Help your self-healing body fight cancer
Cancer News

Help your self-healing body fight cancer

October is Breast and Liver Cancer Awareness Month. In honor of those who have survived or lost their lives from cancer, and to all their loved ones, our team at the Hallelujah Diet dedicates our d...
Menopause Symptom Relief That’s Safe, Proven & Natural

Menopause Symptom Relief That’s Safe, Proven & Natural

About 6,000 women enter menopause every day. While a lucky few don’t experience significant changes, the vast majority suffer from debilitating symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety and o...
Supercharge, Protect & Sustain Your Health with Complete GET STARTED Kits

Supercharge, Protect & Sustain Your Health with Complete GET STARTED Kits

Your body is a miracle health machine. It was built to heal and safeguard itself, to age gracefully, to give you the energy you need to live vibrantly. Enter our modern world, and your body is rav...
What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

Where can you go for expert, unbiased information to assist you in learning more about your own health, the foods you eat, the toxins you ingest and ways to overcome debilitating disease? Look no ...
How To Live Well Into Your 80s and Beyond!

How To Live Well Into Your 80s and Beyond!

I heard recently that the average person considers being “old” as being 15-years beyond their current age. If that be so, the average 20-year-old considers 35 as being “old”: the average 35-year-ol...
Back to School—Back to Kleenex?

Back to School—Back to Kleenex?

One of the hardest things about sending our kids back to school is keeping them healthy. Once school starts back the doctor visits and sick days don’t seem to be far behind. Its amazing, they seem ...
How to Boost Your Immune System (With Maximum Results & Minimal Hassle)

How to Boost Your Immune System (With Maximum Results & Minimal Hassle)

Contracting a cold, flu or other illness during the event-filled, on-the-go holiday season is that much more bothersome and inconvenient, so now is the time to give your immune system some extra TL...
A Touchdown for Your Team, A Win for Your Health

A Touchdown for Your Team, A Win for Your Health

September is here, and aside from the arrival of the fall equinox, this gorgeous season also means it’s time for football! For the next five months or so, our weeks will be punctuated with days of ...
Fun in the Sun

Fun in the Sun

Sunburn, dehydration and cell (free-radical) damage are all part of the beautiful days of summer. If you have spent too much time recently having fun in the sun, you may feel the burn on the skin b...
How Hard Is It To Become a Mother?

How Hard Is It To Become a Mother?

It may be harder than you think. As we are celebrating our mom’s this Mother’s Day, it’s important to remember all of the women who want to be a mom, but can’t. For them, this day is not a day of c...
Is Poor Digestion Costing You Good Health?

Is Poor Digestion Costing You Good Health?

A poorly functioning digestive system is a recipe for disaster – sickness and disease. The digestion process is an amazing system utilizing muscles, enzymes, hormones and organs all working in perf...
Diet Is Key To Cancer Prevention

Diet Is Key To Cancer Prevention

Every Sunday in Sunday School and in the Wednesday evening service, our church provides us with prayer sheets, regarding people in the church who are in need of prayer. Every week, one side of the ...
The Dangers of Too Much Animal Protein

The Dangers of Too Much Animal Protein

In 2006, there was a debate between T. Colin Campbell, PhD (author of The China Study) and Professor Loren Cordain, PhD. Interestingly, Professor Cardain based his beliefs regarding protein on evol...
Drugs: A Hinderance to Growing Old, Healthy

Drugs: A Hinderance to Growing Old, Healthy

On March 25, 2014 NewsmaxHealth had this to say: “Thirty-one different prescription drugs: That's the staggering number of medications taken by the average american over 65 each year." The article...
Ah, My Friends... There's "Good News" Tonight!

Ah, My Friends... There's "Good News" Tonight!

On December 7, 1941, some 73 years ago, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the United States was thrust into World War II. I was seven years old at the time of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and 11...
Discover the Sources of Essential Protein

Discover the Sources of Essential Protein

A common question people ask us at Hallelujah Acres is “Where do you get your protein?” Quickly followed up with, “How can you get enough protein without eating meat?” For many of you who have been...
Why Do You Need Supplements If You Are Eating A Healthy Diet?

