Hallelujah Acres History — 1997-2001

Hallelujah Acres History — 1997-2001

Hallelujah Acres has a fascinating past! Rev. Malkmus shares the intriguing story of how Hallelujah Acres moved to North Carolina and all the adventures that followed.
The Nurse Who's Seen It All

The Nurse Who's Seen It All

Lisa has been a nurse for 36 years and is now battling breast cancer. Read what she has to say about The Hallelujah Diet!
Hallelujah Acres History - 1992-1997

Hallelujah Acres History - 1992-1997

If you thought you knew Hallelujah Acres' history, think again! Rev. Malkmus shares rarely revealed details in this week's Health Tip!
Medical Doctors Praise The Hallelujah Diet

Medical Doctors Praise The Hallelujah Diet

This week's testimonies share how medical doctors are turning to The Hallelujah Diet and sharing the truth with their patients!
Diet & Cancer: The Power of Fruits and Vegetables

Diet & Cancer: The Power of Fruits and Vegetables

By John Weisburger, PhDInternational comparisons show that people who eat green and yellow vegetables and fruits have a lower incidence of many types of cancer. The immediate thought that comes to...
Is Dark Chocolate Good For Heart Health?

Is Dark Chocolate Good For Heart Health?

Chocolate may have some redeeming qualities, but do its negative characteristics outweigh the benefits?
Healthy Love Potion Recipes to Share

Healthy Love Potion Recipes to Share

Are you nuts about your honey? Your spouse, that is. Show your love by helping them get healthy — and ensure your love lasts for many healthy years to come. Making an effort to get healthy (especia...
Health Matters: Cancer

Health Matters: Cancer

Health Matters is a new, FREE email newsletter from Hallelujah Acres. Each week for an entire year, you’ll receive an email dealing with topics tailored to one specific health issue. Here’s a sampl...
Minty, Chocolatey Carob Smoothie

Minty, Chocolatey Carob Smoothie

Creamy and smooth with a cool, fresh kick! It's the chocolatey, minty treat that's great for your health!  
Health News #74 Now Available Online

Health News #74 Now Available Online

Health News #74 (November-December 2012) is ready to read - check it out! Read it now and discover: How help older loved ones regain their youthful energy Why bladder control is an issue for w...
Timeless Health

Timeless Health

My parents are pretty spry for their ages. Mom is 85, Dad is 83 and they've been married for more than 60 years. They've heard me talk a lot about The Hallelujah Diet; I've encouraged them to “just...
Does Eating Cooked Foods Hinder Healing?

Does Eating Cooked Foods Hinder Healing?

Do you feel tired or lack energy on The Hallelujah Diet? It may be the cooked foods — but you may be surprised at what Rev. Malkmus suggests as a solution!
Raw Blueberry Ice Cream

Raw Blueberry Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for... a non-dairy frozen dessert that tastes great and is good for your health! Good news - we've got one!
Gardening Guide #28: Easy Greenhouse (Part 1)

Gardening Guide #28: Easy Greenhouse (Part 1)

Greenhouse gardening doesn't have to be expensive. Willi Murray shows you an economical alternative you can make in one afternoon!
Celebrating 52 Years Cancer Free

Celebrating 52 Years Cancer Free

Celebrating a combined total of 52 years cancer free, Rev. Malkmus and Dr. Graeme Coad are teaming up to share their stories in Florida!
Rev. Malkmus' Hallelujah Cornbread

Rev. Malkmus' Hallelujah Cornbread

Now you can enjoy cornbread without harming your health! Here's Rev. Malkmus' personal cornbread recipe.
Naturally Cancer Free For 15 Years

Naturally Cancer Free For 15 Years

Linda was healed of cancer naturally and has stayed that way for 15 years... all because she read a book called "Why Christians Get Sick."
From Lung Cancer to Living Testimony

From Lung Cancer to Living Testimony

Jesus is the ultimate Christmas gift, but defeating cancer definitely comes in second place! Here's how one person took on lung cancer with The Hallelujah Diet... and is winning!
The World's Diet Is Dangerously High In Cooked Food

The World's Diet Is Dangerously High In Cooked Food

How you prepare your food matters! Rev. Malkmus explains why cooked food should not be the foundation of your diet.
Where Is God In Time Of Sickness?

Where Is God In Time Of Sickness?

Speaking from the heart (and personal experience), Rev. Malkmus tackles a most puzzling and controversial question... but the answer is simple, it's profound.
Can Drugs Cure Disease?

Can Drugs Cure Disease?

There's a big difference between a symptom of disease and the cause. Rev. Malkmus explains how drugs only treat the symptom, leaving the cause unresolved.
The World's Diet - Dangerously High In Table Salt

The World's Diet - Dangerously High In Table Salt

Everyone has heard that salt is bad for your health. But did you know that there's a type of salt that can boost your health with more than 80 minerals?
The World's Diet Is Dangerously High In Caffeine

The World's Diet Is Dangerously High In Caffeine

Is caffeine the harmless substance we've been led to believe? Rev. Malkmus shares research that proves the opposite!
The World's Diet - Dangerously High In Refined Sugar

The World's Diet - Dangerously High In Refined Sugar

Not only is refined sugar addictive, it's a leading cause of heart disease, behavioral problems, and even criminal offenses. Are you on the road to sugar-related problem?
How The Standard American Diet Destroys Our Health

How The Standard American Diet Destroys Our Health

The world's way of eating is a weapon of mass destruction! Here's how to disarm the enemy and live in safety from its consequences.
Nutritional Deficiencies In A Vegan Diet

Nutritional Deficiencies In A Vegan Diet

The Hallelujah Diet is much more than just a vegan diet. Rather it is a well-balanced, plant-based diet, providing the optimal raw to cooked ratio, (85% raw to 15% cooked) plant foods, along with f...
More Information On Table Salt

More Information On Table Salt

Responses to Rev. Malkmus' recent "Table Salt" article were very inquisitive! Rev. Malkmus and Michael Donaldson, PhD provide some important answers.
Does Rev. Malkmus Endorse Annual Physicals?

