Isn’t it amazing that when a doctor examines a person on The Hallelujah Diet that the physician is amazed at what they find? But there is a good reason for that amazement. And that reason is that most doctors have never before examined a person who is so amazingly healthy.
Most people, especially as they age, have an increasing number of physical symptoms that need treating by the doctor. Treating symptoms are what doctors have spent eight years in medical school learning how to do, but when they experience a patient that has no physical issues or symptoms that need treating, they are amazed!
Why is it that the average person a doctor examines has physical issues, and sometimes emotional issues that need treating? The answer is a simple one. The average person is eating a Standard American, toxic diet, deficient in the nutrients needed to obtain and/or maintain health, and failing to exercise their bodies daily. As long as they continue eating that unhealthy diet and failing to exercise, they will continue their need for medical intervention.
But once a person stops consuming that toxic SAD diet, and begins to consume a 100%, predominantly plant-based diet like The Hallelujah Diet – along with adding some exercise to their daily routine – something wonderful happens. The body starts rebuilding itself cell by cell with quality building materials, and the it begins healing itself just as God designed.
As natural healing begins, it usually isn’t long before the doctor can no longer find anything wrong in that person’s physical or mental state. And as the doctor can no longer find any symptoms to treat, the person no longer has need of a doctor. Now that’s cause for amazement!
Consider the words of Jesus in Matthew 9:12: “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.” Modern medicine makes money only on sick people! Without sick people to treat, the medical system's only legitimate function would be to repair bodies that have been broken in an accident. (And by the way, I admire and respect the skill of trauma doctors in these situations!)
If all people were on The Hallelujah Diet, the norm would be a healthy body and mind, and lack of physical symptoms for doctors to treat.
That is the goal here at Hallelujah Acres. We want all people around the world to at least have the opportunity to hear the good news that “You don’t have to be sick”...and then learn how to achieve the state of health that God designed for our physical bodies to enjoy.
In the past 20 years, tens of thousands of people from around the world have written to tell us that as a result of making the diet and lifestyle we teach here at Hallelujah Acres they have recovered from over 170 different physical and psychological problems and they don’t get sick anymore.
Visit our testimonies web page to read over 1,000 testimonies from people who have applied what we teach and experienced incredible improvements in their health as a result.
“Beloved; I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in HEALTH, even as thy soul prospereth.” (3 John 1:2)
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New Research Says Meat and Dairy Cause Acne
New Research Says Meat and Dairy Cause Acne
Got acne? Lose the cheeseburgers. It's pretty ...