Health News
Passing on the Health Benefits
I have been on The Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle for going on three years now and as a result of making this diet and lifestyle change have lost 40 pounds in weight, been able to go off all...
Designed By God To Be In Health
“I pray your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (I Thessalonians 5:23)
Although the Christian community ministers to the spiritual p...
Examining Weight Loss Diets – Which One Is the Best (Part 2)
In recent Health Tips we have been taking a look at a health problem being experienced by an ever-increasing number of Americans – the problem of overweight and obesity, along with an expanding wai...
Examining Weight Loss Diets – Which One Is the Best
For the past three weeks, we have been taking a look at a health problem being experienced by an ever-increasing number of Americans – the problem of Overweight and Obesity, along with an expanding...
Nurse in England Experiences Improved Health in 3 Months
Gail is a 44-year-old Research Nurse Manager who lives in Bromley, Kent, England and has been on The Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle for only three months. She reports:
"Because I have experien...
Vegan Minestrone Soup
Even though the weather has warmed recently in many areas of the country, it is still winter and a nice hearty bowl of soup along with a delicious salad and some whole grain bread makes a nice even...
Hearty, Healthy, Tummy Warming Chili
Let’s think about something that will bring about some tummy warming comfort on a cold winter day. Nothing warms the tummy (and even the heart) like a nice hot bowl of vegetarian chili. Packed with...
Why Are Folks Taking the 60-Day Challenge?
Most of the time in the Mailbag section we share testimonies from people who have experienced improved health after adopting The Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle program. However, for this issue...
Gardner Webb Nutrition Class Invitation
Dear Rev. Malkmus, Happy New Year to you!
My name is Amy and I currently teach Nutrition here at Gardner-Webb University. I have heard about Hallelujah Acres through the grapevine and was wonderin...
The Great Grain Robbery
How We Contribute To Our Own Physical Problems (Part 7)
For the past six Health Tips (#648 through #653) we have been talking about how we contribute to our own physical problems.
In Health Tip #...
The Best Healthy Cheese-less Cheese Sauce
Here's a tasty "cheesy" sauce that takes only minutes to prepare. It can be used on that baked potato or steamed vegetable or whatever you spread it on to add lots of flavor. Cheese-less Cheese Sauce
NASCAR Driver Tells of His Recovery from Terminal Melanoma Cancer on Hallelujah Diet
In his newly released book titled 5% CHANCE: Winning the Cancer Race – Ten Years Cancer Free, NASCAR Driver Jerrod Sessler writes:
“It is often hard to really believe that just a few years ago I wa...
The Hallelujah Diet, A Resolution For Life
What is The Hallelujah Diet?
Well, really, The Hallelujah Diet is not a diet at all, but a LIFESTYLE. Typically, a diet is something a person does for a period of time to obtain a desired effect, ...
What Would America’s Health Be Like If Everyone Adopted The Hallelujah Diet? (Part 2)
Rev. Malkmus continues imagining a country where sickness is a thing of the past.
Stage 3 Breast Cancer Recovery
Jan L. is an accountant and legal assistant who lives in Dubuque, Iowa. She has been on The Hallelujah Diet for three years and attended our most recent Health Minister Training in November.
Jan h...
Recovery in 4 Days After 5 Years Of Doctor Prescriptions For Pain
For the past 5 years I have been very sick. It started with anxiety attacks causing me not to want to be among people. Being a piano teacher this caused a great deal of difficulty for me, especiall...
Rev. Malkmus Interviewed by Kevin Gianni
This past Monday, Kevin and Annemarie Gianni visited Hallelujah Acres. They arrived in their veggie-fueled R.V named “The Kale Whale.” While visiting Hallelujah Acres, they interviewed Rev. Malkmus...
Harvest Time Soup Recipe
Here's a hearty recipe sure to warm you up during the cold Winter months. Harvest Time Soup is found on page 64 of Rhonda's book, but you can view it online in the recipe section of our new website.
Why Doesn't Hallelujah Acres Publish Negative Testimonies?
Hallelujah Acres is a Christian ministry that teaches health from a Biblical perspective! The reason this ministry was established in 1992 was because God had allowed me to have colon cancer in 197...
Do Yearly Flu Shots Increase Mortality Risk From Swine Flu?
