Recovery from Stage 4 Cancer after Making Simple Diet Change

Recovery from Stage 4 Cancer after Making Simple Diet Change

My testimony is regarding a diagnosis of clear-cell renal carcinoma in August of 2006. It was stage 4. I had a 10 cm tumor removed because it was life-threatening. I also had multiple tumors in my ...
Swine Flu Vaccine Causing Numerous Miscarriages

Swine Flu Vaccine Causing Numerous Miscarriages

For months, this editor has been warning people of the dangers inherent in the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, including potential danger to pregnant women.
Great First-Saturday-of-the-Month Seminar

Great First-Saturday-of-the-Month Seminar

This past Saturday, we had to set up extra chairs to seat the overflow crowd who attended this past Saturday’s God’s Way to Ultimate Health Seminar. And as happens in each seminar, the testimonies ...
Multiple Myeloma Cancer Recovery

Multiple Myeloma Cancer Recovery

My husband is cancer-free. I am off all medications and have lost 30 pounds!
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