Hallelujah Acres "Firsts"

Hallelujah Acres "Firsts"

Did you know that Hallelujah Acres was the first to develop many teachings and protocols common today in the world of natural health? Here are just a few of them!
The Importance of Probiotics In Your Colon

The Importance of Probiotics In Your Colon

Good nutrition doesn't do any good if your intestinal tract isn't working properly. Rev. Malkmus explains how to maintain bacterial balance to ensure your body gets the most out of the food you eat.
How To Have Super Immunity

How To Have Super Immunity

Straight from the pages of Health News Magazine (July-Aug 2012, issue #72), best-selling author and medical doctor Dr. Joel Fuhrman reveals which foods give you unstoppable immunity from almost any...
Hallelujah Acres History — 1997-2001

Hallelujah Acres History — 1997-2001

Hallelujah Acres has a fascinating past! Rev. Malkmus shares the intriguing story of how Hallelujah Acres moved to North Carolina and all the adventures that followed.
Hallelujah Acres History - 1992-1997

Hallelujah Acres History - 1992-1997

If you thought you knew Hallelujah Acres' history, think again! Rev. Malkmus shares rarely revealed details in this week's Health Tip!
Diet & Cancer: The Power of Fruits and Vegetables

Diet & Cancer: The Power of Fruits and Vegetables

By John Weisburger, PhDInternational comparisons show that people who eat green and yellow vegetables and fruits have a lower incidence of many types of cancer. The immediate thought that comes to...
Health Matters: Cancer

Health Matters: Cancer

Health Matters is a new, FREE email newsletter from Hallelujah Acres. Each week for an entire year, you’ll receive an email dealing with topics tailored to one specific health issue. Here’s a sampl...
Health News #74 Now Available Online

Health News #74 Now Available Online

Health News #74 (November-December 2012) is ready to read - check it out! Read it now and discover: How help older loved ones regain their youthful energy Why bladder control is an issue for w...
The World's Diet Is Dangerously High In Cooked Food

The World's Diet Is Dangerously High In Cooked Food

How you prepare your food matters! Rev. Malkmus explains why cooked food should not be the foundation of your diet.
The World's Diet - Dangerously High In Table Salt

The World's Diet - Dangerously High In Table Salt

Everyone has heard that salt is bad for your health. But did you know that there's a type of salt that can boost your health with more than 80 minerals?
The World's Diet Is Dangerously High In Caffeine

The World's Diet Is Dangerously High In Caffeine

Is caffeine the harmless substance we've been led to believe? Rev. Malkmus shares research that proves the opposite!
The World's Diet - Dangerously High In Refined Sugar

The World's Diet - Dangerously High In Refined Sugar

Not only is refined sugar addictive, it's a leading cause of heart disease, behavioral problems, and even criminal offenses. Are you on the road to sugar-related problem?
Why You Should Be In Love With Beets

Why You Should Be In Love With Beets

Valentine’s Day seems to turn into an entire season in our culture. And why not? It would be a shame to dedicate just one day to the notion when you can have several weeks flooded with thoughts o...
The World's Diet Is Dangerously Low In Fiber

The World's Diet Is Dangerously Low In Fiber

Do you know the difference between a good carb and a bad one? Or why a high protein, low carb diet is dangerous? Get the answers you need to know!
Just One Cigarette Can Harm DNA

Just One Cigarette Can Harm DNA

The Surgeon General has just released a scathing report on the NEW dangers of smoking. Find out why cigarettes are more dangerous than ever.
Can Diet Help A Very Private Issue?

Can Diet Help A Very Private Issue?

