Enhanced, LIVE Health Minister Training in Charlotte, NC

Enhanced, LIVE Health Minister Training in Charlotte, NC

Become a Hallelujah Acres Health Minister in just 4 days — no prerequisite needed! Be among the first to take advantage of this brand new version of Health Minister Training, November 6-9!
Hampton, Virginia: Most Engaged Seminar Audience Yet!

Hampton, Virginia: Most Engaged Seminar Audience Yet!

Rev. Malkmus' latest ​"God's Way To Ultimate Health"​ seminar was one for the books! Find out what made this seminar one of the most memorable in 20 years!
Danger In Consuming Too Much Raw Food

Danger In Consuming Too Much Raw Food

Although Rev. Malkmus is often labeled a "raw foodist," he actually advocates a partially cooked diet. Learn about the science and experience that led to this balanced conclusion.
Rev. Malkmus Reveals His Credentials to Teach Nutrition

Rev. Malkmus Reveals His Credentials to Teach Nutrition

Theory is one thing, but practice is quite another! Rev. Malkmus explains how The Hallelujah Diet came to be — and how it encompasses almost 40 years of research.
Gardening Guide #19: Soil Testing

Gardening Guide #19: Soil Testing

Soil testing can help determine the success of your crop next year. Hallelujah Acres Organic Gardener Willi Murray explains how to do it.
Final Hallelujah Weekend - Coming Soon!

Final Hallelujah Weekend - Coming Soon!

If you've always wanted to come, make plans now because this is your LAST opportunity to experience a Hallelujah Weekend at Hallelujah Acres!
My 13-Year-Old Son Has Kidney Stones — What Should I Do?

My 13-Year-Old Son Has Kidney Stones — What Should I Do?

The diseases of our parents are showing up in our kids! Fortunately, dissolving kidney stones, no matter your age, can be as simple as switching the type of water you drink.
Rev. Malkmus Speaks In Raleigh, NC

Rev. Malkmus Speaks In Raleigh, NC

Rev. Malkmus' on-the-road events just keep getting better! Last weekend he was in Raleigh, NC speaking to a very enthusiastic crowd at Springfield Baptist Church.
Vitamin D3 - The Rest Of The Story

Vitamin D3 - The Rest Of The Story

The importance of Vitamin D cannot be overstated — and it's not just about bone health. Read on and discover how this gift from above protects us from America's most common diseases!
Easter Weekend at Hallelujah Acres

Easter Weekend at Hallelujah Acres

Resurrecting your health was the focus of the Saturday seminar this Easter weekend! See what others are raving about — and make plans to join us in May!
Gardening Guide #20: Energize Your Soil

Gardening Guide #20: Energize Your Soil

Replacing your garden's nutrients can be a complicated task. Willi Murray shows you how to make sense of it all.
The Hallelujah Recovery Diet Explained

The Hallelujah Recovery Diet Explained

Your own body is the key to healing from any life-threatening disease! Here's how to build your body up instead of tearing it down so that your immune system can win the battle!
Rev. Malkmus On The Road In September

Rev. Malkmus On The Road In September

Rev. Malkmus is on the road with Hallelujah Acres' life-saving message of hope and healing. Check the dates and attend one his FREE seminars near you!
The Body's Amazing Ability To Heal Itself

The Body's Amazing Ability To Heal Itself

Your body has the ability to heal itself, but its power to do so depends on you! Rev. Malkmus explains how to harness that power at the cellular level!
It's Amazing When A Doctor Can't Find Something Wrong!

It's Amazing When A Doctor Can't Find Something Wrong!

Sickness is the new normal, but that doesn't have to apply to you! Here's something simple you can do to take yourself out of the equation of disease statistics.
Gardening Guide #21: Sprouting

Gardening Guide #21: Sprouting

Grow organic food in your kitchen, year-round! Rev. Malkmus shows you the simple secrets of sprouting indoors.
What A Day On The Hallelujah Diet Looks Like

What A Day On The Hallelujah Diet Looks Like

Need a step-by-step guide as to how to do The Hallelujah Diet, and why? Rev. Malkmus has the common sense answers!
The Best Diet for the 21st Century

The Best Diet for the 21st Century

There are many diets out there that claim to help a person lose weight, but which ones improve health? And which ones do so for a lifetime? The answers may surprise you!
Afternoon and Evening On The Hallelujah Diet

Afternoon and Evening On The Hallelujah Diet

On the road? At work? Watching your kids' soccer game? The Hallelujah Diet is flexible enough to accommodate anyone's schedule! Here's how to make it work for you.
Past Weekend an Exciting One at Hallelujah Acres

Past Weekend an Exciting One at Hallelujah Acres

Folks came from thirteen states and two foreign countries to hear Rev. Malkmus share his message of health and healing. Find out how you can, too.
Gardening Guide #22: Fall Garden Transition

Gardening Guide #22: Fall Garden Transition

Your own garden veggies through the winter months? Yes! Rev. Malkmus shows you how in this week's Gardening Guide!
The Most Dangerous Foods We Can Fuel Our Body With

The Most Dangerous Foods We Can Fuel Our Body With

It's at every church function, every family gathering, and certainly at every cookout —yet the human body is not equipped to digest it! Find out what it is and why you should avoid it!
Pinging And Knocking? It Could Be The Wrong Fuel.

Pinging And Knocking? It Could Be The Wrong Fuel.

Much like putting gasoline in a diesel engine, putting the wrong fuel in our bodies can cause the whole thing to break down. Find out which foods to avoid.
How Often Will You Offer Health Minister Training Online?

How Often Will You Offer Health Minister Training Online?

