What's So Special About The Hallelujah Diet?

What's So Special About The Hallelujah Diet?

The Hallelujah Diet is a whole food, plant-based program - but that's not what makes it unique. In fact, it's much more than diet alone, and here's why.
Give A Gift of Health

Give A Gift of Health

Turns out that Mom was right about chewing your food well! The more you chew, the more nutrients you release - but here's a way to get even more nutrients out of your food.
Doctor Defensive After Patient Starts Getting Well

Doctor Defensive After Patient Starts Getting Well

Dietary troubles are not just an American epidemic! Read how one Health Minister is encouraging people to change their diet to overcome many diet-caused health problems in Africa.
RA and Fibromyalgia Pain Gone In 2 Months!

RA and Fibromyalgia Pain Gone In 2 Months!

"Within just two months of adopting The Hallelujah Diet... I no longer have any rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia pain. I feel wonderful!"
Heart Patient Off All Meds

Heart Patient Off All Meds

“Rev. Malkmus, We love the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle and we thank God for you and your work! My husband and I visited Hallelujah Acres in July 2009, attending your July 4th ‘God’s Way t...
What You Don't Know About Animal Protein Can Kill You

What You Don't Know About Animal Protein Can Kill You

In Health Tip #648we talked about how animal sourced foods were the single most dangerous foods a person could consume, being the cause or contributing cause of some 90% of all physical problems be...
Raw Carob Crunchies

Raw Carob Crunchies

Here’s another delicious all-raw desert or snack that will satisfy your sweet tooth. I believe you will find these Carob Crunchies yummy. When Rhonda and I go on speaking tours, she will often make...
Still On The Diet After Beating Cancer 20 Years Ago

Still On The Diet After Beating Cancer 20 Years Ago

David has been following The Hallelujah Diet for nearly 20 years after beating cancer. Monica's been doing it for 10 years. And Bev tried it, went back to meat, got sick, and came back. Read all ab...
How To Overcome That Addiction

How To Overcome That Addiction

For a number of issues of this Health Tip, we have been dealing with the subject of addictions. We have named a number of addictive substances that man indulges in and learned that there are many w...
Rhonda's Hallelujah Potato Salad

Rhonda's Hallelujah Potato Salad

With Labor Day Weekend only a few weeks away, here is a classic picnic recipe for you to enjoy. It may not be raw, but let’s remember we do allow 15% of the Hallelujah Diet to be cooked. Rhonda's H...
Flashback: Evangelist J.C. House

Flashback: Evangelist J.C. House

Evangelist and Doctor of Divinity J. C. House wrote the following in the forward to Rev. Malkmus’ book God’s Way to Ultimate Health, first published in 1995. The book is available on the web or by ...
School Lunches Linked To National Security

School Lunches Linked To National Security

On Tuesday, April 18, a group of retired officers were on Capitol Hill advocating for passage of a wide-ranging nutrition bill that aims to make the nation’s school lunches healthier. “Too fat to f...
Raw Non-Dairy Whipping Crème

Raw Non-Dairy Whipping Crème

Rhonda used this recipe to top a key-lime pie she demonstrated, but it can be used for topping most anywhere a whipping cream would be desired. It is especially good as a topping on fresh fruit. Ra...
Vegan chef opens eatery in Akron

Vegan chef opens eatery in Akron

Spelt flour waffles are specialty of woman who lost 125 pounds, mostly with raw foods by Lisa AbrahamClick here to the read article direct from Ohio.com's website.APRIL 28, 2010 — AKRON, OH I often...
Rhonda’s Raw Apple/Blueberry Cereal

Rhonda’s Raw Apple/Blueberry Cereal

Apples are a delicious, nutritious, and wonderful low sugar food. With it being apple harvest time, I thought it would be good to share another apple recipe this week and maybe for the next few wee...
Does Chemotherapy Really Work?

Does Chemotherapy Really Work?