The truth is that erectile dysfunction is simply a side-effect of improper diet and lifestyle. Rev. Malkmus shares the simple, biblical solution to this taboo subject.
A Natural Solution for Getting Rid of Gout

A Natural Solution for Getting Rid of Gout

What causes gout? Here's a hint: it's the same thing that causes arthritis! If you suffer from either of these debilitating conditions, take heart! The solution is easier than you think.
Asthma and Allergies - The Natural Approach

Asthma and Allergies - The Natural Approach

Of all mammals on earth, only humans consume this food — and it's the root cause of asthma! Rev. Malkmus shares how a simple diet change can truly be a breath of fresh air for asthmatics.
NEW! Hallelujah Gardening Guide

NEW! Hallelujah Gardening Guide

Grow incredible gardens like Rev. Malkmus does! As a bonus for Health Tip subscribers, you now have access to an online gardening video every week, all year long. Check it out!
New Poll Reveals Hallelujah Diet Results

New Poll Reveals Hallelujah Diet Results

What does it take to restore a diseased body to perfect health? The answer is so simple it's astounding — and ancient doctors knew the secret thousands of years ago!
How to Deal With Cardiovascular Problems Naturally

How to Deal With Cardiovascular Problems Naturally

Drugs don't deal with the cause of heart problems. In many cases, they can add even more problems! Is there another solution? Rev. Malkmus shares the answer.
Our 700th Issue!

Our 700th Issue!

We're celebrating the 700th issue of the Health Tip by asking you to help shape its future! Here's your chance to tell Rev. Malkmus what kinds of information you want.
Is Distilled Water More Dangerous Than Tap Water?

Is Distilled Water More Dangerous Than Tap Water?

You may have heard that distilled water is "dangerous" and can weaken your bones. Is this true? Reverend Malkmus sets the record straight!
God's Original Intent

God's Original Intent

How far have we drifted for God's original intent? Think about it and you may surprise yourself! But there is a way to regain some ground — Rev. Malkmus shares how!
The Solution to Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

The Solution to Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Most diseases have a diet-related cause and erectile dysfunction is no different. Rev. Malkmus shares how diet and lifestyle are critical, yet simple factors that can offer hope.
Paul C. Bragg - Still A Health Legend

Paul C. Bragg - Still A Health Legend

Geriatric surfing? Why not! Rev Malkmus shares how Paul C Bragg did it by restoring his body to health after a serious childhood disease.
Dangers of Fluoride Exposed

Dangers of Fluoride Exposed

Refreshing news! A bipartisan group of legislators in the Tennessee House of Representatives are requesting the cessation of water fluoridation.
Remembering Jack LaLanne

Remembering Jack LaLanne

"Health Hero" Jack LaLanne's life was not always so healthy! Rev. Malkmus recounts Jack's life-changing, paradigm shift at age 15 when he reluctantly went to a health food lecture by Paul Bragg.
Energy Drinks - Health Hazard

Energy Drinks - Health Hazard

Poison control centers are now reporting thousands of potentially hazardous overdoses... of energy drinks! Rev. Malkmus reveals what's inside 10 of the most popular brands.
What Does A Healthy Kitchen Look Like?

What Does A Healthy Kitchen Look Like?

What foods qualify to be in a healthy kitchen? Which ones should be banished? The Bible provides a perfect example of the original "kitchen!"
How Often Should Women Have Mammograms?

How Often Should Women Have Mammograms?

Getting a mammogram is the responsible thing to do, right? Maybe not. Read what one of America's most respected surgeons has to say about this form of cancer "prevention."
The World's Diet: Cause of Most Physical Problems

The World's Diet: Cause of Most Physical Problems

Be not conformed to the Standard American Diet! Rev. Malkmus gives both Biblical and scientific reasons why changing your diet can save your life!
Norman Walker: Juicing Pioneer

Norman Walker: Juicing Pioneer

If you're into juicing and raw foods, you have Dr. Norman Walker to thank. Rev. Malkmus shares the life story of this Health Hero and how his ideals live on today!
Supercharge Your Internal "D" Cell

Supercharge Your Internal "D" Cell

Want to pump up your immune system, fight cancer and even prevent against diabetes? Here's one bright idea you need to know.
The Naked Truth About Vitamin D

