Nature vs. Nurture: Can Proper Nutrition Trump Genetic Weaknesses?

Nature vs. Nurture: Can Proper Nutrition Trump Genetic Weaknesses?

When someone says, “Wow, I wish I could eat like you,” that individual usually wishes that he or she had the genetic makeup to be able to eat fatty foods without negative health effects. However, m...
Poor Digestion Can Erode Your Health. Proper Digestion Can Make All the Difference.

Poor Digestion Can Erode Your Health. Proper Digestion Can Make All the Difference.

If someone once told you to chew your food 100 times before swallowing, the advice may have been exaggerated, but the principle is sound. In our fast-paced world, we often wolf down our food, try t...
Which Supplements Do You Need and Why?

Which Supplements Do You Need and Why?

Optimal health requires healthy cells, and your cells need consistent vitamins, minerals and enzymes daily to maintain their busy schedule. If they don’t receive these vital nutrients, they will we...
Beets are Superstars for Your Muscles, Heart, Brain, Stamina, Blood Pressure…and Detox and Inflammation

Beets are Superstars for Your Muscles, Heart, Brain, Stamina, Blood Pressure…and Detox and Inflammation

You don’t hear much about the power of red beets. But they are a remarkably potent source of nutrients that provide so many benefits that you might be hard pressed to think of something they don’t ...
Mammograms Aren’t the Best Way to Detect Breast Cancer and Prevention is the Real Story

Mammograms Aren’t the Best Way to Detect Breast Cancer and Prevention is the Real Story

For more than 30 years, National Mammography Day has been held on the third Friday of October. Every year, numerous seemingly well-intentioned organizations—including the American Cancer Society an...
The Lowdown On Enzymes: How To Maximize Their Potential

The Lowdown On Enzymes: How To Maximize Their Potential

The enzymatic system might be one of the most neglected yet vitally essential systems in the human body. Enzymes are substances that function as catalysts or accelerators in the body, and they are...
The Key to Heart Health Millions Need to Hear

The Key to Heart Health Millions Need to Hear

February… the month of hearts! As you gush over the way your special someone makes your heart skip a beat, take the time to learn about your cardiovascular health—for American Heart Month. Ameri...
Sunshine is good for us and avoiding sun is a prescription for sickness

Sunshine is good for us and avoiding sun is a prescription for sickness

Using the prospect of skin cancer as reasoning, many so called health experts tell us to avoid the sun and use sunscreen when we are exposed to sunshine. Both pieces of advice are flawed and actual...
How Much Exercise is Enough?

How Much Exercise is Enough?

In addition to detoxing to rid the body of potentially dangerous toxins and a Biblical raw food diet and supplemental living nutrition to strengthen and nourish our cells, the Hallelujah Diet procl...
You Can Simplify Your Life and Health and Get a Fresh Start on the Rest of Your Life

You Can Simplify Your Life and Health and Get a Fresh Start on the Rest of Your Life

What do the words “Simplify Your Life” mean to you? If you really are able to simplify your life in some ways, how will you benefit? Perhaps most importantly of all, what changes can you make in yo...
Hallelujah Diet introduced its newly formulated HD Liposomal Vitamin C to a live audience

Hallelujah Diet introduced its newly formulated HD Liposomal Vitamin C to a live audience

Paul Malkmus, CEO and Olin Idol, ND, Vice President of Health for Hallelujah Diet, discussed Strengthening the Immune System in a live webinar with over 700 participants last Tuesday night. A Doct...
Raw and Juiced, Carrots Provide a Remarkable Array of Health Benefits Including Anti-aging Properties

Raw and Juiced, Carrots Provide a Remarkable Array of Health Benefits Including Anti-aging Properties

There are few superfoods that deliver the nutritional value and health benefits of the ordinary (make that extraordinary) carrot. While their fiber and beta carotene content top the list, carrots...
Get Real Value from Your Juice Powders and Whole Food Concentrates

Get Real Value from Your Juice Powders and Whole Food Concentrates

At Hallelujah Diet, our mission is to provide the guidance, support, community and products to enable you and the people you care about to experience the healing and healthy benefits of a clean foo...
Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

If a person were to have the weakest of immune systems, simply breathing in outside air or touching a door knob would cause severe, irreversible health issues and possibly death. But even without s...
Enjoy Healthy and Delicious Liquid Treats—Refreshing on Those Hot Summer Days

Enjoy Healthy and Delicious Liquid Treats—Refreshing on Those Hot Summer Days

There is no need for sugary sodas and high-calorie shakes when all you want is something to cool you down when the temperature rises. Fortunately, as more and more people seek liquid concoctions th...
This Month is the Perfect Time to Prepare Meals as Delicious as They are Nutritious

This Month is the Perfect Time to Prepare Meals as Delicious as They are Nutritious

July is National Culinary Arts Month, an annual reminder that the culinary arts can help anyone to learn how to cook from scratch, be creative in the kitchen and appreciate why it’s optimal to use ...
Detoxification and Good Nutrition are the Keys to Restoring and Maintaining Optimal Health

Detoxification and Good Nutrition are the Keys to Restoring and Maintaining Optimal Health

From the air we breathe (especially indoors) and the water we drink (unless it’s purified, of course) to electromagnetic radiation from excessive cell phone use and household cleaning products, tox...
Sunshine & Sunscreen: Friends or Foes?

