The Real Reason You’re Suffering from Allergies

The Real Reason You’re Suffering from Allergies

Hallelujah Acres’ Vice-President of Health Olin Idol (ND, CNC) wrote a great article about allergies and gut health. We asked Olin to contribute part of his article for today’s blog post: A hyper...
My New Year’s resolutions are underway!

My New Year’s resolutions are underway!

By Melody Hord Not long ago, I pulled out my “God’s Way to Ultimate Health” book. I am convinced of what caused the amazing health surge for George Malkmus. Here’s what I read: ”So overnight, I ...
33 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health

33 Ways Sugar Ruins Your Health

Cookies, pies, cakes, pastries – are all plentiful this time of year. Whether it is a part at the office, church or home yummy sweats seem to abound. Of course, this is to be expected as the holida...

A Buyer's Guide to Our Dietary Supplement Store

Dietary supplements can be found everywhere—you'll find them at the drug store, convenience store, grocery store, and even the big box store. Moreover, there are many of them, all available in a va...
doctor caring for child with measles

How IV Vitamin C Can Help Cure Measles

Outbreaks of measles, while rare in the United States, do occur. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 372 cases of measles in the year 2018. If you’ve chosen not t...
What to Expect on Our 7-Day Detox Program

What to Expect on Our 7-Day Detox Program

Daily living no doubt puts a strain on the body’s ability to function at its best. Daily-life stressors, poor air quality, sedentary lifestyles, and poor eating habits essentially turn the body int...
How powerful are digestive enzymes when it comes to digestive health?

The Power of Digestive Enzymes

How powerful are enzymes when it comes to digestive health?
4 Reasons Why We Encourage The Use Of Probiotics

4 Reasons Why We Encourage The Use Of Probiotics

The bacteria living in your gut do a lot more than just process incoming food. “Good” gut bacteria support the body’s immune system health, help regulate inflammation throughout the body, and also ...
A Beginner’s Guide to Taking on the 60-Day Challenge

A Beginner’s Guide to Taking on the 60-Day Challenge

Some of the most popular foods in the American diet will age the body and create conditions for sickness and disease to develop. A lifetime of eating foods like pizza, sodas, burgers, fried foods a...
5 Essential Benefits of a Liver Cleanse

5 Essential Benefits of a Liver Cleanse

Whether it was a weekend full of festivities or a full holiday season, our bodies need rest after periods of indulgence. The liver, the organ in the body responsible for detoxifying your food and p...
Consumer Reports Got It Half Right

Consumer Reports Got It Half Right

For many years now Rev. Malkmus has given us a subscription to Consumer Reports as a Christmas gift. We have found it invaluable when making purchasing decisions for items ranging from cameras, c...
Summer Activity and Arthritis

Summer Activity and Arthritis

Today, we have a guest blog guest, Dr. Shavon Jackson-Michel, ND. She delves into the effects of Summer time and arthritis. With the summer months in full swing, most people’s activity index has g...
Plant Paradox Book by Dr. Gundry

The Plant Paradox: Can You Trust Dr. Gundry?

Today you will find a guest blog article from our Director of Research, Michael Donaldson, PhD. Please enjoy the wealth of experience and wisdom this article entails: Michael Donaldson, PhD writes:...
What To Do...If You Overdo It

What To Do...If You Overdo It

Sure, it didn't seem like you were in the sun for long, but — ouch! That first day of summer fun can be a doozy if you're not careful. Obviously sunburning is not ideal, but in case it happens ag...
Learn about J. Dingledine’s journey on the Hallelujah Diet.

J. Dingledine's Journey on the Hallelujah Diet

Learn about J. Dingledine’s journey on the Hallelujah Diet.
Other probiotics claim a high amount of bacteria, but very few do what they're supposed to - Hallelujah Diet probiotics in professional strength deliver far better results!

