This Editor is 76 years old (only 3 ½ years from his 80th birthday). That’s well past the age most people retire, yet I still put over 40 hours a week into the ministry.
As I write this, it is 4:21 a.m. on Saturday Morning, July 3rd. In just a few hours (after I get another hour of sleep) will be standing at the entrance to Hallelujah Acres for an hour greeting those who are coming to hear my “God’s Way to Ultimate Health” seminar which begins at 10:00, concludes at about 1:00 p.m. I won’t arrive back home until around 4:00 p.m. after answering questions posed by those who have traveled from across America to attended the seminar.
(Note: This past Saturday folks were here from 14 different states, coming from as far away as Texas, Louisiana, Iowa, Florida, and New York.)
Tomorrow (Sunday) will be spent in church (Attending Sunday School, Morning and Evening services). Monday will be a day off for most because of the long 4th of July weekend. I, on the other hand, will begin my “Two Day Workshop” where I will be sharing the finer points of the Hallelujah Diet. Then Wednesday through Friday I will participate in our 68th Health Ministry training.
The following week, after writing two more Health Tips, Rhonda and I will begin a 3,000 mile lecture tour that will take us to Algona, Iowa; Independence, Missouri; and Branson, Missouri.
That’s the way our life goes. We haven’t taken a vacation since starting Hallelujah Acres on February 12, 1992, eighteen plus years ago. Why, at 76 years of age, when most people have already been long retired, do I keep on devoting over 40 hours weekly, driving tens of thousands of miles across America each year sharing God’s Health Message? What keeps me going and driving me on?
Well I can assure you it is not money that drives me because I charge nothing for my seminars or Health Tips or anything else I do for the ministry. In fact, neither Rhonda nor I have taken a salary or bonus since Hallelujah Acres had its beginning in 1992. So if it’s not money that drives me, what is it?
What keeps driving me is my burden, especially for fellow Christians, Preachers and missionaries, who are sick and dying needlessly because they are not aware that there is a better way to nourish their God made physical bodies than the way they have been previously nourishing them. I also know that there is a better way to deal with physical problems once they manifest than the doctor/drug route fellow Christians have been pursuing..
So what keeps me encouraged so that I stay on the firing line? Testimonies!
The letters I receive from those who have adopted the Hallelujah Diet and had their health restored keeps me motivated.
In this Health Tip you will find another testimony to add to the tens-of-thousands of others who have written to tell me how the Hallelujah diet has helped them recover from over 170 different physical problems – even terminal cancers, by simply changing what they eat.
So, please keep sending me those testimonies that keep me motivated. You can use the contact form at the right of this page to send me a note. I can’t wait to hear from you!
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Raw, Dairyless Blueberry Cheesecake
Raw, Dairyless Blueberry Cheesecake
Blueberries are still in abundance here in Nort...