Health News
A Natural Solution for Getting Rid of Gout
What causes gout? Here's a hint: it's the same thing that causes arthritis! If you suffer from either of these debilitating conditions, take heart! The solution is easier than you think.
Asthma and Allergies - The Natural Approach
Of all mammals on earth, only humans consume this food — and it's the root cause of asthma! Rev. Malkmus shares how a simple diet change can truly be a breath of fresh air for asthmatics.
First Day of Summer Picnic
Summertime is here — and so is cookout season! Here's a delectable, perfectly healthy way to enjoy all your favorites while maintaining your health.
Is There A Cure For Arthritis?
Why has a cure for arthritis not been found? Is anyone really looking for a cure — or is the profit of patient suffering too lucrative? Calm yourself before you read the appalling answer...
The Hallelujah Diet - Polish Edition
Worldwide demand for healthier food choices is breaking new ground for The Hallelujah Diet overseas! Now available in Polish, The Hallelujah Diet book may soon be available in additional languages!
Powerful Response to "Where Is God In Time of Sickness"
If Shawn had Rev's Malmkus' "Where Is God In Time of Sickness?" in printed form, every member of her church would have a copy! This woman is on fire for health!
NEW! Hallelujah Gardening Guide
Grow incredible gardens like Rev. Malkmus does! As a bonus for Health Tip subscribers, you now have access to an online gardening video every week, all year long. Check it out!
Maple Walnut Frozen Ice Cream
You won't believe how easy it is to make the best maple walnut "ice cream" you've ever tasted!
How The Hallelujah Diet Helps Menopause, and More!
The traumatic effects of menopause can test a woman's serenity and that of her family. Today's testimony from one woman echoes that of so many others who have found relief by adopting The Halleluja...
How Others Are Healing God's Way!
Can changing your diet really change cancer outcomes? Yes! In fact, after changing their diet, people in this week's testimonies have canceled cancer surgeries, refused chemotherapy, and are feelin...
Health and Healing At Home and Abroad
After sharing their message here in Shelby, NC, Rev. Malkmus and Rhonda discovered first-hand how The Hallelujah Diet is changing lives in Florence, SC.
Dealing With Osteoporosis God's Way
Diet is the key to preventing osteoporosis! Rev. Malkmus shares medical proof as to why osteoporosis happens, what food has to to do with it... and how to prevent it!
How to Defeat Cancer... God's Way!
What would you do if you had cancer today? Here are 6 compelling stories of how others dealt with it — both the world's way and God's way!
New Poll Reveals Hallelujah Diet Results
What does it take to restore a diseased body to perfect health? The answer is so simple it's astounding — and ancient doctors knew the secret thousands of years ago!
Sugarless Dairy-Free Ice Cream
Now you can enjoy a healthy alternative to ice cream while leaving out the refined sugar and fat!
The Life-Saving, Money-Saving Wonders of A Proper Diet
Jack's story is amazing! His blood sugar dropped 300 points in just two weeks — and he estimates The Hallelujah Diet could have saved him $100,000 in medical expenses!
How to Deal With Cardiovascular Problems Naturally
Drugs don't deal with the cause of heart problems. In many cases, they can add even more problems! Is there another solution? Rev. Malkmus shares the answer.
Our 700th Issue!
We're celebrating the 700th issue of the Health Tip by asking you to help shape its future! Here's your chance to tell Rev. Malkmus what kinds of information you want.
Sister's Story Changes Lives
Rev. Malkmus' story about his sister's cancer battle struck a chord with many Health Tip readers. Read how this story has changed lives and opinions about cancer treatment.
Is Distilled Water More Dangerous Than Tap Water?
You may have heard that distilled water is "dangerous" and can weaken your bones. Is this true? Reverend Malkmus sets the record straight!
Running A Marathon On The Hallelujah Diet
Some think that a plant-based diet leaves you weak and malnourished - tell that to Heidi, a personal trainer and marathon runner on The Hallelujah Diet!
How To Obtain And Maintain Wellness
Natural disasters and war on the news have many Americans getting back to basics. But what are the true "basics" of wellness?
God's Original Intent
How far have we drifted for God's original intent? Think about it and you may surprise yourself! But there is a way to regain some ground — Rev. Malkmus shares how!
The Solution to Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Most diseases have a diet-related cause and erectile dysfunction is no different. Rev. Malkmus shares how diet and lifestyle are critical, yet simple factors that can offer hope.