Try our Professional Strength Probiotics Today

Other probiotics claim a high amount of bacteria, but very few do what they're supposed to - Hallelujah Diet probiotics in professional strength deliver far better results!
The Ultimate Guide to Protein Powder

The Ultimate Guide to Protein Powder

You can find protein within every single cell in your body. Your body breaks down every gram of protein that you eat into essential amino acids that keep every system in your body working efficient...
Why Do So Many Vegans/Vegetarians Develop Candida?

Why Do So Many Vegans/Vegetarians Develop Candida?

One of the questions we hear repeatedly is why does someone who eats primarily vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts develop candida? Without going too deep into the discussion, we thought it wise to...
Confidently Prepared!

Confidently Prepared!

Guest Blog by Melody Hord My mother has a trait that has served our family well! She is “Always Prepared.” Being prepared means you are ready at a moment’s notice. I have to hand it to Mom, she is...
Medical Curiosity: Where Has It Gone?

Medical Curiosity: Where Has It Gone?

Commentary by Ralph Campbell, MD What happened to curiosity as it pertains to searching for causes of poor health? Maybe it's payback. Lack of curiosity leads to the next step: complacency. Some do...
Why You Should Be Eating Sunchokes Daily

Why You Should Be Eating Sunchokes Daily

The sunchoke, often called the Jerusalem artichoke, is a plant that grows underground like a potato and is related to the sunflower. It is native to America, and has nothing to do with either Jerus...
Has The Mighty Monsanto Met Its Match?

Has The Mighty Monsanto Met Its Match?

Recently, the state of California has taken a stand that has made Monsanto lawyers quite upset. California can now require Monsanto to label its popular weed-killer Roundup as a possible cancer th...
Taste Buds - The Way to a Healthier Life?

Taste Buds - The Way to a Healthier Life?

How often do you sit down to eat a rich, flavorful salad with colorful, tasty ingredients and ask yourself, “How is it that I can taste all these different flavors?” I would guess it is rarely if ...
Vitamin C and Sepsis

Vitamin C and Sepsis

The genie is now out of the bottle Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (OMNS, May 24, 2017) The enormous effectiveness of vitamin C in helping to resolve any of a wide variety of infections comes...
Thyroid Problems? Biotin Beware

Thyroid Problems? Biotin Beware

I’ve researched for years how diet and lifestyle impact thyroid health. Though I’ve learned so much, new research continues to surface providing even more insights and better guidance. I recently c...
Microgreens vs. Sprouts

Microgreens vs. Sprouts

Garnishes have changed a lot over the years. From a sprig of parsley on your plate to a handful of alfalfa sprouts on your veggie burger. Move over ketchup and mustard, here come sunflower microg...
For Dads with a Sweet-Tooth

For Dads with a Sweet-Tooth

By Melody Hord, Guest Writer Some of my fondest childhood memories revolve around delicious sweet treats. Most of the time when my dad arrived home from work in the evening, I would ask him, “What ...
What Causes Cravings?

What Causes Cravings?

Food cravings are bizarre little phenomena. It's commonly assumed that food cravings are due to nutrient deficiencies, but sometimes the cravings are due to life situations more than a deficiency....
Can Seniors Find a Better Quality of Life from Taking Supplements?

Can Seniors Find a Better Quality of Life from Taking Supplements?

Medical Reality 101, for Seniors by Ralph Campbell, MD (OMNS, Apr 3, 2017) I hate to admit it, but I am getting older. For some time I had noticed that my contemporaries were getting older but delu...
Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome

Do you remember when “hypertension” was the silent killer of the 70’s? Well, there is one now that has been identified for less than 20 years but is now as common as hemorrhoids and pimples. You ma...
Eat Your Way Out of Toxic EMF’s

Eat Your Way Out of Toxic EMF’s

When you think of electromagnetic radiation, you probably think of nuclear weapons, X-rays, power lines, CT Scans and flying on airplanes. While all of those are indeed sources of electromagnetic r...
The Single Most Important Food to Eat Every Day

The Single Most Important Food to Eat Every Day

While eating from the rainbow of colors of whole foods is absolutely great guidance, there is one particular color that should be in everyone’s daily diet. That color is green. We don’t necessari...
Is Your Lymph System Working At Full Capacity?

