Veggie Protein Beats Breast Disease

Veggie Protein Beats Breast Disease

In his iconic book, The China Study, cancer researcher Dr. T. Colin Campbell demonstrated that a diet containing animal-based protein "turns on" cancer. But what about vegetable protein? Could it h...
Have You Waited Too Long?

Have You Waited Too Long?

Most people wait too long to do something about their health... that includes us, too! Had we known about how good our health could be with The Hallelujah Diet, we would have both adopted it much ...
Sunshine Is Grandma's Best Friend

Sunshine Is Grandma's Best Friend

We all know an elderly person who seemed to "beat the odds." You know... lived in their own house into their 90s... worked outdoors every day... mind was razor sharp. Research says that the outdo...
Fancy Food Made Simple

Fancy Food Made Simple

Are you creatively challenged? Artistically inept? Fear not! You don't need a fine arts degree to create a fancy meal. After all "fancy" is in the mouth of the beholder. And it doesn't have to m...
Does Breast Cancer Pink Make You See Red?

Does Breast Cancer Pink Make You See Red?

Have your eyes adjusted yet? It used to be that October was the pink month in support of "breast cancer research." But now it seems to be year-round. However, have you ever stopped to consider w...
Why You Should Watch Your Temper

Why You Should Watch Your Temper

Ladies, have you ever experienced a headache after your husband or kids made you angry? There's a scientific reason for it, believe it or not. The American College of Rheumatology has released a ...
Is Low Sodium Really The Answer?

Is Low Sodium Really The Answer?

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is gaining a lot of attention lately for spearheading health initiatives in the Big Apple. Earlier this week, The New York Times said he "declared a victory agains...
Surgery vs Supplements

Surgery vs Supplements

Is surgery really the only option for “that old football injury?” Maybe not! I should know (Paul, here). Back when Ann and I were developing our Exercise Essentials online video fitness program a...
Enzymes 101: The Key To Health

Enzymes 101: The Key To Health

You can't have good health if you're not digesting properly. And enzymes are the key to it all! Still, many people are confused about what enzymes are and why we need them, so we decided to take so...
Wireless Health

Wireless Health

More people like you are paying attention to their health, but how they keep track of their health differs widely. According to the Pew Research Center, 69% of American adults track health indicat...

The World's Most Powerful Medicine

Did you know that you take a healthy dose of the world’s most powerful medicine every day? In fact, most people take it three times a day — and don’t even realize it. It's food. Food is your mos...
Fermented Foods: Even Better Than Raw?

Fermented Foods: Even Better Than Raw?

We're not the pickling type, but we have tried our hand at fermented foods with The Perfect Pickler (it's a neat little gadget that makes pickling a snap). Fermented foods are fascinating — a lost ...
The Most Damaging Kind of Aging

The Most Damaging Kind of Aging

We all know that stressful situations can be draining, both emotionally and physically. But do we consider how each moment of stress can affect our longevity? Just as each cigarette contributes t...
Is Your Rice Poisoned?

Is Your Rice Poisoned?

Ever have one of those moments after you change your diet? You know... you've switched out all the harmful food in your fridge, and you're ready to get back into healthy foods — so you go to make ...

Make A New Year's "Revolution"

We all know that new year’s resolutions usually don’t work. Why? Because most resolutions don’t involve your whole being. You’re trying to change one aspect of your life without creating the fram...
Why Wait To Get Fit?

Why Wait To Get Fit?

Next month, fitness gym memberships will spike upwards of 40%. And in February, all the bandwagon jumpers will jump off again. Yo-yo exercising gets you about as far as yo-yo dieting — nowhere! ...
The Life-saving Importance of Antioxidants

The Life-saving Importance of Antioxidants

Everyone knows that antioxidants help keep you healthy. But relatively few understand why. It's pretty simple, really. Antioxidants nullify oxidation, as their name suggests. Oxidation, or oxidat...
Juicing For Beauty

Juicing For Beauty

Do you remember "Latika" — the fresh-faced young girl from the Slumdog Millionaire movie? Today that young girl, 28-year-old Freida Pinto, is one of Hollywood's most sought after beauty queens and...
Homemade Mosquito Repellent

Homemade Mosquito Repellent

It must be autumn — dire warnings of West Nile Virus are all over the news again. But don't let the media hype scare you. You have to remember that reports of deaths due to the virus don't tell y...
Exercise Secrets On The Hallelujah Diet

Exercise Secrets On The Hallelujah Diet

What kind of gas do you put in your car? If you have a run-of-the-mill family car, maybe that doesn't matter so much. But sports cars need the good stuff. So do sports "people." Good fuel (foo...
Spray Tanning Gets A Blemish

Spray Tanning Gets A Blemish

The spray tanning world is blushing today after an embarrassing mix-up regarding DHA — and it may change a lot of people's minds about "safe" ways to tan. DHA in the spray tanning world is an acro...
Gut Health Is All In Your Head

Gut Health Is All In Your Head

Many people are surprised to learn that your brain is the first organ to suffer from nutrient deficiency. In fact, food has everything to do with brain health because your brain and gut are linked...
National Health Conference in Nigeria

National Health Conference in Nigeria

Happy Thanksgiving! We're still in Nigeria but wanted to touch base with you and let you know about the most exciting event we have attended here this week. On Monday, November 19, we were invited...
How To Have A Healthy Thanksgiving

How To Have A Healthy Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving upon us next week, it's time to search out some Hallelujah Diet friendly recipes! A lot people ask us what we think are the best foods for the occasion. Obviously, the key is mod...
Vegetarian Diet Found Healthier... Again!

Vegetarian Diet Found Healthier... Again!

