Rethink Retirement!

Rethink Retirement!

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Sometimes the greatest blessings come when we least expect them! Take, for example, the story of Pastor Don, a recent visitor to the Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Center in Branson, Missouri. Don was not at the Lifestyle Center for himself; in fact, he's the type of man who never admits that anything is wrong, even when something is really bothering him. Don was there for his wife. She decided to come to the Lifestyle Center to learn God's way to ultimate healing for her breast cancer. During their stay, Don and his wife got to know the other guests, especially during morning meet-ups. Each morning during their 1-week or 2-week stay, the Lifestyle Center guests get together to share their successes, struggles, and just connect with one another before starting their day. On the last day of his visit, Pastor Don revealed a surprising development no one in the group expected: "I wasn't going to tell any of you this, but before we came here to the Lifestyle Center, I had told my church that I would, likely, be retiring. I have had such burning pain in my eyes that I couldn't read enough to do my studying. My arm has been so painful that I couldn't write for lengthy periods of note taking as I used to. I felt I was cheating my flock. But, now, after only 5 days at the Lifestyle Center, I am so much better — I am not going to retire!" Are you like Pastor Don? Are your aches and pains stopping you from living life to the fullest — but you're just accepting it as a part of getting older? You don't have to put up with pain... with limitations... with tiredness, soreness, or even life-threatening disease! If you're looking to improve your health in any and all ways possible, Hallelujah Acres Lifestyle Centers are the boost you're looking for!
Book Your Stay at a Lifestyle Center »

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