Sunshine & Sunscreen: Friends or Foes?

While the sunshine typically evokes images of summertime barbecues or relaxing days at the beach, the sun is now commonly linked to Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin.” The hype over Vitamin D is ce...
“You’re as Old as You Feel” Might Be Cliché. But It’s Also True…and You Can Age Beautifully.

“You’re as Old as You Feel” Might Be Cliché. But It’s Also True…and You Can Age Beautifully.

Whether you are young or old or somewhere in between, you are in charge of the rest of your life. You can choose the journey to optimal health or the path to sickness and premature aging, often acc...
Which Vegetables are Best for You?

Which Vegetables are Best for You?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association, the National Cancer Institute, Hallelujah Diet and other health-related organizations all ...
9 Best High-Protein Foods for Vegans

9 Best High-Protein Foods for Vegans

We all know the importance of protein in our diet, but as vegan, raw plant-based eaters, we have many more options than we’d think! Proteins are the main building blocks of the body, necessary for ...
MUST READ: Important Nutrients for Women’s Health

MUST READ: Important Nutrients for Women’s Health

April showers bring May flowers… and Mother’s Day… and the International Day of Action for Women's Health! As we dedicate this special month to pay some extra attention to the ladies in our lives, ...
How to Stress Less Once & For All

How to Stress Less Once & For All

Did you know that a whopping one in five Americans experience “extreme stress,” which includes shaking, heart palpitations and depression? If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by stress, you are not al...
Why You Can’t Ignore Selenium

Why You Can’t Ignore Selenium

It’s a well-known fact that habits like drinking lots of clean water and liberally loading up on raw, vitamin-filled veggies are non-negotiable building blocks to excellent health. This is why we...
Raw Versus Cooked Vegetables: Why Does It Really Matter?

Raw Versus Cooked Vegetables: Why Does It Really Matter?

This year mark’s the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) 20th anniversary promoting National Public Health Week (held April 6-12). The APHA is devoted to creating “the healthiest nation in ...
Diabetes Alert Day: Know Your Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Diabetes Alert Day: Know Your Type 2 Diabetes Risk

March 24th is American Diabetes Alert Day! Sponsored by the American Diabetes Association, Alert Day is a one-day wake-up call to make Americans aware of their personal risk of developing type 2 d...
6 Tips and 6 Nutrients to Boost Your Brain (Plus a Smoothie Recipe!)

6 Tips and 6 Nutrients to Boost Your Brain (Plus a Smoothie Recipe!)

It’s Brain Awareness Week! The Dana Foundation annually recognizes a week in the middle of March (16th-22nd this year) as the international campaign to increase public awareness of brain research....
There is growing evidence of a link between diet and mental health

There is growing evidence of a link between diet and mental health

Did you know that: Nearly one in four Americans has some kind of mental illness. According to a recent article in WebMD Health News, “Half of all long-term mental disorders start by age 14. T...
Is the Measles Vaccine More Dangerous for Your Child Than the Disease Itself?

Is the Measles Vaccine More Dangerous for Your Child Than the Disease Itself?

A measles outbreak in the western U.S. has fanned the flames of a debate on whether children should or shouldn’t be vaccinated. Some experts claim that a lack of vaccinations has resulted in the sp...
Trust Your Gut Instinct: Digestive Health Affects Your Entire Body

Trust Your Gut Instinct: Digestive Health Affects Your Entire Body

Did you know that an unhealthy gut can contribute to everything from facial breakouts and difficulty concentrating to catching a cold and even cancer? If you’re body isn’t successfully flushing out...
Juicing Delivers the Nutrients Our Body Needs That Even the Best Raw Diet Can’t Fully Provide

Juicing Delivers the Nutrients Our Body Needs That Even the Best Raw Diet Can’t Fully Provide

The key to optimal health is to maximize our intake of nutrients from raw foods without putting an excessive burden on our body’s ability to digest those foods while also enabling the body to elimi...
Most People Are Deficient in These Nutrients (But Absolutely Need Them)

Most People Are Deficient in These Nutrients (But Absolutely Need Them)

Those milk ‘stache advertisements made calcium very popular, and vitamin C is ever-present in our health lingo. But how familiar are you with these lesser-known nutrients that are just as vital to ...
The Truth About Depression (& the Natural Solution)