Does Rev. Malkmus Endorse Annual Physicals?

How do Rev. Malkmus and Rhonda approach common medical check-ups? Is there a different way to ensure your health is on track?
Testimonies From The Young And Young-At-Heart

Testimonies From The Young And Young-At-Heart

From babies to boomers and beyond! This week's testimonies are living proof that The Hallelujah Diet works for all ages. Read the exciting accounts of recovery from cancer, lupus, and more!
BarleyMax for Poison Ivy?

BarleyMax for Poison Ivy?

We've heard testimonies of everything from cancer remission to MS disappearance, but this one had us "scratching" our heads!
Does Rev. Malkmus Endorse Annual Physicals - Part 2

Does Rev. Malkmus Endorse Annual Physicals - Part 2

It's hard to know which medical tests are safe and which are questionable. Here's what Rev. Malkmus and Rhonda do.
Former US President on Plant-Based Diet

Former US President on Plant-Based Diet

Have you heard which former head-of-state has gone plant-based? Here's a hint, he was famous for jogging to McDonald's.
Rhonda's Festive Fall Salad

Rhonda's Festive Fall Salad

"Kick off" the fall season with this tantalizing salad — try it at your next tailgate party!
Dentists, Doctors, and Diabetes

Dentists, Doctors, and Diabetes

Diabetics rejoice! This week's amazing testimonies tell of improved A1C readings — even for a type 1 diabetic — plus a type 2 diabetic tells how he could have saved over $131,000 if he had just spe...
Is Bottled Carrot Juice As Good As Fresh?

Is Bottled Carrot Juice As Good As Fresh?

Bottled juices are not the same as freshly extracted juice. Do you know the differences and why some powdered juices are better than bottled juice?
Melon Splash

Melon Splash

Impress your summertime guests with this incredibly easy, exceptionally tasty drink you can make in minutes!
The Choice Is Yours

The Choice Is Yours

If you have the freedom to choose what you eat, you can choose your health destiny! This week's testimonies illustrate the blessings and consequences of food choices.
The Many Ways The Hallelujah Diet Changes Lives

The Many Ways The Hallelujah Diet Changes Lives

People everywhere are excited to see how just one diet can benefit the body in so many ways! Here's how The Hallelujah Diet is changing lives.
Why You Should Be In Love With Beets

Why You Should Be In Love With Beets

Valentine’s Day seems to turn into an entire season in our culture. And why not? It would be a shame to dedicate just one day to the notion when you can have several weeks flooded with thoughts o...
Our Vision for a Health & Healing Legacy

Our Vision for a Health & Healing Legacy

“When I wrote my book, Why Christians Get Sick, I wrote a note in the last chapter – it’s still there in print today,” Rev. Malkmus recalls. “It explains how I had a vision 20 years ago that someda...
The World's Diet Is Dangerously Low In Fiber

The World's Diet Is Dangerously Low In Fiber

Do you know the difference between a good carb and a bad one? Or why a high protein, low carb diet is dangerous? Get the answers you need to know!
Just One Cigarette Can Harm DNA

Just One Cigarette Can Harm DNA

The Surgeon General has just released a scathing report on the NEW dangers of smoking. Find out why cigarettes are more dangerous than ever.
From Asthma to Cancer and Osteoporosis

From Asthma to Cancer and Osteoporosis

People around the world are making a stand for their own health! They're starting at their dinner plate, revising their menus, and transforming their lives!
French Documentary Crew Films Saturday Seminar

French Documentary Crew Films Saturday Seminar

The Hallelujah Diet will soon become the focus of a TV documentary in France! Here's the inside scoop on what it's all about.
Healing Cancer From Inside Out

Healing Cancer From Inside Out

If you think conventional treatments cure cancer... If you think diet cannot cure cancer... Think again! This amazing video will shock you — and change your mind about cancer!
Can Diet Help A Very Private Issue?

Can Diet Help A Very Private Issue?

The truth is that erectile dysfunction is simply a side-effect of improper diet and lifestyle. Rev. Malkmus shares the simple, biblical solution to this taboo subject.
A Natural Solution for Getting Rid of Gout

A Natural Solution for Getting Rid of Gout

What causes gout? Here's a hint: it's the same thing that causes arthritis! If you suffer from either of these debilitating conditions, take heart! The solution is easier than you think.
Asthma and Allergies - The Natural Approach

Asthma and Allergies - The Natural Approach

Of all mammals on earth, only humans consume this food — and it's the root cause of asthma! Rev. Malkmus shares how a simple diet change can truly be a breath of fresh air for asthmatics.
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