Turmeric Benefits

Turmeric Benefits

When you’re on a raw food diet, you’ve made the right choice to put your health first. We know it’s not always easy to give up the Standard American Diet that you were raised on, but it is so worth...
To improve the overall health of your skin, we suggest maintaining the following natural habits.

Natural Ways to Improve Your Skin

To improve the overall health of your skin, we suggest maintaining the following natural habits.
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Exercise?
Cancer News

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Exercise?

We all know that two of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle are diet and exercise, but is there such a thing as too much exercise? The short answer: absolutely. Exercise is a great...
Why is Diet More Important Than Exercise?

Why is Diet More Important Than Exercise?

As important as exercise is for losing weight, boosting your immune system and improving your energy by following a primarily raw, plant-based diet gives your body the fuel it needs to get through ...
Common Household Products to Avoid

Common Household Products to Avoid

The easiest way to ensure your safety is to take preventative measures. We strongly recommend avoiding the following common household products.
Apple Health Benefits

Apple Health Benefits

Organic apples are one of the most popular fruits. Whether to snack on, to cook with, to add to a meal, or as an additive to health supplements and can be added to a large variety of recipes. You w...
Woman suffering from pain in knee

6 Signs That Your Joint Health Is Deteriorating

Your overall joint health is very important as joints form the connections between bones and provide support and help you move. While they may seem simple in structure, joints are complicated body ...
Natural Ways to Reduce Symptoms of a Migraine

Natural Ways to Reduce Symptoms of a Migraine

Thankfully, those concerned about taking drugs for headache relief have other options. Let’s take a closer look at some of the common symptoms of migraines, plus some natural ways to reduce the pain.
The World Health Organization just named excessive video game playing the latest addictive mental disorder.

Obsessive Video Game Playing is Now Considered a Mental Disorder

The World Health Organization just named excessive video game playing the latest addictive mental disorder.
Why Fad Diets are Harmful to Overall Health

Why Fad Diets are Harmful to Overall Health

While indeed, such fad diets have helped thousands of people lose excess weight and stubborn pounds, these regimens cut out key nutritional foods that you need for overall health and wellness.
Healthy food in wood shape of heart

Can a Plant-Based Diet Help Me Live Longer?

Today’s fast-paced schedules have created “eating lifestyles” that cater to convenience and taste—a deadly duo as far as nutrition goes. Fast food drive-thru’s, sugary desserts, salty snacks, and c...
6 Dairy-Free Milk Alternatives

6 Dairy-Free Milk Alternatives

Cow’s milk is touted as an excellent source of protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients, but that may not be the whole truth and cow’s milk isn’t for everybody. In fact, studies s...
guide healthy and delicious plant based meals

A Beginner’s Guide to Cooking Healthy and Delicious Plant-Based Meals

Following a plant-based diet is not difficult when you learn how to cook in a new way. There are so many healthy and delicious meals available to vegetarians. Many of them taste so wonderful that y...
4 ways to fight unhealthy habits

Fight Unhealthy Habits

Here are a few ways to fight unhealthy habits and hopefully beat them for good.
gut bugs word cloud

What Is the Difference Between Prebiotics & Probiotics?

As inconsequential as gas, heartburn, or occasional constipation may seem, these symptoms may point to a developing problem in your gut. Gut health has a tremendous bearing on the health of your bo...
What these advocates of GMO's neglect to tell you, however, is that GM foods can cause unpredictable side effects to surface, such as allergies, diseases and nutritional problems.

How Harmful are GMOs?

Genetically modified foods can cause unpredictable side effects, such as allergies, diseases and nutritional problems.
Top Healthy Herbs to add to the Raw Food Diet

Top Healthy Herbs to add to the Raw Food Diet

Are you tired of being tired? Are you frustrated with the hassle of trying to read every ingredient list in the grocery store or before purchase? Are you ready to embrace the incredible energy and ...
Top Leafy Green Vegetables

Top Leafy Green Vegetables

What makes some of the most beneficial leafy greens so rich and nutritious? Read on to learn more about your best options.
Benefits of Collagen Supplements

Benefits of Collagen Supplements

We all care about how our skin looks. We want our skin to glow and retain its youthful look for years to come. Unfortunately, that’s not usually how the skin works, and once you hit your 20s, you s...
Microgreens: Health Benefits & Nutrition Information

Microgreens: Health Benefits & Nutrition Information

Microgreens offer a wealth of nutritional benefits all packed into a miniature version of the leafy vegetables we know so well. Cilantro, broccoli, cabbage, celery, and many more all fall in the mi...
Importance of Supplements During Menopause

Importance of Supplements During Menopause

As women age, their bodies go through a lot of changes. Of course, we all know about the wonderful changes teens and pre-teens go through with hormones and puberty, but women also have another horm...
How to Fight Pandemic Stress

How to Fight Pandemic Stress

The pandemic we’ve been in has been incredibly stressful for so many. Some are dealing with job loss, others are battling health issues, and still, others are dealing with extra fear and worries ca...
Kale Health Benefits

Kale Health Benefits

This is a leafy green that is probably no stranger to you now. Kale has had its many moments in the health spotlight. You may think you know all there is to know about this leaf cabbage, but we are...
vegetarian tacos with chickpea curry

8 Myths of a Plant-Based Diet

It seems that everyone is talking about a plant-based diet these days, from your favorite celeb announcing they’re vegan or vegetarian to the countless documentaries popping up on Netflix. This way...
Why We Love BarleyMax Products

Why We Love BarleyMax Products

A search for Hallelujah Diet BarleyMax Original quickly reveals that this organic juice powder is the key to helping many customers rebuild, recharge, and refuel their bodies. The barley juices mad...
9 of the Most Essential Daily Nutrients