Thinking Outside The (Medicine) Box
Where do you run to for physical health and healing? Discover why people around the world spell relief: B-I-B-L-E.
I'll Never Go Back To My Old Ways - Barbara
Barbara's doctor told her that raw foods were "bad for her." But she went on The Hallelujah Diet anyway and the results were, in her words, "unbelievable!" Read all about Eloiza's, Claris' and Andr...
Homemade: Simple Vegetable Soup Stock
The best-tasting, healthiest soups start with soup stock you make yourself. Here's a simple, versatile stock you can use in many different recipes!
Paul C. Bragg - Still A Health Legend
Geriatric surfing? Why not! Rev Malkmus shares how Paul C Bragg did it by restoring his body to health after a serious childhood disease.
Dangers of Fluoride Exposed
Refreshing news! A bipartisan group of legislators in the Tennessee House of Representatives are requesting the cessation of water fluoridation.
Remembering Jack LaLanne
"Health Hero" Jack LaLanne's life was not always so healthy! Rev. Malkmus recounts Jack's life-changing, paradigm shift at age 15 when he reluctantly went to a health food lecture by Paul Bragg.
Energy Drinks - Health Hazard
Poison control centers are now reporting thousands of potentially hazardous overdoses... of energy drinks! Rev. Malkmus reveals what's inside 10 of the most popular brands.
Why Do We...
Have you stopped lately to consider what you're nourishing your body with? Everyone these days is busy, but taking care of our health should be #1. Consider these questions...
Arthritis Can Be Beaten!
Why put up with the agonizing pain of arthritis when you don't have to? Health Tip readers are breaking free - read all about it!
What Does A Healthy Kitchen Look Like?
What foods qualify to be in a healthy kitchen? Which ones should be banished? The Bible provides a perfect example of the original "kitchen!"
What Does A Weight Gaining Kitchen Look Like?
Your kitchen says a lot about your health! Open the freezer, refrigerator, and pantry... what do you see? Rev. Malkmus reveals the culinary culprits that make for an unhealthy kitchen.
How Often Should Women Have Mammograms?
Getting a mammogram is the responsible thing to do, right? Maybe not. Read what one of America's most respected surgeons has to say about this form of cancer "prevention."
MS for 20 years... gone!
Can MS symptoms vanish? Can lifelong heart disease just disappear? And can 60 days be all it takes to start a new life? If this week's testimonies are any indication, the answers are yes, yes, and ...
Thankful for Restored Health
Marsha was extra thankful this Thanksgiving! After a debilitating condition struck in 2009, she is now fully recovered and enjoying life to the fullest!
The World's Diet: Cause of Most Physical Problems
Be not conformed to the Standard American Diet! Rev. Malkmus gives both Biblical and scientific reasons why changing your diet can save your life!
Norman Walker: Juicing Pioneer
If you're into juicing and raw foods, you have Dr. Norman Walker to thank. Rev. Malkmus shares the life story of this Health Hero and how his ideals live on today!
Surprising Reactions to Diet Change
Have you been to the doctor lately? What response did you get when you explained your diet? Barbara shares what happened at her last visit!
No Insurance A Blessing In Disguise
What do you do when the doctor says you have cancer... but you don't have insurance to afford chemotherapy? You do it God's way, like Todd's mom did.
Supercharge Your Internal "D" Cell
Want to pump up your immune system, fight cancer and even prevent against diabetes? Here's one bright idea you need to know.
"My life has completely changed!"
BarleyMax is making an impact in Australia. Africans are recommending it, too. Find out why so many people around the world are having success by simply changing their diet!
The Naked Truth About Vitamin D
Everyone runs to vitamin C during flu season, but what about vitamin D? Truth is, vitamin D may be your most powerful immune-boosting weapon in the fight against the flu!
Rave Reviews For China Study Response
A flood of support has come in regarding Rev. Malkmus' critique of the criticism 'Dr. M' unleashed on The China Study.
Why Detoxification Is Necessary
What exactly happens to the body during detoxification? And why do most people mistakenly stop the process before it's done? Find out why it's important not to make this crucial mistake!
Study Finds Junk Food As Addictive As Drugs
According to a new study in the Journal Nature Neuroscience, binging on high-calorie foods may be as addictive as cocaine or nicotine and could cause compulsive eating and obesity.
The study, usin...