Health News

The Great Grain Robbery
How We Contribute To Our Own Physical Problems (Part 7)
For the past six Health Tips (#648 through #653) we have been talking about how we contribute to our own physical problems.
In Health Tip #...

The Hallelujah Diet, A Resolution For Life
What is The Hallelujah Diet?
Well, really, The Hallelujah Diet is not a diet at all, but a LIFESTYLE. Typically, a diet is something a person does for a period of time to obtain a desired effect, ...

What Would America’s Health Be Like If Everyone Adopted The Hallelujah Diet? (Part 2)
Rev. Malkmus continues imagining a country where sickness is a thing of the past.

Why Doesn't Hallelujah Acres Publish Negative Testimonies?
Hallelujah Acres is a Christian ministry that teaches health from a Biblical perspective! The reason this ministry was established in 1992 was because God had allowed me to have colon cancer in 197...

Does Everyone Who Adopts The Hallelujah Diet Get Well?
One of the questions I am often asked is: "Does everyone who adopts the Hallelujah Diet see all of their physical problems go away?" My answer to that question is: "ABSOLUTELY NOT." But let me hast...

Recipes for Life: Knock-Your-Socks-Off Holiday Juice
With the Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, we're sharing Holiday recipes until the end of the year. Most of the recipes are from Rhonda's beautiful 269-page, spiral bound, Halleluj...

Swine Flu Vaccine Causing Numerous Miscarriages
For months, this editor has been warning people of the dangers inherent in the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, including potential danger to pregnant women.