The Truth About Depression (& the Natural Solution)

When the last leaves of autumn drop and the cold chill of winter sets in, many people start to feel a sense of melancholy. Combine that with fewer hours of sunlight and less time with nature and th...
Sweet Potatoes: A Cancer Fighting Superfood

Sweet Potatoes: A Cancer Fighting Superfood

High in antioxidants and even cancer fighting nutrients, sweet potatoes are a vital component of an optimal diet. During the holiday season, it’s incredibly easy to drown in the high-fat gluttony ...
It’s Important to Drink Plenty of Purified Water with Restoring Nutrients—Every Day

It’s Important to Drink Plenty of Purified Water with Restoring Nutrients—Every Day

Water makes up about 60% of the average adult’s body weight and the percentage is even higher for children. In the body, water becomes the fluid in which all life processes occur. The fluid: Car...
Liposomal Vitamin C Benefits: Why It's More Effective Than Other Forms Of Vitamin C

Liposomal Vitamin C Benefits: Why It's More Effective Than Other Forms Of Vitamin C

Whenever cold and flu season hits, what do we end up doing? We dust off that bottle of vitamin C in the back of the medicine cabinet. But really, just how effective is that vitamin C? First of all...
Introducing Advanced Superfood by HDiet

Introducing Advanced Superfood by HDiet

Introducing a great way to help you supercharge your vegetable intake. Its called Advanced Superfood by the Hallelujah Diet. And it is jam-packed with 15 vegetables, cereal grass juice powder, an...
Juice On The Go!

Juice On The Go!

In this season of lazy summer days, long vacations and catching up on that tan, we tend to let our guard down and leave that juicer sitting on the counter collecting a little dust. Sometimes we eve...
NEW Cancer Book: "Unravel The Mystery"

NEW Cancer Book: "Unravel The Mystery"

Hot off the press from Hallelujah Acres is a new cancer book — nearly 400 pages of incredible insight! "Unravel The Mystery: A Simple, Effective Approach to Beating Cancer" is written by Ann Malkmu...
Thanksgiving 2014: A Proven Way to Practice Gratitude for Happiness & Health

Thanksgiving 2014: A Proven Way to Practice Gratitude for Happiness & Health

At the Hallelujah Diet, our mission is to promote great health through the most natural ways—by using what we already have and what surrounds us. This is of course why we always encourage eating ra...
Alkaline Water Benefits: The Truth About How Water With Alkaline pH Neutralizes Acid in Your Body & Supports Bone Health

Alkaline Water Benefits: The Truth About How Water With Alkaline pH Neutralizes Acid in Your Body & Supports Bone Health

Why should you drink alkaline water? The answer is complex, but we’ll explain the key components here (and offer a very simple way to get it in your hands—without buying expensive pre-packaged bott...
Detox Diet for Weight Loss, Energy & More: How to Detox Your Body Safely Without Getting Hungry

Detox Diet for Weight Loss, Energy & More: How to Detox Your Body Safely Without Getting Hungry

Homeostasis: “the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements.” Our amazing bodies were built to achieve this beautiful balance, yet we live in an environment re...
Study Reveals Eating More Vegetables and Fruits Lowers Risk of Dying

Study Reveals Eating More Vegetables and Fruits Lowers Risk of Dying

There is one positive message that all nutritionists and doctors agree upon. We can disagree about just about everything else, but this one message unites us all. Yes, just like your mother and gr...
Taking Cardiovascular Health to Heart

Taking Cardiovascular Health to Heart

Ever heard the saying, “serious as a heart attack”? The origin of this phrase is easy to understand, as a heart attack is generally regarded as one of the most detrimental afflictions known to man...
American Diabetes Month: Balance Your Blood Sugar & Balance Your Life

American Diabetes Month: Balance Your Blood Sugar & Balance Your Life

November is American Diabetes Month. A common and life-threatening disease, diabetes affects masses of people in the U.S., yet it’s a condition that can be prevented with proper, diligent care for ...
Health Education Week: Eliminate the Toxins & Replenish With Nutrients for a Lifetime of Vibrant Health

Health Education Week: Eliminate the Toxins & Replenish With Nutrients for a Lifetime of Vibrant Health

It’s National Health Education Week! Sponsored by the Society for Public Health Education, this week is all about promoting “consumers' understanding of the role of health education in promoting th...
Bone and Joint Cancer

Bone and Joint Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), in 2014 there were approximately 3,020 new cases of bone and joint cancer and 1,460 estimated deaths. While th...
Autoimmune Disease: The Simple Solution to A Serious Threat

Autoimmune Disease: The Simple Solution to A Serious Threat

Is there a connection between your autoimmune disease and your digestive health? Autoimmune Disease has become a major health problem. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates up to 23.5 m...
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