How To Sabotage A Healthy Diet

How To Sabotage A Healthy Diet

As much as The Hallelujah Diet can help turn your health around, health is not just about food. There are several other factors that can either help or hinder your dietary discipline. And no one k...
God's Original Diet Sometimes Needs Some Help

God's Original Diet Sometimes Needs Some Help

Today's world hardly resembles the Garden of Eden — and that means a biblical diet needs a little more firepower to make it work the way God intended. Here's how to use modern advances in nutrition...
Hallelujah Acres Introduces An Oral Probiotic

Hallelujah Acres Introduces An Oral Probiotic

Having good bacteria in your mouth is just as important as having them in your rest of your digestive tract. And now there's an easy way to do it!
Health News #73 Now Available Online

Health News #73 Now Available Online

Health News #73 (September-October 2012) is ready to read - check it out! Read it now and discover: What Dr. David Brownstein recommends to reverse thyroid disease Why your child may be at ris...
Recommended Supplements For Those On The Hallelujah Diet

Recommended Supplements For Those On The Hallelujah Diet

In a perfect world — like the Garden of Eden — a Genesis 1:29 diet would be all you need. But in today's world, our bodies have a tougher battle! Discover what your diet may be lacking.
Could It Be Your Thyroid?

Could It Be Your Thyroid?

By David Brownstein, MD Thyroid disease is increasing at epidemic rates. There are estimates that at least 10% of Americans are suffering from an undiagnosed, abnormal thyroid condition. However, t...
How Lifestyle Imbalance Can Defeat Your Diet

How Lifestyle Imbalance Can Defeat Your Diet

Through the years, in seminar after seminar, people have asked me what I thought about the subject of “stress.” My response used to be, “I believe that when our diet is right, stress will not have ...
The Hallelujah Recovery Diet Explained

The Hallelujah Recovery Diet Explained

Your own body is the key to healing from any life-threatening disease! Here's how to build your body up instead of tearing it down so that your immune system can win the battle!
The Body's Amazing Ability To Heal Itself

The Body's Amazing Ability To Heal Itself

Your body has the ability to heal itself, but its power to do so depends on you! Rev. Malkmus explains how to harness that power at the cellular level!
What A Day On The Hallelujah Diet Looks Like

What A Day On The Hallelujah Diet Looks Like

Need a step-by-step guide as to how to do The Hallelujah Diet, and why? Rev. Malkmus has the common sense answers!
Family Reunion Rescue

Family Reunion Rescue

Now that you're on The Hallelujah Diet, what would you bring to a family reunion? Granted, sometimes it's hard to think of a vegan recipe that can compete with fried chicken and burgers. Melody a...
What Must We Eliminate From Our Diet to Experience Health

What Must We Eliminate From Our Diet to Experience Health

Adding good foods to your diet is only half the battle! Find out which foods need to go, and why.
Rev. Malkmus Recovering After Surgery

Rev. Malkmus Recovering After Surgery

For 20 years, Hallelujah Acres has had much to say about surgery due to diet-related disease. However, we appreciate surgery when it's unavoidable, such as accidents, or in Rev. Malkmus' case, a he...
Afternoon and Evening On The Hallelujah Diet

Afternoon and Evening On The Hallelujah Diet

On the road? At work? Watching your kids' soccer game? The Hallelujah Diet is flexible enough to accommodate anyone's schedule! Here's how to make it work for you.
Health News #72 Now Available Online

Health News #72 Now Available Online

It's hot off the press (in a digital kind of way, that is)! Health News #72 (July-August 2012) is now available online! Read it now and discover: The ABCs of vitamin B12 Why astaxanthin is a m...
What Psoriasis Says About Your Health

What Psoriasis Says About Your Health

Sometimes skin conditions are not what they seem. On page 18 of Health News magazine issue #72, Rick Lamothe tells how a condition he thought was eczema was actually a rare form of cancer. But wha...
Find Out Why Astaxanthin Supplements Are Truly Amazing

Find Out Why Astaxanthin Supplements Are Truly Amazing

Nature works in concert. One organism, regardless of how miniscule, can initiate a synergy of actions that affect countless other organisms. Natural dietary supplements work this way. While we may ...
The ABCs of Vitamin B12

The ABCs of Vitamin B12

Do you have a vitamin B12 deficiency? Let me put it another way: Are you (or is someone you know) suffering from asthma, depression, multiple sclerosis, ringing ears, diabetic neuropathy, or even A...
Fun Summertime Recipes

Fun Summertime Recipes

Give colorful flair and a tasty twist to any summertime event! These gourmet delights will give your guests a new appreciation for the creative possibilities of The Hallelujah Diet! Look for them ...
Gluten Sensitivities

Gluten Sensitivities

Gluten sensitivities are connected to what?! You'll be shocked when you learn which common health problems are tied to gluten — and how many people are suffering because they don't know the connec...
What To Expect When The Body Heals Itself

What To Expect When The Body Heals Itself

As the body begins to heal itself, it will engage a cleansing process. In other words, it will 'clean house.' Poisons, parasites, and assorted foreign matter that has accumulated and lodged in the ...
Mid-Season Gardening Tips

Mid-Season Gardening Tips

Whether you live in a climate that affords two growing seasons or just one, now is the time to start thinking about what to plant for the summer! Hallelujah Acres' Organic Gardener Willi Murray ex...
Kids' Mental Health Begins With Diet

Kids' Mental Health Begins With Diet

May 6-12 is Children's Mental Health Awareness Week — yet many still are not "aware" that a child's diet has a lot to do with mental health. Even fewer understand that mental health really begins ...
Detoxification: The Healing Crisis

Detoxification: The Healing Crisis

As you begin eating a whole foods, plant-based diet, all those nutrients will start pushing out toxins that have been accumulating in your body for years. As the toxins are released into the blood...
What Makes BarleyMax So Special

What Makes BarleyMax So Special

It's way beyond wheatgrass! Discover all the intricate details of why BarleyMax is different, and why so many people insist that they drink it every day!
What Vitamins Do I Need In The Summer?