The Naked Truth About Vitamin D

Everyone runs to vitamin C during flu season, but what about vitamin D? Truth is, vitamin D may be your most powerful immune-boosting weapon in the fight against the flu!
Rave Reviews For China Study Response

Rave Reviews For China Study Response

A flood of support has come in regarding Rev. Malkmus' critique of the criticism 'Dr. M' unleashed on The China Study.
Give A Gift of Health

Give A Gift of Health

Turns out that Mom was right about chewing your food well! The more you chew, the more nutrients you release - but here's a way to get even more nutrients out of your food.
Fat Genes – Is There A Way to Neutralize Them

Fat Genes – Is There A Way to Neutralize Them

Often, people born of overweight parents feel they are destined to be overweight with nothing they can do about it. However recent research in Great Britain dispels this “I’m destined to be fat” th...
New Virginia Seminars Added

New Virginia Seminars Added

Rev. George Malkmus will present his God's Way to Ultimate Health seminar in Gloucester and Richmond, VA this September. Gloucester, Virginia (Near Newport News) Tuesday, Sept. 21st at 6:30 PM Pet...
12 Fruits and Veggies Make the “Dirty Dozen” List

12 Fruits and Veggies Make the “Dirty Dozen” List

In an attempt to raise awareness about pesticide use, the Environment Working Group (EWG) reviewed 100,000 produce pesticide reports from the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and D...
God's Way Summer Tour

God's Way Summer Tour

Rev. Malkmus is bringing the God's Way to Ultimate Health Seminar to these locations this Summer! If you're near one of these cities, you won't want to miss this free and informative presentation. ...
Hallelujah Acres Chef Featured on UNC TV Show

Hallelujah Acres Chef Featured on UNC TV Show

Our own Executive Chef, Kirk Talley, was recently featured on the program, North Carolina Now, on UNC TV. When you come to visit our International Headquarters in Shelby, NC, be sure to make time ...
Give The Gift Of Fitness!

Give The Gift Of Fitness!

Christmas gift ideas to help you and your loved ones stay fit all year long!
15 Fruits and Veggies Relatively Clean Of Pesticide Residues

15 Fruits and Veggies Relatively Clean Of Pesticide Residues

Last week we shared the Dirty Dozen – a list of 12 fruits and veggies with high pesticide content. In an attempt to raise awareness about pesticide use, the Environment Working Group reviewed 100,0...
NASCAR Driver Tells of His Recovery from Terminal Melanoma Cancer on Hallelujah Diet

NASCAR Driver Tells of His Recovery from Terminal Melanoma Cancer on Hallelujah Diet

In his newly released book titled 5% CHANCE: Winning the Cancer Race – Ten Years Cancer Free, NASCAR Driver Jerrod Sessler writes: “It is often hard to really believe that just a few years ago I wa...
Rev. Malkmus Interviewed by Kevin Gianni

Rev. Malkmus Interviewed by Kevin Gianni

This past Monday, Kevin and Annemarie Gianni visited Hallelujah Acres. They arrived in their veggie-fueled R.V named “The Kale Whale.” While visiting Hallelujah Acres, they interviewed Rev. Malkmus...
Do Yearly Flu Shots Increase Mortality Risk From Swine Flu?

Do Yearly Flu Shots Increase Mortality Risk From Swine Flu?

By Byron Richards, CCN Tuesday, November 10, 2009 -- A rather startling article published in the prestigious Lancet calls into question the wisdom of a yearly flu vaccine and points out that it co...
Rev. Malkmus & Rhonda Move into Their New Home in The Villages

Rev. Malkmus & Rhonda Move into Their New Home in The Villages

This past Monday, November 9, we moved into our new home in the Villages of Hallelujah Acres. HALLELUJAH! By evening we had the beds up and kitchen functional. Next came the adjustment of furniture...
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