
Rethink Retirement!

Rethink Retirement!

Book Your Stay at a Lifestyle Center » Sometimes the greatest blessings come when we least expect them! Take, for example, the story of Pastor Don, a recent visitor to the Halleluja...
We Call It Inside-Out Sunscreen

We Call It Inside-Out Sunscreen

Did you know that your skin is your largest organ? And just like all other organs, the health of your skin has a lot to do with the kinds of foods you eat. When you eat fried or processed foods, fo...
Doctors of Yesteryear Speak Words of Wisdom for Today

Doctors of Yesteryear Speak Words of Wisdom for Today

The Hippocratic Oath is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. It was written in the late 5th century BC. The oath requires that a new physician swear upon a number of healing gods th...
Super Immunity

Super Immunity

Dr. Joel Fuhrman is an internationally-recognized physician, author, and "nutritarian." In his research and medical practice, he has discovered certain foods that, when consumed regularly, offer t...
Getting Started On The Hallelujah Diet

Getting Started On The Hallelujah Diet

If you’ve ever been to one of Rev. Malkmus’ famous "God’s Way to Ultimate Health" seminars, you may have stayed for a post-seminar class by Paul and Ann Malkmus, called "Where Do I Go From Here?" ...
How To Eliminate Prayer Requests For Sickness

How To Eliminate Prayer Requests For Sickness

Go into almost any church in America today, as well as most churches in other countries of the world, and you will find that they all have something in common – some 90% of all prayer requests are ...
Meet Rev. Malkmus This Saturday In Tampa, FL

Meet Rev. Malkmus This Saturday In Tampa, FL

Know someone who lives in the Tampa area? Let them know about this life-saving opportunity! On Saturday, January 5, starting at 10:00 am, Rev. Malkmus will present his “God’s Way to Ultimate Health...
Don't Wait... Get Moving!

Don't Wait... Get Moving!

Are you sitting down? You may need to once you hear the scary statistics about sitting for too long! Sitting for long periods (like a desk job) makes calorie burning drop to 1 per minute, reduces ...
From Our Family To Yours

From Our Family To Yours

Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year from our family to yours! May this holy season inspire you and may all good things come your way during the coming year. To ring in the season of our Saviou...
Living With Food Allergies

Living With Food Allergies

Emily is not even 2 years old, but already she's allergic to almost everything. She can only eat 9 basic foods. No one in her family is allergic to so many foods and they're all in good health. W...
Kids, Sports, and The Hallelujah Diet

Kids, Sports, and The Hallelujah Diet

Do you cringe with anxiety when you watch your kids' sporting events? It doesn't have to be that way. With a great diet and a few little extras to handle occasional bumps and bruises, your kids c...
Happy Gut, Happy Holidays

Happy Gut, Happy Holidays

The holidays are such a magical time of year... ... if, that is, you're not stressed about buying gifts, having your long-lost relatives crash at your place for the week, or telling your Mom that ...
Where Did Sickness Originate?

Where Did Sickness Originate?

God intended humans to consume only the foods that come from the plants God created and placed in the Garden. After consuming a 100% plant based diet for 1,700 years, we see where God allowed man t...
Seven Layer Salad

Seven Layer Salad

Seven Layer Salad From Rhonda Malkmus' new recipe book, "Rhonda's Culinary Creations" Serves 4 to 6 Ingredients 1 large head Romaine, sliced fine 1 cup cauliflower florets, cut into small p...
Why Are The American People So Unhealthy?

Why Are The American People So Unhealthy?

It’s amazing. With all the scientific and medical knowledge we have accumulated and all the monies we have spent on so-called health care — and continue to spend in ever greater amounts — the heal...
Vitamin D Is Vital To Your Health — Are You Getting Enough?

Vitamin D Is Vital To Your Health — Are You Getting Enough?

Everyone knows that vitamin D is good for the bones, but that's just the beginning. Discover all the benefits of vitamin D and why sunlight has been given an undeserved bad rap.
It's Never Too Late To Build Muscle Mass

It's Never Too Late To Build Muscle Mass

New research says you can lose a half a pound of muscle each year if you don't exercise. Here's an easy way to build muscle in just 10 minutes a day.
Hallelujah Acres Is Moving

Hallelujah Acres Is Moving

You read that right! Hallelujah Acres is moving to better serve those around the world with God's health message — find out where we're headed!
Rebounding For Whole Body Health

Rebounding For Whole Body Health

Rebounding looks simple enough. To the untrained eye it’s just bouncing on a mini trampoline. But there’s much more to it according to world-record weight lifting champion, author, and Olympic tea...
The Essence Of The Hallelujah Health Message

The Essence Of The Hallelujah Health Message

In 20 years, Hallelujah Acres' message of hope and healing has remained unchanged! Here are our 8 founding reasons why we believe that God's ways lead to perfect health.
How The Body Heals Itself

How The Body Heals Itself

It is no secret that when it comes to health and healing, organized medicine falls far short. Consequently, it is no surprise that 'alternative therapies' are gaining more popularity. With increasi...
Last Word on Supplements

Last Word on Supplements

If God's original diet is the perfect diet, why do we need supplements? Because we live in an imperfect world. Like many aspects of human life throughout history, we have spoiled our potential fo...
Rhonda's Culinary Creations

Rhonda's Culinary Creations

It's finally here! Rhonda Malkmus' long-awaited, new recipe book has arrived and you can be one of the first to get one! Rhonda's Culinary Creations reveals, for the first time, the complete colle...
What to Eat When You're Expecting

What to Eat When You're Expecting

You may recall last year that “Bones” TV star Emily Deschanel announced that she would continue her vegan diet through pregnancy. People freaked out! No surprise, she and baby are just fine today...
The Best Gifts A Mother Can Give

The Best Gifts A Mother Can Give

My mother, Eva, was born on March 25, 1912 in Constable, a small farming town near the Canadian border in upstate New York. Her dad was a blacksmith and ran a cider mill while her mother raised gar...
New Research Validates A Biblical Diet

New Research Validates A Biblical Diet

Looks like somebody other than Hallelujah Acres is going back in time to find the diet best suited for the human body. Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston say that a modern, Western diet, wh...
Why Supplements Are Important

Why Supplements Are Important

Going back to God's original dietary instructions in the Garden of Eden is the best way to begin restoring health, but it's not that simple anymore. Rev. Malkmus explains why supplements are necess...
Final Hallelujah Weekend - Coming Soon!

Final Hallelujah Weekend - Coming Soon!

If you've always wanted to come, make plans now because this is your LAST opportunity to experience a Hallelujah Weekend at Hallelujah Acres!
Subscribe to our newsletter - Fresh pressed juice made with apples, lemon, and mint

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