People from all over the world are learning how to share The Hallelujah Diet with others through Health Minister Training Online — and now there are more classes than ever! Pick a date and sign up ...
Gardening Guide #23: Non-toxic Insect Control

Gardening Guide #23: Non-toxic Insect Control

Pests can be a big problem in an organic garden — unless you follow this advice from Rev. Malkmus!
Dare to Be a Daniel

Dare to Be a Daniel

In the Old Testament, Daniel stood up to prove eating God's diet could make him strong. Sometimes we have to find a better way even when the world says it doesn't make sense.
What's Wrong with National Health Care?

What's Wrong with National Health Care?

On the surface, a national health care system seem like a good idea. Rev. Malkmus reveals the potentially dangerous, long-term effects on American society.
Rhonda's New Recipe Book Now Available

Rhonda's New Recipe Book Now Available

More than 400 of Rhonda's recipes from her monthly culinary classes are now available in a brand new recipe book! Get your copy of Rhonda's Culinary Creations before they're gone!
Gardening Guide #24: Seeds and Nuts

Gardening Guide #24: Seeds and Nuts

You don't need dairy to get calcium and protein. Grow you own in the garden! Willi Murray and Rev. Malkmus show you how.
Health Minister Reunion An Exciting Success

Health Minister Reunion An Exciting Success

"The best ever!" That's what many were saying last weekend about the 2012 Health Minister Reunion. Check out the details and find out how you can register for our 2013 reunion!
Why I Do What I Do

Why I Do What I Do

Your life has potential you never knew! Rev. Malkmus shares inspiring, little-known details of his life and challenges you to reach your goals for the Kingdom!
Health Minister Reunion Begins Thursday

Health Minister Reunion Begins Thursday

If you're a Health Minister you don't want to miss this! See who's coming and what exciting things you'll learn — there's still time to register if you act now!
Prevention - The Only Solution

Prevention - The Only Solution

It doesn’t matter what kind of health insurance you possess. Whether it is personally purchased, employer or government provided, or mandated, there is not a policy in the world that will prevent a...
Testimonies Take Center Stage At Saturday Seminar

Testimonies Take Center Stage At Saturday Seminar

The only thing better than hearing Rev. Malkmus' message of hope and healing is adopting the information and coming back to share your exciting health improvements with others! Read this month's in...
Gardening Guide #25: Beets

Gardening Guide #25: Beets

Beets are the key to healthy blood, and healthy blood is the fountain of youth! Rev. Malkmus explains all the amazing benefits of this simple vegetable.
Gardening Guide Introduction: How to Choose a Garden

Gardening Guide Introduction: How to Choose a Garden

In this inaugural episode of The Hallelujah Gardening Guide, Rev. Malkmus reviews the different options for gardening including his personal preference, raised bed gardens.
Why All-Raw May Not Be Best

Why All-Raw May Not Be Best

Trends may come and go but Hallelujah Acres pioneered a standard for plant-based diets that was the first of its kind and has remained ever since.
Gardening Guide #2: Gardening With Seeds

Gardening Guide #2: Gardening With Seeds

What's the best method to plant your seeds? How do you ensure they'll germinate and grow properly? Rev. Malkmus shares the answers.
Gardening Guide #1: How To Prepare Your Soil

Gardening Guide #1: How To Prepare Your Soil

Rev. Malkmus shows you which types of soil are best for each different gardening method. Plus, you'll get a quick and easy patio-grown cucumber idea, too!
Gardening Guide #3: Gardening With Seedlings

Gardening Guide #3: Gardening With Seedlings

Seedlings give you a head start on the growing season, but not all seedlings are planted alike. Today we'll show you how to plant tomato seedlings in a raised bed garden, and basil in a simple plan...
Gardening Guide #4: Proper Watering

Gardening Guide #4: Proper Watering

The amount of water your garden receives can make or break its harvest. Rev. Malkmus shows you how to tell if your garden is getting enough!
Gardening Guide #5: Proper Use of Fertilizers

Gardening Guide #5: Proper Use of Fertilizers

Don't forget to fertilize! The best gardens are tended throughout the growing season, including regular doses of organic fertilizer. Rev. Malkmus shows you how to do it right.
Gardening Guide #7: Small Fruits

Gardening Guide #7: Small Fruits

What's for lunch? Your yard! Rev. Malkmus shares the best choices for a simple, easy-to-maintain edible landscape that will keep your kitchen full of fruit all summer!
Gardening Guide #8: Tomatoes

Gardening Guide #8: Tomatoes

If you knew that a tomato is a fruit, you're ahead of the curve! Rev. Malkmus shares some other little known secrets to growing your best tomatoes ever.
Gardening Guide #9: Organic Solutions for Garden Pests

Gardening Guide #9: Organic Solutions for Garden Pests

Rev. George Malkmus and organic gardener Willi Murray show how to prevent bugs and other pests from destroying your garden without the use of toxic pesticides.
Gardening Guide #10: Edible Landscapes

Gardening Guide #10: Edible Landscapes

Great landscaping means being able to eat it! Rev. Malkmus shows you some tasty ways to beautify your yard while satisfying your palate with fresh, organic fruit.
Gardening Guide #11: Garden Nutrition

Gardening Guide #11: Garden Nutrition

Your own garden's nutrients carry some powerful health-promoting properties. Rev. Malkmus shares some fascinating nutrition facts you may never have considered.
Gardening Guide #12: Growing Corn

Gardening Guide #12: Growing Corn

There's more than one way to plant corn! Hallelujah Acres Organic Gardener Willi Murray reveals the secrets to harvesting a bumper crop of sweet, juicy goodness.
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