God's Way Summer Tour

God's Way Summer Tour

Rev. Malkmus is bringing the God's Way to Ultimate Health Seminar to these locations this Summer! If you're near one of these cities, you won't want to miss this free and informative presentation. ...
Sunburn No Longer a Problem on Hallelujah Diet

Sunburn No Longer a Problem on Hallelujah Diet

Prior to Rhonda adopting the Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle 19 years ago, she could not spend even the smallest amount of time in the sun without experiencing sun burn. However, not long after adopt...
Testimony of Dr. J.C. House

Testimony of Dr. J.C. House

In last week’s Health Tip we shared what Evangelist and Doctor of Divinity J. C. House had written in the forward to Rev. Malkmus’ book God’s Way to Ultimate Health, first published in 1995. In th...
Rhonda's Greek Salad

Rhonda's Greek Salad

In Rhonda’s most recent Culinary Class on April 30th here at Hallelujah Acres, this recipe was prepared and taste-tested by those in attendance. It was a big hit, and we thought you might like to t...
Hallelujah Acres Chef Featured on UNC TV Show

Hallelujah Acres Chef Featured on UNC TV Show

Our own Executive Chef, Kirk Talley, was recently featured on the program, North Carolina Now, on UNC TV. When you come to visit our International Headquarters in Shelby, NC, be sure to make time ...
Raw Better Than Tuna Salad

Raw Better Than Tuna Salad

This recipe is taken from Rhonda’s Hallelujah Holiday Recipes spiral bound recipe book on page 146. After sitting for several hours, it has a tuna salad flavor but contains no tuna! Try this incred...
Your Amazing Self-Healing Body

Your Amazing Self-Healing Body

Dear Rev. Malkmus, Thank you for explaining God’s position as to How We Contribute to our own Physical Problems in your article in Health Tip #648. I cured myself of ulcerative colitis by changing...
Vegan Family Inspired by Hallelujah Acres

Vegan Family Inspired by Hallelujah Acres

My husband and I have been vegans since August 2008. Recently, I discovered Hallelujah Acres and to our sheer joy, realized we lived only an hour away from your headquarters in Shelby, North Caroli...
PMS Symptoms Reduced After Diet Change

PMS Symptoms Reduced After Diet Change

Since adopting the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle my pre-menstrual syndrome and the accompanying depression, cramps and heavy menstruating has reduced significantly. My acne is so much better ...
89% Say Obamacare Will Cost More & Negatively Affect Health

89% Say Obamacare Will Cost More & Negatively Affect Health

Following President Obama signing Health Care Reform legislation into law on March 23, 2010, Rev. Malkmus posted a poll on his blog in which he asked folks to give their opinion as to how passage o...
High Blood Pressure, Arthritis and Hay Fever Gone!

High Blood Pressure, Arthritis and Hay Fever Gone!

George, I just wanted to tell you what a blessing Hallelujah Acres has been to me and my health. Your diet and lifestyle has taken away my high blood pressure, arthritis and hay fever. How sad it ...
How We Contribute To Our Own Physical Problems

How We Contribute To Our Own Physical Problems

Animals in the wild follow the instincts God placed within them when He created them. Thus an animal in the wild knows by natural instinct programmed into them by God, where to go to obtain the nut...
Diabetes Gone While Cholesterol Reduces from 230 to 70

Diabetes Gone While Cholesterol Reduces from 230 to 70

I have great news! After only one month on the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle’s Recovery Diet, my husband no longer has diabetes and his cholesterol has lowered from 230 to 70. His doctor doe...
IBS Gone and Rheumatoid Arthritis Improving

IBS Gone and Rheumatoid Arthritis Improving

My husband and I adopted the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle to support our daughter who was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the age of 18. Her symptoms have improved somewhat on the die...
Give The Gift Of Fitness!

Give The Gift Of Fitness!