By Byron Richards, CCN
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 -- A rather startling article published in the prestigious Lancet calls into question the wisdom of a yearly flu vaccine and points out that it co...
Rev. Malkmus & Rhonda Move into Their New Home in The Villages
This past Monday, November 9, we moved into our new home in the Villages of Hallelujah Acres. HALLELUJAH! By evening we had the beds up and kitchen functional. Next came the adjustment of furniture...
Recipes for Life: Raw Holiday Cranberry Sauce
With the Thanksgiving a week away and Christmas just around the corner, we're sharing Holiday recipes until the end of the year. Most of the recipes are from Rhonda's beautiful 269-page, spiral bou...
Florida Speaking Tour coming up in January 2010.
Rev. Malkmus and Rhonda have six God's Way to Ultimate Health seminars scheduled in six different Florida cities in January. Paul and Ann Malkmus will follow-up with the Where Do I Go from Here cla...
Does Everyone Who Adopts The Hallelujah Diet Get Well?
One of the questions I am often asked is: "Does everyone who adopts the Hallelujah Diet see all of their physical problems go away?" My answer to that question is: "ABSOLUTELY NOT." But let me hast...
WOKV Radio Interview this Saturday
Rev. George Malkmus will appear as a guest speaker for host, Forrest Wilson, on Jacksonville’s radio station WOKV. Turn in on Nov 14 at 2:30pm, either locally or through WOKV’s streaming radio avai...
Recipes for Life: Knock-Your-Socks-Off Holiday Juice
With the Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, we're sharing Holiday recipes until the end of the year. Most of the recipes are from Rhonda's beautiful 269-page, spiral bound, Halleluj...
Recovery from Stage 4 Cancer after Making Simple Diet Change
My testimony is regarding a diagnosis of clear-cell renal carcinoma in August of 2006. It was stage 4. I had a 10 cm tumor removed because it was life-threatening. I also had multiple tumors in my ...
Spend 2 Days with Rev. Malkmus Learning How to Eliminate Sickness
November 16-17 (only a week away) is your opportunity to spend two days with the Founder of Hallelujah Acres – the man God has used to bring health and healing to multitudes of people around the wo...
Swine Flu Vaccine Causing Numerous Miscarriages
For months, this editor has been warning people of the dangers inherent in the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, including potential danger to pregnant women.
Great First-Saturday-of-the-Month Seminar
This past Saturday, we had to set up extra chairs to seat the overflow crowd who attended this past Saturday’s God’s Way to Ultimate Health Seminar. And as happens in each seminar, the testimonies ...
More Information About the Villages
The First Phase of the Villages of Hallelujah Acres consists of 11 single-family, one-half acre estate lots in a private, gated section of the Villages, while 28 single family, quarter acre Garden ...
Ribbon Cutting Officially Opens Villages of Hallelujah Acres
On Tuesday, October 27th, at 11:00 a.m., friends, vendors, dignitaries, city officials (including the Mayor), and the Shelby Chamber of Commerce president, gathered at Hallelujah Acres for the off...
Six City Florida Speaking Tour
Our Florida Speaking Tour is coming up in January 2010. Rev. Malkmus will deliver his “God’s Way to Ultimate Health” seminar in six different Florida cities.
Rev. Malkmus & Rhonda Move Into New Home at The Villages
Following Rev. Malkmus’ hemorrhagic stroke in 2001, he and Rhonda moved to a gated-community in Granite Falls, North Carolina (a community located 50-miles north of Hallelujah Acres), with plans fo...
Multiple Myeloma Cancer Recovery
My husband is cancer-free. I am off all medications and have lost 30 pounds!
Doctor Offers Word of Thanks
Thank you for continuing to tell the truth. There are so many, many pressures against simple good health principles and the truth of God’s word. It is very refreshing to read your articles. Thanks ...
Sweet Potato Casserole
This recipe is a cooked one and very delicious. Rhonda serves it most years as a part of either our Thanksgiving or Christmas meal.
Rev. Malkmus on Memphis Radio Station
Rev. George Malkmus will be featured on Dr. Moore's Wellness Show on KWAM 990 AM in Memphis, Tennessee on Saturday, December 12 at 3:05 P.M. If you're in Memphis, be sure to tune in!