You can now put away any doubts that a vegetarian diet is healthier. Researchers in China have just released the findings of a brand new study involving more than 124,000 participants; and once ag...

What You Didn't Know About Chestnuts

It's Christmas time again and that means chestnut time! But what you don't know about chestnuts may surprise you. Just like any other nut, chestnuts have a good dose of healthy fats and some prote...
You Are Not A Disease Time Bomb

You Are Not A Disease Time Bomb

Women's Retreat 2012 is just around the corner and our featured speaker is none other than Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a nationally renowned family physician, author, and nutritional expert recently featured...
Study: Vegetarian Diet Produces Fewer Toxins

Study: Vegetarian Diet Produces Fewer Toxins

We often hear from people that they feel better after switching to The Hallelujah Diet — and now we know there's a good reason for it! A study from Stanford University has found that a vegetarian ...
Rhonda Malkmus: In Her Own Words

Rhonda Malkmus: In Her Own Words

In honor her new book, Rhonda's Culinary Creations, we asked Hallelujah Acres co-founder Rhonda Malkmus to give us a glimpse into the history of Hallelujah Acres and how her recipe books have becom...
Could Sitting Too Long Make You Sick?

Could Sitting Too Long Make You Sick?

Sure, you go to the gym after a hard day at the office — but according to a new study, it's not enough if you sit for long hours at your desk. Those who sit for long periods have a two fold increa...
New Proof That GMOs Are Harmful

New Proof That GMOs Are Harmful

Like something out of a science fiction thriller, genetically modified organisms (GMO) are having horrifying effects in lab tests. Genetically modified corn engineered to be resistant to Roundup h...
What to Eat When You're Expecting

What to Eat When You're Expecting

You may recall last year that “Bones” TV star Emily Deschanel announced that she would continue her vegan diet through pregnancy. People freaked out! No surprise, she and baby are just fine today...
New Research Validates A Biblical Diet

New Research Validates A Biblical Diet

Looks like somebody other than Hallelujah Acres is going back in time to find the diet best suited for the human body. Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston say that a modern, Western diet, wh...
How To Stop Biological Rusting

How To Stop Biological Rusting

If you've ever been to a vintage car show, you know that age is relative. With proper care and attention, an old car can look and run like new — and a newer car can look like it's ready for the sc...
Good Intentions Gone Bad

Good Intentions Gone Bad

Trish K. of Cooran, Australia is 65 years old — she beat cancer single-handedly. That is, she had no medical intervention. In fact, she doesn’t even support cancer research anymore. Here’s why. ...
Pick Your Child's Poison: Obesity or BPA

Pick Your Child's Poison: Obesity or BPA

A new study is showing that the much maligned chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) is a cause of obesity in children. Or is it the other way around? Quite truthfully, scientists aren't sure whether high le...
Vaccines and International Travel

Vaccines and International Travel

We're busy making plans for October in our house. For two very big reasons. Not only is Hallelujah Acres moving to its new location in Gastonia, NC in October, but we're going to Africa, too! Wh...
Depressed? Check Your Thyroid!

Depressed? Check Your Thyroid!

Hi everyone, Ann here. Today’s message is for both men and women, but women especially. Many people are depressed these days – but women seem to suffer from depression more than men. One of the re...
Fruits and Veggies — Not Necessary In Ancient Times?

Fruits and Veggies — Not Necessary In Ancient Times?

There's been an interesting twist thrown into the mix of dietary discussion, recently. On August 16, the American Journal of Public Health released a report saying "fruit and vegetable consumption...
Why Not Soy Milk?

Why Not Soy Milk?

There are just too many problems with soy — including soy milk — to say that it's OK (for men or women). On the one hand, you've probably seen the reports (as we have) that say: "soy consumption h...
New Research Says Meat and Dairy Cause Acne

New Research Says Meat and Dairy Cause Acne

Got acne? Lose the cheeseburgers. It's pretty much that simple according to new dermatology research from Germany. The researchers say that acne is becoming an epidemic, and put the blame squarel...
The Truth Shall Make You Free (of disease)

The Truth Shall Make You Free (of disease)

Go figure. Apparently, obeying the ninth commandment — You shall not lie (Exodus 20:16) — can benefit your health! It's true! We're not lying! Honest! :) Researchers at the University of Notre Da...
Dietary Evangelism

Dietary Evangelism

Trying to spread the word of hope and healing? It can be tough... we know from 20 years of experience! But there are certain pieces of information that are hard to deny — and these are the type fac...
Not All Fast Food Is The Same

Not All Fast Food Is The Same

Fast food is not exclusive to North America. Other countries have their versions. But North American fast food seems to be the most dangerous no matter where it is consumed! New findings from a h...
Prevent Obesity Later In Life — Breastfeed Now

Prevent Obesity Later In Life — Breastfeed Now

A study in the UK has found that breastfeeding your babies has benefits for you after your kids are all grown up! “We already know breastfeeding is best for babies," says Oxford University's Dr. K...
Gardening Is Great Exercise

Gardening Is Great Exercise

Instead of cursing those weeds, you may want to thank them for saving your heart! It turns out that gardening is great exercise that can help you lower your blood pressure, increase blood flow, bui...
What Psoriasis Says About Your Health

What Psoriasis Says About Your Health

Sometimes skin conditions are not what they seem. On page 18 of Health News magazine issue #72, Rick Lamothe tells how a condition he thought was eczema was actually a rare form of cancer. But wha...
Should You Be Gluten-Free?

Should You Be Gluten-Free?

Right now, the U.S. standards on gluten-free food labeling are loose, at best. If you haven't been diagnosed with celiac disease, maybe that doesn't concern you very much. But should it? Could yo...
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