Rev. Malkmus Interviewed by Kevin Gianni

Rev. Malkmus Interviewed by Kevin Gianni

This past Monday, Kevin and Annemarie Gianni visited Hallelujah Acres. They arrived in their veggie-fueled R.V named “The Kale Whale.” While visiting Hallelujah Acres, they interviewed Rev. Malkmus for over an hour, and on Tuesday, November 17, they shared a small segment of the interview on their website. Some 80 people have responded to that first segment thus far. Below are some of those responses and you can read the rest of them at the Renegade Health Show website.
“I got to hear Dr. George speak in January 2001. In the audience there must have been 600 to 700 people. The testimonies that came from the audience were incredible! People testified of overcoming all types of cancers, diabetes, heart disease and weight losses of 50 lbs or more. In fact, there was a woman sitting next to me who lost over 100 lbs on the Hallelujah Diet. This diet helped me heal from colon and prostate cancer, migraine headaches, sinus issues, other aliments plus I lost 65 lbs. He inspired me so much that I became a Hallelujah Acres Health Minister and went on to receive my doctorate as a Naturopathic Physician and Master Herbalist. And I am currently working in the South Florida area with my own radio program on Grace FM. I am about 90 to 95% raw. And I agree with Dr. George that juicing is the key to the diet. And it needs to be with a proper juice extractor (like a Champion or Green Star) and not a blender. George Malkmus is such an inspiration to me and others. Look how great he looks at 75 years young, and how active and vital he maintains his life. KEEP GOING STRONG BROTHER GEORGE!!!!!”
Health Minister, Dr., John F. Montalvo, Jr., Florida
“I enjoyed your interview with Rev. Malkmus very much – I have been on the Hallelujah Diet for over 8 years – I have lost a total of 60 pounds – I was a Type 2 diabetic for 10 years – finally I just wanted to take control of my life and now I am not diabetic any more – the family doctor is amazed – I tell my story any where I go – I have their cook book – I sit in on some of their Web classes -I have been a follower of his for many years – I really believe in the diet and changing our eating habits. I am on no medications at the present time – I am 73 years old and rarely have to take anything for pain – it is just wonderful – I enjoy your videos each time – keep up the good work – May God bless you.”
Odella R.
“In 1996, my husband and I watched Rev. Malkmus’ video “You don’t have to be sick” I have always been on a healthy food path, but my husband had various aches and pains and took 800mg of ibuprofen four times a day (it’s only supposed to be 3), which messed up his stomach, so he had to take Zantac. After watching the video, he figured he could try anything for 2 weeks, so we went on it. After 2 days he didn’t need the Zantac, and after a week, he didn’t need the pain meds!”
“Great interview, I lived in Hendersonville, North Carolina for a few years and went to Hallelujah Acres (an hour away) for classes and then the Health Minister Class in 2007. I love that place. In 6 weeks I lost 27 lbs. I had been having a lot of pain and it was gone in 4 days after starting the juicing, Barley Max, smoothies and salads. Now I have a small health food store in California and talk about HA to all my customers.”

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