Does Everyone Who Adopts The Hallelujah Diet Get Well?

Does Everyone Who Adopts The Hallelujah Diet Get Well?

WOKV Radio Interview this Saturday Reading Does Everyone Who Adopts The Hallelujah Diet Get Well? 10 minutes Next Recipes for Life: Knock-Your-Socks-Off Holiday Juice

One of the questions I am often asked is: "Does everyone who adopts the Hallelujah Diet see all of their physical problems go away?" My answer to that question is: "ABSOLUTELY NOT." But let me hasten to add that probably over 90% of all physical and even emotional problems being experienced by a person who adopts the Hallelujah Diet do go away.

In fact, seldom do I receive word from someone who did not see improvement of a physical or emotional or depression problem after making the diet change we teach! And even with those who do not see all problems go away, they will often name three or four problems that did go away and then question why there was one that did not go away.

Now compare these results with the results people receive who go to a medical doctor with their physical problem or problems and are given a drug or drugs in an effort to take away their physical problem? In fact, let’s go a bit further, "Do you know of anyone who ever saw any physical or emotional problem go away as a result of taking a prescription drug? Allow me to give a reason for this question:

Does a person with high blood pressure ever recover from their high blood pressure problem by taking drugs, or do they have to remain on those drugs for the rest of their life in order to control their high blood pressure. I go a little further with this thought: Does the Type 2 diabetic ever get to the point where they no longer need insulin to control their blood sugar problem?

Does the arthritic sufferer ever see their arthritic condition improve to the place where they no longer require pain medicine? Does the migraine headache sufferer ever get to the point where they no longer have to take pain medication? I could go on and on with this line of thought. But do you know anyone who ever saw their physical and/or emotional or depression problem go away as a result of taking a drug or drugs?

Friends, if traditional medicine could obtain the results people obtain after adopting the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle, it would be front page headlines in tomorrow’s newspapers and the lead story on evening television news programs. Now with people experiencing these incredible results after making a simple change in diet and lifestyle, let’s address the question:


In answering that question, the very first thing I must say is that the Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle is not capable of healing anyone of anything! But I must hasten to reiterate what I said previously, which is that there is not a drug that has ever healed anyone of anything either!

There is a reason why I say the Hallelujah Acres Diet and Lifestyle has never healed anyone of anything and it is this: all healing is self-healing. If anyone is ever going to get well – that is recover from their physical or emotional problem or problems – conditions conducive to healing must first be brought about within the body, so that the body can do what it was designed by Almighty God to do, which is heal itself.

You see, when God created that original couple, Adam and Eve, he placed within their genetic coding SELF HEALING. And that self healing has been passed down in the genes from generation to generation, and finally to this editor and to every person reading this. We all have self-healing built into our bodies! Let’s prove that statement:


We have all at one time or another in our lifetime experienced that self-healing when we cut ourselves. When right before our eyes we saw the blood flow to cleanse the wound - we saw the scab form to protect that break in the skin from the elements - while the body feverishly worked to knit the skin back together. Then when the skin had been knit back together we saw the scab fall off, and below that scab we see the skin has been knit back together and the problem is gone.

Friends that is a visual of the body literally healing itself! But what most people fail to realize is that the same self-healing we see manifested on the exterior of the body when we cut ourselves, can and will manifest on the inside of our body in most instances, when we bring conditions conductive to healing about within, so that the body can do what God designed it to do.

Years ago I read a little book titled "Acres of Diamonds." The book told about an individual who searched the world over for wealth, only to come home empty-handed. However, after returning home, he found the wealth he had been searching for, an acre of diamonds, in his own backyard. In other words, he had been searching for years for the wealth he already possessed – not realizing for all those years that he already possessed that wealth right in his own back-yard.

This "Acres of Diamonds" story is very much like our searching for a cure for our physical and emotional/depression problems, because when it comes to physical health and mental stability, humans have been searching in vain for millennia for healing of these problems.

In an effort to obtain healing, they willingly accept precription and over the counter drugs, which are poisons and toxic to the body, along with burning radiation and mutilating surgeries. Sadly, while these modalities cost huge sums of money, they never bring the cure they are seeking; and in fact, often exacerbate the problem. This search for a cure has been going on for at least 2,000 years as we read in Mark 5:23-24:

"And a certain woman, which had a issue of blood twelve years, and had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse."


Why do we continue to look to the world for the solution to these physical and emotional problems when God has already told us over 2,000 years ago that the world’s solutions to these problems are "foolishness with God"?: "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God." (I Corinthians 3:19)

Just this past week, the Congress of the United States passed a bill that would force all Americans to carry Health Insurance, thus forcing all citizens into a system God calls "foolishness," and that will bring no better health to the American people than that this woman experienced in Mark 5:23-24, while adding 1.2 additional TRILLION dollars to the countries deficit.

My dear friends, how long will it take and how much more money are we going waste, before we realize that right within each of our bodies is a self-healing mechanism designed by God! And when we bring conditions to bear within our body that are conductive to healing, the body will ALMOST ALWAYS heal itself of whatever ails it.

When people adopt the Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle, the reason most get well is because they are bringing their body into a state that is conductive to healing. It is simply the law of sowing and reaping that brings these positive results: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)

And my dear Christian friend, don’t forget the words of Hosea in Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou has rejected knowledge."

For over 18-years now, Hallelujah Acres has been sharing "knowledge" with anyone who would listen, and especially the Christian community regarding "God’s Way to Ultimate Health." Yet the majority of Christians to this day continue to follow the world’s way when it comes to their physical and mental problems – while rejecting God’s way.


Following is a list of those health problems which includes only the first 45 in alphabetical order of a total of over 170.

* Acid Reflux
* Acne
* ADD (Attention deficit disorder)
* Addictions
* ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
* Age spots
* Alcoholism
* Allergies
* Anemia
* Angina
* Anxiety
* Arthritis
* Asthma
* Autism
* Back pain
* Bad breath
* Bad circulation
* Bleeding gums
* Blood pressure irregularities
* Blood sugar highs
* Body odor
* Bone spurs
* Bronchitis
* Cancers (dozens of different locations)
* Candida
* Cataracts
* Cerebral palsy
* Cholesterol (high readings)
* Colds
* Colitis
* Complexion problems
* Constipation
* Cravings
* Cystic fibrosis
* Dandruff
* Depression
* Diabetes (Type 2)
* Diarrhea
* Digestion problems
* Diverticulitis
* Diverticulosis
* Dizziness
* Down’s Syndrome
* Dry Skin
* Duodenal ulcers

I regret I am out of room, but will try to continue this listing in next week’s Health Tip if the Lord wills. But just from the above listing of 45 problems people have written to tell me they recovered from after adopting the Hallelujah Diet and lifestyle, it should be quite obvious that God placed in each of us a MARVELOUS SELF-HEALING BODY.

However, it must be reiterated that these wonderful recoveries did not come as a result of taking a drug to relieve the symptom, but rather came automatically when that person brought about within their body, conditions conductive to healing.

When we do that, without medical intervention, the body will in most instances, simply, and usually quite quickly, heal itself!

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