What a whirlwind 2020 has been! Besides the political climate, and the weather climate, here comes a plague to take the “wind” out of everyone’s sails. . .
We thought we would be able to announce this sooner, but God had other plans.
After a very long time in discussion with each other and with God, we are finally able to announce a New Hallelujah Diet Health Retreat Center located in Canton, Georgia.
This incredible place is a haven for peace and tranquility. From the wooden beams in the ceiling to the Floor to Ceiling windows, you will be lost in the wilderness of the trees, the birds and the deer. 8 acres of rolling hills where the sky is only in view during the winter but the shade of the trees provide the cooler temps during the hot summer months.
Besides the incredible accommodations, there will be the signature freshly extracted vegetable juices, simply delicious raw cuisine, incredible instant pot favorites and of course only the finest Hallelujah Diet supplements.
While you will enjoy daily classes from both Paul and Ann, the secret to this Retreat lies in the various therapies designed to gently detoxify the body and build the immune system. The carefully chosen therapies will be administered each day along with ensuring plenty of gentle exercise and always sprinkled with love, kindness and praise and worship in this Spirit-filled atmosphere.
You will enjoy taking long walks down the driveway as well as strolling along the stone sidewalks. You will find many flowers and gorgeous gardens along the way. Take time to read a book, take a nap or talk to the Lord. This is a retreat for your mind, body and spirit.
You will be immersed in a safe and friendly environment that will encourage you to take a second look at what you are eating, thinking and doing. Our goal is to guide you back into your home armed with ideas, recipes and lots of encouragement. Consider this week the beginning of a new life.
For more information go to www.healthretreat.com. If you have any questions that the website’s FAQ’s didn’t answer, feel free to send an e-mail to admin@healthretreat.com
We look forward to sharing this piece of paradise where natural healing is all we know.