If you've ever thought about becoming a Health Minister, now is the most affordable and convenient time to do it!
Enroll now and you'll get $100 off Health Minister Training starting July 23 or August 13!
It's 6 weeks of online training for just $395 (reg. $495). And once you're a Health Minister, you can earn $5,000 to $10,000 per year or more in product sales commissions as your ministry grows!
Health Minister Training gives you the information and the confidence you need to share The Hallelujah Diet message with others.
And let's face it... that's not easy.
It's hard to know what to say about why someone should change their diet, let alone help them to do it!
But when you train to be a Health Minister, you'll be able to teach your family, friends, and community about healthy living and how to live vibrant lives — and help them do it every step of the way!
In just 1 or 2 hours per day for 6 weeks, you’ll get online access to learn everything you need to know:
- Lecture material from the world’s top experts on The Hallelujah Diet
- Exclusive online videos
- Access to all course materials even after you graduate
- Quick answers from online instructors
- Interaction and participation with classmates around the world
- Helping people understand the importance of real nutrition
- Teaching the Biblically-based, self-healing message of The Hallelujah Diet
- Answering questions and providing support to those learning from your message
- Showing others how to become Health Ministers to spread the message of hope and healing
Sign up HERE to save $100!