9 of the Most Essential Daily Nutrients

All nutrients are important but adding the most essential daily nutrients to your meal plan reduces disease risks, maximizes energy, and helps you look and feel your best. How to Meet Daily Essenti...
telecommunication towers with satellite dishes

How Electromagnetic Frequencies Can Harm Your Body

Since the 1990s, the technological evolution of cell phones and their growing popularity have brought an increasing concern for health issues caused by the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation...
Product Spotlight: Waterwise Distiller

Product Spotlight: Waterwise Distiller

Healthy water is the basis of life, but many of us struggle to get enough. The Waterwise Distiller helps provide us with great, healthy water to support our desire to live a clean and healthy life....
Why Your Diet Can Benefit from Barley

Why Your Diet Can Benefit from Barley

You may have encountered barley during your shopping trips, but did you know it can be a great addition to your diet? While this seed is widely cultivated for use in beer and whiskey production, ba...
Beets and Their Health Benefits

Beets and Their Health Benefits

Beets have been a staple in cuisines around the world for decades. Not only are they delicious and easy to add to your diet, but the health benefits of beets are well-established. Thanks to their e...
How Gentian Root Can Help Support Good Digestion

How Gentian Root Can Help Support Good Digestion

What Is Gentian Root? A bitter-tasting herb from the Gentianaceae plant family, Gentiana lutea is native to the high pastures of the Alps and Himalayan Mountains. Today, this plant is most widely g...
COVID-19 and the Importance of Vitamin D

COVID-19 and the Importance of Vitamin D

Now, more than ever, it is not just important to have a strong and healthy immune system, it is crucial in the fight against Coronavirus. Ensuring that your body can remain in the best condition is...
The Amazing Health Benefits of Avocado

The Amazing Health Benefits of Avocado

From informative health articles and beauty products to videos and more across the internet and daily, the avocado is one of the powerhouse fruits that many simply cannot stop talking about. There ...
Guide to Raw Fruits and Digestion

Guide to Raw Fruits and Digestion

There is hardly any denying that consuming a diet packed full of raw fruits of all colors and kinds has enormous health benefits. These foods have been healers and life-givers for centuries. They a...
More Than Just Health: The Full Body Benefits of Eating Fruits and Vegetables

More Than Just Health: The Full Body Benefits of Eating Fruits and Vegetables

It is no doubt common knowledge for us all that adding more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet can improve your health. Anywhere you look, including right here, you can find a wealth of excel...
Fresh and sweet carrot

The Best Foods For Immune System Health

Nature provides us with many powerful foods to support our immune system health. God blessed our earth with many fruits, vegetables, and nuts to enhance our well-being. When you consider supporting...
Positive health thinking

Understanding God's Plan on How to Reach Ultimate Health

As you deepen in your spiritual relationship with God and allow the Word of God speak to you and the Holy Spirit to guide you, you’ll realize God’s ultimate plan for you and how to achieve optimal ...
Why not use this loving holiday to focus on better ways to prioritize heart health?

Heart Healthy Tips for Valentine's Day

Why not use this loving holiday to focus on better ways to prioritize heart health?
Heart of yellow fruits and vegetables

What Is the Best Diet for Eye Health?

The best diet for eye health is the one that helps keep you healthy as well. When you search the internet, you're going to find lots of articles on the best food for your eyes, and they’re all diff...
How Serrapeptase Can Help Reduce Acute Inflammation

How Serrapeptase Can Help Reduce Acute Inflammation

Acute inflammation, in any form, can mark the beginnings of a chronic condition when left untreated. Besides the swelling that comes with the occasional bruise or cut, inflammation can take on many...
Raw Food Wraps

Raw Food Wraps

Sometimes we all just want a good wrap. Now, when you’re on the raw food diet, this could get a bit difficult, but with these raw food wraps recipes, you’ll be enjoying a crunchy lettuce wrap in no...
healthy lifestyle concept

Why You Should Avoid Statin Drugs

Statin drugs may help lower blood cholesterol or your risk of heart disease, but these medications come with unpleasant—even dangerous—side effects. Numerous natural remedies may help lower cholest...
Obesity and academic performance are among the main concerns of poor nutrition in student lunches.

The Problem With School Lunches

If you're concerned about your child's school lunch offerings, you may want to start packing your own.
Moving Around in an Office Job

Moving Around in an Office Job

By joining in the raw food diet, you've made your health a priority. No matter what led you here, whether it was a medical diagnosis or just wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, we are pleased to...
Gym Prep 101: The Best Vitamins for Your Workout Routine

Gym Prep 101: The Best Vitamins for Your Workout Routine

As beneficial as regular exercise can be to your health, the body does go through added wear and tear in the process. Under these conditions, additional nutritional support becomes necessary for tw...
Products containing magnesium

How a Bio-Available Magnesium Supplement Can Boost Your Health

A bio-available magnesium supplement may be one of your best friends when it comes to being healthy. Magnesium is used in over 350 processes of the body, but women especially tend to be deficient i...
A Health Retreat to Create a Better Life<br><strong style="font-size:2.5rem;">Don't let your health stop you from living life to the fullest.</strong>

A Health Retreat to Create a Better Life
Don't let your health stop you from living life to the fullest.

What a whirlwind 2020 has been! Besides the political climate, and the weather climate, here comes a plague to take the “wind” out of everyone’s sails. . . We thought we would be able to announce t...
Celebrate Easter with a plant-based tart.

Plant-based tart recipe for your Easter celebrations

This tasty and nutrient-rich spring tart is perfect for your Easter celebrations.
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