Why Do You Need Supplements If You Are Eating A Healthy Diet?

By fully committing to a raw, plant-based diet, you bathe your body with extraordinary nutrients that continuously feed your cells with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals that supp...
What Rev. Malkmus Has Eaten For 38 Years

What Rev. Malkmus Has Eaten For 38 Years

Rev. Malkmus at age 80 (May 2014), and on the Hallelujah Diet since 1976. For nearly 40 years I have been on what we now call the Hallelujah Diet. I went on this diet at the age of 42 after being t...
How Do You Get Sun and Stay Protected Too?

How Do You Get Sun and Stay Protected Too?

With the arrival of warmer temperatures as summer approaches, we will start to see sunscreen lotions lining the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies. We’ll also see many “health experts” warnin...
You Just Can't Beet It!

You Just Can't Beet It!

Imagine a food – not a drug – powerful enough to help you lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and, as an added bonus, put you in a better mood. ...
Is Candida Making You Sick?

Is Candida Making You Sick?

Do you have chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, sinusitis or spastic colon? Could it be that you have overgrowth of yeast or Candida Albicans? Though poorly understood by most physicians, treat...
How To Prevent Sickness: Discovered!

How To Prevent Sickness: Discovered!

Without sickness, there would be no need for national health care (Obamacare) or even health insurance. So the concern today should not be whether a person has health insurance or not, but our conc...
How To Lower Medical Costs

How To Lower Medical Costs

Some years ago, Democratic Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa wrote an article titled, "Shifting America From Sick Care to Genuine Wellness". In that article Senator Harkin had the following to say... “. ....
Another Weapon to Use in the Cancer War

Another Weapon to Use in the Cancer War

What is the one word in the English language that can instill fear in nearly everyone? Taxes? Bankruptcy? Layoffs? No, the word is “Cancer.” Nearly everyone has been either personally or tangential...
Fort Hood Shooter: Did Meds Set Him Off?

Fort Hood Shooter: Did Meds Set Him Off?

“The Fort Hood Army shooter that left four dead, including the gunman, and wounded 16 others has sparked difficult questions about shooter Ivan Lopez’s mental health and medications he was taking a...
Seasonal Allergies….Already?

Seasonal Allergies….Already?

Achoo!!! Sniffle, sniffle…. Oh no!! Is this the start of one last winter cold or is it the beginning of a new seasonal “allergy”? As the winter of 2014 winds down most of us are ready for some war...
Magnesium Prevents Kidney Stones

Magnesium Prevents Kidney Stones

In the April 2014 issue of Russell Blaylock MD’s monthly publication, “The Blaylock Wellness Report”, he had an interesting article regarding kidney stones in which he shared that kidney stones co...
Stem Cells: How They Help The Elderly Grow Old Healthy

Stem Cells: How They Help The Elderly Grow Old Healthy

I found the following about stem cells in the pages of National Geographic: In the beginning, one cell becomes two, and two become four. Being fruitful, they multiply into a ball of many cells, a s...
Searching For and Finding Hormone Balance

Searching For and Finding Hormone Balance

You’re reading this most likely because you are searching for answers. You have a few health issues, but you’re not really sick. You’re just not as well as you used to be. Some of the symptoms are ...
How to Age Healthy

How to Age Healthy

Almost every physical and even psychological problem we can potentially experience as we age has a cause, and if we can eliminate the cause, we can almost always prevent the problem from every happ...
Do You Have an Issue with Gluten?

Do You Have an Issue with Gluten?

You have been trying so hard for so long to stay on the journey toward improved health. But, why are you still experiencing some “knocking and pinging” as Reverend Malkmus would say. Could it be ...
Cold and Flu Season Tips: The Best Supplements That Work and Lifestyle Strategies to Boost Your Immune System

Cold and Flu Season Tips: The Best Supplements That Work and Lifestyle Strategies to Boost Your Immune System

Cold and flu season is here, so it’s time to take stock of what you put in your body; take diligent care of what you do with your body; and take note of your environment—so you can defend yourself ...
A Little Bit Goes A Long Way

A Little Bit Goes A Long Way

We all know how important it is to maintain our health. But where do we begin? Walking along the aisles of the health food store can prove to be confusing and even frightening. But good health doe...
Juice Fast, Juice Cleanse…No matter what you call it, you will love it!