“My sister works as a nurse in a VA hospital oncology ward. “Last year I asked my sister to tell me honestly what percentage of her boys as she calls them, see their cancers go into remission aft...
Fat Genes – Is There A Way to Neutralize Them

Fat Genes – Is There A Way to Neutralize Them

Often, people born of overweight parents feel they are destined to be overweight with nothing they can do about it. However recent research in Great Britain dispels this “I’m destined to be fat” th...
Colon Cancer Gone and 47 Lbs Lost

Colon Cancer Gone and 47 Lbs Lost

“I was diagnosed with colon cancer in February, 2009. “My wife, Cindy, and I decided not to follow any of the medical treatments. We started doing research on alternative methods of treatment. “W...
America: Overfed & Undernourished

America: Overfed & Undernourished

“We are the most overfed – undernourished country in the history of the world. The average person in the USA consumes 3,393 calories per day, which is phenomenal. It’s the highest in the world.” US...
Rhonda's Raw Applesauce

Rhonda's Raw Applesauce

This past Saturday, Rhonda and I took a day off to drive to the mountains of western North Carolina. We found some leaves just starting to turn their beautiful shades of red and gold. That means fa...
Prescription-Free Sleep

Prescription-Free Sleep

Your letters of testimony of what the Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle has done for you or your loved ones are such an encouragement to this editor. Thank you to all who have written this past week! ...
Rev. Malkmus Plants Fall Organic Garden

Rev. Malkmus Plants Fall Organic Garden

Gardening is one of my joys! I have been gardening most of my adult life. I enjoy nature, being close to God’s earth, and seeing little seeds come to life and grow into a beautiful flower or delici...
Weight Loss Success & Heartbreaking Letters

Weight Loss Success & Heartbreaking Letters

Your letters of testimony of what the Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle have done for you or your loved ones are such an encouragement to this editor. Thank you to all who have written this past week! ...
What's So Special About Carrot Juice?

What's So Special About Carrot Juice?

There's truth in the old saying that carrots are good for your vision - and carrot juice is even better! In fact, there's a lot more to carrot juice than meets the "eye."
Hearty Split Pea Soup

Hearty Split Pea Soup

 Well, I’m not a prophet, but I sure was right when I said “January in most areas of the United States is the coldest month of the year,” because most of the central and eastern parts of the U.S. h...
What Is Cancer And What Causes It?

What Is Cancer And What Causes It?

In this Health Tip we are going to attempt to help people better understand what cancer really is, as well as causes it. In an effort to help our readers better understand cancer, let’s go back to...
Colon Cancer and Lung Cancer Both Gone!

Colon Cancer and Lung Cancer Both Gone!

Mail has been particularly heavy of late, especially in regard to the series on “Addictions.” Thank you for all your letters. I love hearing from our readers so please keep those letters coming. ...
New Virginia Seminars Added

New Virginia Seminars Added

Rev. George Malkmus will present his God's Way to Ultimate Health seminar in Gloucester and Richmond, VA this September. Gloucester, Virginia (Near Newport News) Tuesday, Sept. 21st at 6:30 PM Pet...
How to Reduce Your Potential for a Heart Attack By 97%

How to Reduce Your Potential for a Heart Attack By 97%

On July 13, 2010, New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner died following a massive heart attack. “Yankees owner George Steinbrenner dies at 80… He had just celebrated his 80th birthday July 4. S...
Testimonies & Thanks

Testimonies & Thanks

I received a lot of mail this past week regarding a number of different issues – thank you for writing! I love to hear from our readers so please keep those letters coming. I read every one of your...
Medicare and the New Health Care Law – What It Means For You

Medicare and the New Health Care Law – What It Means For You

I’m a “Senior Citizen.” I love that title even though I feel like a kid after being on the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle for almost 35 years. Well anyway, as a Senior Citizen, only a few year...
Health Tip Subscribers Speak Up On Health Care

Health Tip Subscribers Speak Up On Health Care

Health Tip subscribers are spreading the news that personal responsibility is the future of true health care!
Why Refined Grains Are So Dangerous To Our Health

Why Refined Grains Are So Dangerous To Our Health

For the past seven Health Tips (#648 through #654) we have been talking about “How we contribute to our own physical problems”: In Health Tip #648 we talked about the FAT contained in animal sourc...
Raw Fruit & Nut Balls

Raw Fruit & Nut Balls

Here’s a delicious all raw desert or snack that will satisfy your sweet tooth. The recipe is taken from Rhonda’s Hallelujah Holiday Recipes from God’s Garden book (page 200) where it is called “Raw...
Why Do Christians Struggle With Addictions?

