Read what President and CEO Paul Malkmus has to say about 25 years of the Hallelujah Diet.

From Lone Wolf to Industry Leader: Paul Malkmus Reflects on 25 Years of Hallelujah Diet

Read what President and CEO Paul Malkmus has to say about 25 years of Hallelujah Diet.
Need more advice for a good night's sleep? Consider these additional tips.

Part 2: Ways to Make a Difference in Sleep Quality

Need more advice for a good night's sleep? Consider these additional tips.
For some, the only cure after a long, stressful day is a sugary treat. But that's not the best choice for your overall well-being.

How Diet Impacts Stress and Emotional Balance

For some, the only cure after a long, stressful day is a sugary treat. But that's not the best choice for your overall well-being.
Hallelujah Diet provided valuable insights into enhancing eye health and avoiding problems in a live broadcast

Hallelujah Diet provided valuable insights into enhancing eye health and avoiding problems in a live broadcast

Paul Malkmus, CEO and highly respected Naturopathic Doctor Shavon Jackson-Michel discussed To ‘see’ or not to see’…are supplements the answer? in a live webinar with 831 registrants last Tuesday ni...
The transition to a plant-based diet can be overwhelming. Let our Get Started Kit guide the way to better health!

Start Your Journey on the Path to Better Health with the Get Started Kit

The transition to a plant-based diet can be overwhelming. Let our Get Started Kit guide the way to better health!
Read on to learn about how important selenium is for a thriving body.

3 Benefits of Selenium

Read on to learn about how important selenium is for a thriving body.
Key Takeaways on Water Research

Key Takeaways on Water Research

Find out the key takeaways from the monthly webinar hosted this month by Dr. Michael Donaldson, "Water Research Update."
Hallelujah Diet demonstrated the direct relationship between oral and overall health in a live broadcast

Hallelujah Diet demonstrated the direct relationship between oral and overall health in a live broadcast

Did you know that 80% of the general population has periodontal disease? This disease causes heart attacks, strokes and a lower birth rate. When you understand the relationship between gum dise...
In order to understand how to obtain and maintain wellness, we must first understand how God made us and how he expects our bodies to flourish.

Obtaining and Maintaining Wellness: Here's How

In order to understand how to obtain and maintain wellness, we must first understand how God made us and how he expects our bodies to flourish.
As a follower of the Hallelujah Diet, you'll have to strategically plan your meals before heading out on your vacation.

Best Tips for Following the Hallelujah Diet on Vacation

As a follower of the Hallelujah Diet, you'll have to strategically plan your meals before heading out on your vacation.
To boost your health, consider Hallelujah Diet's Antioxidant Supplement and all of its benefits.

The Benefits of the Hallelujah Diet's Antioxidant Supplement

To boost your health, consider Hallelujah Diet's Antioxidant Supplement and all of its benefits.
The correct dose of iodine is essential for healthy glands.

Key Takeaways on the Importance of Iodine

The correct dose of iodine is essential for healthy glands.
In live broadcast, Hallelujah Diet presented Joyful Womanhood: How Hormone Balancing Can Lead to Peace, Well-Being and Vitality

In live broadcast, Hallelujah Diet presented Joyful Womanhood: How Hormone Balancing Can Lead to Peace, Well-Being and Vitality

The delicate choreography of a woman's hormones changes as she ages. Perimenopausal symptoms may include night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia, foggy thinking, depression, weepiness and mood swing...
Making healthier lifestyle choices can heal your osteoporosis naturally.

How to Maintain and Regain Bone Density

Making healthier lifestyle choices can heal your osteoporosis naturally. 
Risk Factors That Come With Being Overweight

Risk Factors That Come With Being Overweight

For every pound overweight you are, your risk of early death from heart disease increases.
In case you missed our December live webinar presentation, read the key takeaways here.