What Vitamins Do I Need In The Summer?

It's summer, so relax and enjoy yourself — but mind your health while you're at it! Though we don't have to contend with the lack of sunlight and cold temperatures of winter, there are other hazar...
Poolside Pointers

Poolside Pointers

How To Stay Healthy At The Public Pool When you go to the pool or beach, do you take The Hallelujah Diet with you? Seriously! In fact, when you're preparing for a day in the sun, it's more import...
What's Wrong with National Health Care?

What's Wrong with National Health Care?

On the surface, a national health care system seem like a good idea. Rev. Malkmus reveals the potentially dangerous, long-term effects on American society.
How Breastfeeding Saves Lives

How Breastfeeding Saves Lives

Everyone knows that breastfeeding is best, but saving lives? That's the latest news from Nigeria. Last year, Susan Grant from an organization called Save The Children stated that, "...mother's br...
Oops! We Made a Little Mistake.

Oops! We Made a Little Mistake.

The link to the printable PDF version of Health Tip #763 was incorrect in this week's email. Click here to view Health Tip #763 now. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused and thanks to the...
How I Beat Cancer Naturally

How I Beat Cancer Naturally

Rick Lamothe of Calgary, Alberta (Canada) beat TWO cancers naturally! This is his story, as featured in Health News magazine issue #72. I had been struggling with some kind of “skin rash” for abou...
Health Minister Training Online - Now Available!

Health Minister Training Online - Now Available!

The 20-year dream of offering Health Minister Training online has come true! Now you can train to be a Health Minister from anywhere you have internet access — even on your smartphone!
Health News 71 Now Available

Health News 71 Now Available

Extra, extra, read all about it! Health News #71 (May-June 2012) is now available online! Read it now and discover: How Irene Hamill defeated liver cancer Where to go on a healthy vacation W...
Seasonal Allergies and The Hallelujah Diet

Seasonal Allergies and The Hallelujah Diet

Ahh, the smell of freshly mowed grass, the trees in full bloom; all nature is awake and going full bore. But so is your nose. And your itchy, burning eyes. And the sneezing, the congestion…could so...
10 Steps for Transitioning to The Hallelujah Diet

10 Steps for Transitioning to The Hallelujah Diet

While a radical diet and lifestyle change often seems overwhelming, making a few positive changes on a consistent basis over a few weeks can yield tremendous dividends in the long run. As one begin...
Senior Adult Health

Senior Adult Health

We live in a day in which the quality of health for the average person diminishes dramatically in their senior years — and we accept this as normal. Increasingly, people are living longer but with ...
Want Fries With That Salt?

Want Fries With That Salt?

We North Americans are just not getting it. A new study has shown that fast foods contain more salt in North American locations than their overseas counterparts — in some cases, a LOT more! McDon...
The History of The Hallelujah Weekend

The History of The Hallelujah Weekend

On the first Saturday of every month since 1997, Rev. George Malkmus has delivered his world-famous God's Way to Ultimate Health seminar on the stage at Hallelujah Acres in Shelby, NC. October 6, ...
Fats Are Essential — But Beware Of Bad Fats

Fats Are Essential — But Beware Of Bad Fats

Good fats, bad fats, omega-3, omega-6, trans-fat, hydrogenated... there's a lot to know about fats! But not all are your body's enemy; read on to discover the differences.
New Report on Diabetics and Coffee

New Report on Diabetics and Coffee

A report from the Netherlands has shown that caffeine in coffee raises blood sugar levels even without adding sugar to the coffee. And another study from scientists at Duke University Medical Cent...
Hallelujah Acres History — 2001-2012

Hallelujah Acres History — 2001-2012

Time flies when you're having fun! Rev. Malkmus shares all the miraculous highlights of Hallelujah Acres' history during the last decade.
The B12 Issue: Resolved By Hallelujah Acres

The B12 Issue: Resolved By Hallelujah Acres

Did you know that you can have a vitamin B12 deficiency no matter what diet you eat? Learn the truth of where B12 comes from and the best way to get enough of it!
Did Psychotropic Drugs Cause The Colorado Massacre?

Did Psychotropic Drugs Cause The Colorado Massacre?

Could a ban on psychotropic drugs have prevented the Colorado massacre? And what role could diet have played? Rev. Malkmus explores some thought-provoking answers.
Why BarleyMax Beats Tray-grown Wheatgrass

Why BarleyMax Beats Tray-grown Wheatgrass

It's hard to see the difference between wheatgrass and BarleyMax, but there's much more to BarleyMax than meets the eye!
How Boswellia Affects Your Joints

How Boswellia Affects Your Joints

Boswellia extract is among the world's best, scientifically proven ingredients to assist people with joint pain. And it's not just good in theory. In addition to clinical trials, boswellia has be...
More Hallelujah Acres "Firsts"

More Hallelujah Acres "Firsts"

Hallelujah Acres has led the way for 20 years! Rev. Malkmus shares many Hallelujah Acres "firsts" that paved the way for other vegan organizations worldwide.
How To Beat Diabetes

How To Beat Diabetes

Olin Idol, ND, CNC reveals that diabetes is not a blood sugar issue as everyone assumes — so what is it?
The Decline In American Health

The Decline In American Health

More than a quarter of all adults in the USA are not just overweight, but obese! And about 10% of everyone on the eastern half of the country has diabetes. Dr. Michael Donaldson reveals what’s goin...
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