Juice Fast, Juice Cleanse…No matter what you call it, you will love it!

People everywhere are talking about juice cleanses. Drinking only vegetable juice for two or three days used to be called juice fasting and has been in existence for over 70 years. We have to agr...
How To Prevent Colds and the Flu

How To Prevent Colds and the Flu

The diet God gave Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 1:29 was not only the perfect diet for mankind, it was also intended to prevent head colds, the flu, and most other physical and psyc...
D3K2: The Disease Fighting Super Duo!

D3K2: The Disease Fighting Super Duo!

When it comes to food, there are some ingredients that just seem to go together - flavors that enhance each other in such a way that they bring out the distinct essence of each one. Similarly, som...
The Incredible Power of Juice - Now Available On-The-Go!

The Incredible Power of Juice - Now Available On-The-Go!

When it comes to promoting great health, there’s nothing quite like the concentrated power of fresh fruits and vegetables! As a supplement to a healthy diet, juicing plays a very important role, p...
Heart Attacks: Why Have They Not Found A Cure?

Heart Attacks: Why Have They Not Found A Cure?

In America, every 30 seconds someone has a heart attack. This results in approximately 1.5 million Americans suffering a heart attack or myocardial infarction (MI) each year, while over 500,000 of ...
The Importance of Iodine - Are You Getting Enough?

The Importance of Iodine - Are You Getting Enough?

Iodine has long been studied with regard to the significant role it plays in supporting human health. In 1813, just two years from the discovery of this incredible element, Swiss physician Jean Fr...
Tip the Scale in Favor of Health

Tip the Scale in Favor of Health

With so many New Year’s resolutions focusing on losing weight, it’s no surprise that January is Healthy Weight Awareness Month. While many will adopt new weight loss strategies in order to meet sh...
Genesis 1:29 Diet Prevents and Corrects Diabetes

Genesis 1:29 Diet Prevents and Corrects Diabetes

Did you know that the diet God gave Adam some 6,000 years ago was not only the diet God designed to properly nourish Adam’s body, but the body of all humans who would follow? Interestingly, this s...
Fight Back Against Arthritis!

Fight Back Against Arthritis!

For those of you who have ever heard the powerful testimony of Rhonda Malkmus, you know just what an incredible impact a vegan diet can have when it comes to countering the crippling pain often ass...
Fight Disease with Fiber!

Fight Disease with Fiber!

Every day, millions of people make a very critical mistake – one that could cost them their health! The Importance of Daily Fiber Intake A new study, published this month in The American Journal of...
How To Stay Warm On The Hallelujah Diet

How To Stay Warm On The Hallelujah Diet

A few years ago I received a letter from Walter, who lives in Toronto, Canada, reporting a problem staying warm in the winter on a vegan diet. His letter follows... “Rev. Malkmus, Thank you for the...
The Mighty Thyroid

The Mighty Thyroid

Located at the base of your neck, just below your Adam’s apple, is a little, butterfly-shaped gland known as the thyroid. Although relatively small in size, the thyroid has a very big function, af...
Defend Yourself Against Diabetes!

Defend Yourself Against Diabetes!

When you or someone you love is diagnosed with a disease, it can be a very isolating feeling. However, for those struggling to cope with diabetes, you are far from alone. Diabetes is a global epi...
The Most Critical Factor in the Fight Against Cancer

The Most Critical Factor in the Fight Against Cancer

Cancer. It’s a frightening word that no person is ever prepared to hear. Yet, every year, 12.7 million people around the globe are faced with the diagnosis of this terrible disease. Meanwhile, th...
Top Tips: How to Choose the Best Quality Nutritional Supplements

Top Tips: How to Choose the Best Quality Nutritional Supplements

Are your supplements (and money) going down the drain? When it comes to health foods—notably vitamins and supplements—the saying “You get what you pay for” is often true. You work hard for your mo...
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