The Key Takeaways on Successful Plant-Based Eating

In case you missed our December live webinar presentation, read the key takeaways here.
Hallelujah Diet showed how to lose weight safely and   naturally and maintain healthy weight

Hallelujah Diet showed how to lose weight safely and naturally and maintain healthy weight

And now you can download the live broadcast Paul Malkmus, CEO, and Ann Malkmus, Chief of Education at Hallelujah Diet, talked about the best ways to lose weight in a live webinar on Tuesday ni...
Understanding Sugar's Impact on the Immune System

Understanding Sugar's Impact on the Immune System

Understanding sugar's impact on the immune system will encourage you to reconsider those unhealthy choices.
The Hallelujah Diet can improve your overall well-being in more ways than one.

Why the Hallelujah Diet is the Best Choice

The Hallelujah Diet is the best choice as it fuels the body to heal itself.
Beat chronic inflammation with the spice of the century.

Key Takeaways on Turmeric, the Spice of the Century

Beat chronic inflammation with turmeric, the spice of the century.
Americans are willing to undergo incredibly radical methods for weight loss.

Surprising Intrusive Methods People will do to Lose Weight

Americans are willing to undergo incredibly radical methods for weight loss.
Magnesium is one of the most undervalued essential nutrients available.

Key Takeaways on the Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most undervalued essential nutrients available. 
What is food synergy?

What is food synergy?

By following the Hallelujah Diet, you've introduced your body to a new, beneficial way to get the most nutritional impact out of the foods you're eating. By eating a primarily raw, plant-based diet...
Hallelujah Diet presented the most absorbable  form of vitamin C in a live broadcast

Hallelujah Diet presented the most absorbable form of vitamin C in a live broadcast

Paul Malkmus, CEO and Dr. Emek Blair, who has been conducting research for a decade and developing natural supplements, presented the benefits of Lipsomal Vitamin C in a live webinar last night....
New research from Oxford University has found that a plant-based diet could save millions of lives.

Can a plant-based diet make a positive environmental impact?

New research from Oxford University has found that a plant-based diet could save millions of lives. 
What if there was a natural approach to living with diabetes?

Taking a natural approach to diabetes with a plant-based diet

A natural, biblical plant-based approach to diabetes is one way to combat the common American condition.
Understand the critical benefits of silica

Understand the critical benefits of silica

Paul Malkmus, CEO and nutrition expert Felix Corraliza, MBA, discussed and explored the multitude of benefits that silica can have in a live webinar last Tuesday night. In this live broadcas...
There are so many nutritious and delicious breakfast options to choose from when following the Hallelujah Diet.

Start Your Day with These Hallelujah Diet Raw Recipes

There are so many nutritious and delicious clean eating breakfast options to choose from when following the Hallelujah Diet.
Proper hydration is about more than just consuming enough water each day.

Proper Hydration: How Much Do You Really Need to Thrive?

Proper hydration is about more than just consuming enough water each day.
Post-Holiday Detox: Effective, Harmful or Somewhere in Between?

Post-Holiday Detox: Effective, Harmful or Somewhere in Between?

After a month of holiday indulgence, is detoxing the best option to optimize your health? The holiday season is over, and your body has taken the brunt of the damage. With high caloric, sodium, su...
The benefits of a raw food diet

The benefits of a raw food diet

At its essence, a raw food diet is the No. 1 path to optimal heath and its benefits are innumerable.
Saying no to alcohol can motivate you to make even healthier choices.

5 Reasons To Eliminate Alcohol From Your Diet

Consider eliminating alcohol from your diet to maximize your overall health. 
The Queen of Superfoods: Just 1 Spoonful a Day

The Queen of Superfoods: Just 1 Spoonful a Day

What food is so nutritious we consider it our go-to health miracle? Barley grass, the champion of superfoods! Barley grass’s incredibly wide array of pure, raw nutrition is what makes it such an...
Hallelujah Diet Goes to Great Lengths to Provide Whole Food Concentrates That are Worth the Investment

Hallelujah Diet Goes to Great Lengths to Provide Whole Food Concentrates That are Worth the Investment

How whole food concentrates are made makes all the difference. HD knows what it takes to make products that deliver maximum nutrition—including BarleyMax, the HD product favored by most of our c...
Celebrate National Nutrition Month with Five More Ways to Optimize Health—Part II