Why Do Christians Struggle With Addictions?

Last week in Health Tip #661: The Root of Addiction, I wrote: “Five of the six substances we have dealt with are addictive: refined sugar, refined grains, caffeine, Nicotine and alcohol. Only one o...
From The Mailbag: What Caused George Steinbrenner’s Death?

From The Mailbag: What Caused George Steinbrenner’s Death?

The very day I read of the New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner’s death due to a massive heart attack, I received the following letter from Wilson: “George, I began to be interested in the im...
12 Fruits and Veggies Make the “Dirty Dozen” List

12 Fruits and Veggies Make the “Dirty Dozen” List

In an attempt to raise awareness about pesticide use, the Environment Working Group (EWG) reviewed 100,000 produce pesticide reports from the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and D...
Surviving Cancer Without Chemo

Surviving Cancer Without Chemo

I would like to give my testimony as to how I have been helped by the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle. After being diagnosed and having surgery for breast cancer in 2002, my friend let me list...
Rhonda’s Raw Tabouli Salad

Rhonda’s Raw Tabouli Salad

Here is one of our favorite summer salad recipes while fresh garden tomatoes are in season. In fact, Rhonda made me a nice big bowl of Tabouli Salad just yesterday. Tabouli Salad Recipe Send Us You...
Pastor Loses 70 Pounds!

Pastor Loses 70 Pounds!

On September 19th, 2009 I had the privilege of sharing my “God’s Way to Ultimate Health” seminar in the New Life Baptist Church in Hudson Falls, New York, where Josh Miller is pastor. We had a grea...
The Smoking Gun

The Smoking Gun

This is the eleventh Health Tip in our continuing series on "How we Contribute to our own Physical Problems." In this Health Tip we are going to turn our attention to Nicotine, a non-food substanc...
Wake Up and Smell the Theobromine

Wake Up and Smell the Theobromine

In this Health Tip we are going to turn our attention to an addictive, toxic drug that contributes greatly to our Physical Problems when consumed. Caffeine is that substance found in coffee, many ...
New Hope For The Future

New Hope For The Future

"Dear Pastor Malkmus, after reading two of your books, God's Way to Ultimate Health and The Hallelujah Diet, I want to say that I admire and salute you. Reading your books proved to me that there...
Great Grain Robbery Worse Than Previously Thought

Great Grain Robbery Worse Than Previously Thought

We’re continuing our series on How we Contribute to our own Physical Problems. Today we’ll learn more about grains, and continue to share why they become problematic when consumed in their refined...
Raw, Dairyless Blueberry Cheesecake

Raw, Dairyless Blueberry Cheesecake

Blueberries are still in abundance here in North Carolina. Here in the Malkmus household we are still taking advantage of them for some very tasty dessert treats. Blueberries are one of the highest...
What Keeps Rev. Malkmus Going At Age 76?

What Keeps Rev. Malkmus Going At Age 76?

This Editor is 76 years old (only 3 ½ years from his 80th birthday). That’s well past the age most people retire, yet I still put over 40 hours a week into the ministry. As I write this, it is 4:2...
What About Genesis 9:3?

What About Genesis 9:3?

There have been some questions about something I said regarding the reason I believe God allowed mankind to consume animal flesh in my article about pH levels a couple weeks ago. Lester writes:...
Encouragement from Around the Globe

Encouragement from Around the Globe

I receive so many emails from old friends and new acquaintances on a regular basis and thought it might be of interest to our readers to read just a few of the emails I received this past week. ...
Subscribe to our newsletter - Fresh pressed juice made with apples, lemon, and mint

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