Christmas gift ideas to help you and your loved ones stay fit all year long!
Response to Cancer Series

Response to Cancer Series

A great big thank you to all who have written this past week! I love hearing from our readers so please keep those letters coming. I read every one and can’t begin to tell you how much I love and a...
Truth & Knowledge - Keys To A Healthy Body And Mind

Truth & Knowledge - Keys To A Healthy Body And Mind

The prophet Hosea had the following to say regarding KNOWLEDGE approximately 2,800 years ago: “My people are destroyed for lack of KNOWLEDGE: because thou hast rejected KNOWLEDGE . . . .”(Hosea 4:6...
Man's Physical Body – Most Complex Of All God's Creations

Man's Physical Body – Most Complex Of All God's Creations

The physical body we each possess is the most complex of all God’s creations. Our brain exceeds the capabilities of the most complex supercomputers on earth. If you doubt this statement, just remem...
Pastor Loses 64 Pounds in Six Months and Off All Medications

Pastor Loses 64 Pounds in Six Months and Off All Medications

A month ago, I shared a testimony from Pastor Dan, who lives in upstate New York. In that testimony, Pastor Dan shared that he had already lost 50 pounds in five months on The Hallelujah Diet and w...
Skin Lesions Disappear & Lost 24 Pounds in 6 Weeks

Skin Lesions Disappear & Lost 24 Pounds in 6 Weeks

This 67th Health Minister training included folks coming from coast to coast (California to Massachusetts) and border to border (Texas to Minnesota) and most of the states in-between. In addition w...
Review: Healing Cancer from the Inside Out

Review: Healing Cancer from the Inside Out

Mike Anderson’s Healing Cancer from the Inside Out DVD contains information that will absolutely astound the viewer. Much of the information in this intensely researched documentary has never been ...
Raw And Zesty Macadamia Nut Pie Crust

Raw And Zesty Macadamia Nut Pie Crust

This past Friday, Rhonda had 33 attend her Culinary Class. These folks got to watch her make (and then got to taste) a refreshing Key Lime Pudding pie with Macadamia Nut Pie Crust. Last week, we sh...
Acid/Alkaline (pH) Levels Determine Your Health

Acid/Alkaline (pH) Levels Determine Your Health

Last week, we learned a little about pH, the acid/alkalinity of the body. Let's take a moment to review a few of last-weeks highlights: The pH scale runs from “0” (extremely acid) to “14” (extreme...
Acid/Alkaline (pH) Levels Determine Whether You Live Or Die

Acid/Alkaline (pH) Levels Determine Whether You Live Or Die

In every God’s Way to Ultimate Health seminar I conduct, I ask the following questions of those attending: How many know something about pH – The acid/alkalinity of the body? Amazingly, and w...
What Should Congress Do About Health Care Reform

What Should Congress Do About Health Care Reform

I recently posted the above question on my blog, and then provided folks opportunity to respond by choosing from the following three responses: Pass the Current Bill Start over from Scratch Sto...
Rhonda's Hawaiian Fruits & Greens Smoothie

Rhonda's Hawaiian Fruits & Greens Smoothie

Green fruit smoothies are a wonderfully delicious, highly nutritious, mid-morning pick-me-upper. They combine the sweetness of fruit with the high chlorophyll, nutritionally dense, leafy greens. If...
15 Fruits and Veggies Relatively Clean Of Pesticide Residues

15 Fruits and Veggies Relatively Clean Of Pesticide Residues

Last week we shared the Dirty Dozen – a list of 12 fruits and veggies with high pesticide content. In an attempt to raise awareness about pesticide use, the Environment Working Group reviewed 100,0...
Passing on the Health Benefits

Passing on the Health Benefits

I have been on The Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle for going on three years now and as a result of making this diet and lifestyle change have lost 40 pounds in weight, been able to go off all...
Designed By God To Be In Health

Designed By God To Be In Health

“I pray your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (I Thessalonians 5:23) Although the Christian community ministers to the spiritual p...
Examining Weight Loss Diets – Which One Is the Best (Part 2)

Examining Weight Loss Diets – Which One Is the Best (Part 2)

In recent Health Tips we have been taking a look at a health problem being experienced by an ever-increasing number of Americans – the problem of overweight and obesity, along with an expanding wai...
Examining Weight Loss Diets – Which One Is the Best

Examining Weight Loss Diets – Which One Is the Best

For the past three weeks, we have been taking a look at a health problem being experienced by an ever-increasing number of Americans – the problem of Overweight and Obesity, along with an expanding...
Nurse in England Experiences Improved Health in 3 Months

Nurse in England Experiences Improved Health in 3 Months

Gail is a 44-year-old Research Nurse Manager who lives in Bromley, Kent, England and has been on The Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle for only three months. She reports: "Because I have experien...
Vegan Minestrone Soup

Vegan Minestrone Soup

Even though the weather has warmed recently in many areas of the country, it is still winter and a nice hearty bowl of soup along with a delicious salad and some whole grain bread makes a nice even...
Hearty, Healthy, Tummy Warming Chili

Hearty, Healthy, Tummy Warming Chili

Let’s think about something that will bring about some tummy warming comfort on a cold winter day. Nothing warms the tummy (and even the heart) like a nice hot bowl of vegetarian chili. Packed with...
Why Are Folks Taking the 60-Day Challenge?