Celebrate National Nutrition Month with Five More Ways to Optimize Health—Part II

What you put in your body—including essential supplements—means everything when it comes to vibrant health—well into old age. “National Nutrition Month” has evolved since 1973 to reflect the tr...
Celebrate National Nutrition Month with Five Ways to Optimize Your Health—Part I

Celebrate National Nutrition Month with Five Ways to Optimize Your Health—Part I

What you put in your body—including essential supplements—means everything when it comes to vibrant health—well into old age. It began in 1973 as “National Nutrition Week,” but the Academy of ...
How a healthy diet can reduce your risk of high blood pressure

How a healthy diet can reduce your risk of high blood pressure

Today, there are millions of Americans living with high blood pressure, and the majority of them may not even know it. High blood pressure is a serious condition that can cause real health concerns...
You Can Avoid the Dangers of Salt

You Can Avoid the Dangers of Salt

In a 2009 review, The Preventable Causes of Death in the United States, excess salt intake was shown to lead to 102,000 premature and preventable deaths each year. One way to combat the salt pr...
The paleo diet is similar to the Hallelujah Diet  but the differences are game changers

The paleo diet is similar to the Hallelujah Diet but the differences are game changers

Many chronic diseases have been linked to foods developed in the 20th century. But a diet of mostly plant foods, including the Hallelujah Diet, is shown to decrease risk of disease and cancer. ...
What do the 2015-2020 USDA Dietary Guidelines mean to you?

What do the 2015-2020 USDA Dietary Guidelines mean to you?

Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity have been on the rise, but an abundance of research shows that healthy eating patterns and regular physical exercise reduce the risk of chronic...
The Truth About Sugar

The Truth About Sugar

Hidden in many foods, sugar is addicting, contributes directly to obesity and is an underlying factor in almost all cases of chronic metabolic diseases. Often thought only to exist in desserts,...
Heart Health is, Of Course, Essential… But How Do You Maintain a Healthy Heart?

Heart Health is, Of Course, Essential… But How Do You Maintain a Healthy Heart?

Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans but, luckily, it’s completely avoidable with proper diet and exercise. The heart—quite literally—is at the center of optimal bodily function....
Energy: An Essential Step Towards Optimal Health

Energy: An Essential Step Towards Optimal Health

Put aside the coffee, energy drinks and caffeine pills. All your energy needs can be met by a nutrient rich diet. Let’s face it. There are days when you feel exhausted and sluggish. No matter ho...
Carrageenan: Hard to Pronounce, Harder to Digest

Carrageenan: Hard to Pronounce, Harder to Digest

Often overlooked on food labels, carrageenan may cause inflammation that can lead to cancer, Alzheimer’s and heart disease. So, you decided to replace animal-based dairy and protein with a plant-b...
How Do You Incorporate Healthy Fats to Optimize Diet?

How Do You Incorporate Healthy Fats to Optimize Diet?

High in antioxidants and often in superfoods, healthy fats lead to higher energy levels and help to fortify the body against harmful diseases. For anyone looking to optimize his or her health, fat...
Plant vs. Animal Proteins: How a Vegetarian Diet Crushes Dietary Needs While Fighting Disease

Plant vs. Animal Proteins: How a Vegetarian Diet Crushes Dietary Needs While Fighting Disease

Rich in antioxidants, phytochemical and cancer fighting nutrients, plant proteins fulfill the same dietary needs as animal protein without the adverse health effects. Primarily recommended as the ...
arthritis at multiple joint of hands,Gout,Rheumatoid

Are You Tired Of Arthritis Pain?

Arthritis is the top cause of disability in the United States, and most affected people suffer from its debilitating symptoms—chronic pain, swelling, difficulty moving—on a day-to-day basis. It can...
Obesity Is Still on the Rise: What It’s Costing Us (Besides Our Health)

Obesity Is Still on the Rise: What It’s Costing Us (Besides Our Health)

Are you obese and don’t know it? What exactly is obesity? When most people hear “obesity,” they conjure up an image of someone who’s 400 pounds, perhaps so large it’s impossible to walk or even get...
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