Is Your Lymph System Working At Full Capacity?

The most common symptoms of improperly functioning lymphatic system are: Digestive disorders Frequent headaches Sinus infections Obesity General stiffness Inflammation Chronic f...
The Physical Benefits of Fasting

The Physical Benefits of Fasting

In a recent post, we discussed the spiritual benefits of fasting. Today we want to talk about why fasting can be beneficial physically as well. There are literally hundreds of benefits of fasting ...
What Color is Your  Fat?

What Color is Your  Fat?

In a society where excess fat anywhere on our body is considered unsightly and unhealthy, we have gone to the extreme where any fat is bad fat on our body. Unfortunately, we need to re-learn this....
How to Gain Weight In A Healthy Way

How to Gain Weight In A Healthy Way

Although most people focus on how to lose weight, there are some who truly cannot gain weight and are rather slender. Their struggles are real and they prefer not to look as if they are starving ...
Prebiotics vs Probiotics

Prebiotics vs Probiotics

You may have heard of the terms prebiotics and probiotics but do you really know what they are? What they do? And, why should we care? Probiotics Probiotics are, for the most part, bacteria (frie...


No, this is not a misspelled word. It really should look like “inulin.” If you don’t know what it is, this is a great time to learn. It is definitely something everyone needs to be consuming ever...
Drug Induced Nutrient Depletion

Drug Induced Nutrient Depletion

Have you ever taken the birth control pill? How about a round of antibiotics? You may have also taken pain relievers or antacids. Ever heard the phrase that for every action there is always a rea...
What Will Your Life Look Like This Time Next Year?

What Will Your Life Look Like This Time Next Year?

Wow! Doesn’t time just seem to fly? I’m beginning to understand more fully the phrase my parents would say, “The older you get, the more quickly time passes.” We are all likely guilty at one time...
The Four Most Important Things You Need to Manage your Christmas Activities

The Four Most Important Things You Need to Manage your Christmas Activities

We have entered the season of the year where we experience long traffic lines, a stretched budget, lines at the shopping malls and longer days when there are parties and gatherings to attend either...
You Gain Much More From the Sun Than Just A Tan

You Gain Much More From the Sun Than Just A Tan

We just spent the most relaxing two hours in the warmth of the mid October sun right in our own front yard. North Carolina autumns are such a far cry from the ones we spent in the northern part of ...
Can Food Cravings Indicate the Level of Your Health?

Can Food Cravings Indicate the Level of Your Health?

What Do Food Cravings Really Mean? There are many factors that create a healthy or unhealthy person. Most people don’t associate the little red flags they are experiencing as possible indicator...
How To Naturally Add Humidity To Your Home

How To Naturally Add Humidity To Your Home

Autumn is a beautiful time of year. The colorful leaves, the brisk, clean air and the spiced cider are all welcome signs that the hot, dry summer is over. The cooler temperatures bring on the ques...
Vote for Health

Vote for Health

Paul and I just returned from early voting. We take serious our responsibility and duty to help ensure this great Nation is being lead at the highest level by people who are most likely to protect ...
How To Save Your Aging Brain

How To Save Your Aging Brain

Something as easy as adding more spinach, kale, collards, chard and mustard greens to your diet could help slow cognitive decline, according to new research. The study also examined the nutrient...
Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart

Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart

8 Secrets to Aging Gracefully “If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” Some things are certain in life – we know we have to pay taxes; we know we have t...
Is It Hip To Be Healthy?

Is It Hip To Be Healthy?

Do you remember what the trendy illness of the 70’s was? I don’t either. And then the 80’s brought….hmmm…. I can’t remember that one either. The 90’s trendy illnesses were ADD and ADHD. Fibr...
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