Why Are Folks Taking the 60-Day Challenge?

Most of the time in the Mailbag section we share testimonies from people who have experienced improved health after adopting The Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle program. However, for this issue...
White Death?

White Death?

Not all sugars are unhealthy, but do you know the difference?
The Great Grain Robbery

The Great Grain Robbery

How We Contribute To Our Own Physical Problems (Part 7) For the past six Health Tips (#648 through #653) we have been talking about how we contribute to our own physical problems. In Health Tip #...
The Best Healthy Cheese-less Cheese Sauce

The Best Healthy Cheese-less Cheese Sauce

Here's a tasty "cheesy" sauce that takes only minutes to prepare. It can be used on that baked potato or steamed vegetable or whatever you spread it on to add lots of flavor. Cheese-less Cheese Sauce
NASCAR Driver Tells of His Recovery from Terminal Melanoma Cancer on Hallelujah Diet

NASCAR Driver Tells of His Recovery from Terminal Melanoma Cancer on Hallelujah Diet

In his newly released book titled 5% CHANCE: Winning the Cancer Race – Ten Years Cancer Free, NASCAR Driver Jerrod Sessler writes: “It is often hard to really believe that just a few years ago I wa...
The Hallelujah Diet, A Resolution For Life

The Hallelujah Diet, A Resolution For Life

What is The Hallelujah Diet? Well, really, The Hallelujah Diet is not a diet at all, but a LIFESTYLE. Typically, a diet is something a person does for a period of time to obtain a desired effect, ...
What Would America’s Health Be Like If Everyone Adopted The Hallelujah Diet? (Part 2)

What Would America’s Health Be Like If Everyone Adopted The Hallelujah Diet? (Part 2)

Rev. Malkmus continues imagining a country where sickness is a thing of the past.
Stage 3 Breast Cancer Recovery

Stage 3 Breast Cancer Recovery

Jan L. is an accountant and legal assistant who lives in Dubuque, Iowa. She has been on The Hallelujah Diet for three years and attended our most recent Health Minister Training in November. Jan h...
Recovery in 4 Days After 5 Years Of Doctor Prescriptions For Pain

Recovery in 4 Days After 5 Years Of Doctor Prescriptions For Pain

For the past 5 years I have been very sick. It started with anxiety attacks causing me not to want to be among people. Being a piano teacher this caused a great deal of difficulty for me, especiall...
Rev. Malkmus Interviewed by Kevin Gianni

Rev. Malkmus Interviewed by Kevin Gianni

This past Monday, Kevin and Annemarie Gianni visited Hallelujah Acres. They arrived in their veggie-fueled R.V named “The Kale Whale.” While visiting Hallelujah Acres, they interviewed Rev. Malkmus...
Harvest Time Soup Recipe

Harvest Time Soup Recipe

Here's a hearty recipe sure to warm you up during the cold Winter months. Harvest Time Soup is found on page 64 of Rhonda's book, but you can view it online in the recipe section of our new website.
Why Doesn't Hallelujah Acres Publish Negative Testimonies?

Why Doesn't Hallelujah Acres Publish Negative Testimonies?

Hallelujah Acres is a Christian ministry that teaches health from a Biblical perspective! The reason this ministry was established in 1992 was because God had allowed me to have colon cancer in 197...
Do Yearly Flu Shots Increase Mortality Risk From Swine Flu?

Do Yearly Flu Shots Increase Mortality Risk From Swine Flu?

By Byron Richards, CCN Tuesday, November 10, 2009 -- A rather startling article published in the prestigious Lancet calls into question the wisdom of a yearly flu vaccine and points out that it co...
Recipes for Life: Raw Holiday Cranberry Sauce

Recipes for Life: Raw Holiday Cranberry Sauce

With the Thanksgiving a week away and Christmas just around the corner, we're sharing Holiday recipes until the end of the year. Most of the recipes are from Rhonda's beautiful 269-page, spiral bou...
Subscribe to our newsletter - Fresh pressed juice made with apples, lemon, and mint

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