Whole Food, Plant Based Diet Benefits for Skin, Nail, Hair, and Liver

Whole Food, Plant Based Diet Benefits for Skin, Nail, Hair, and Liver

Switching from the standard American diet to a green raw food diet provides you with more health and wellness benefits than you might think! If your hair, skin, and nails are unhealthy-looking, a m...

How the Hallelujah Diet Can Help Restore Your Body

The body’s health relies on the quality of food that goes into it. Today’s fast-paced lifestyles have made it way too easy to settle for diets that not only lack nourishment but actually weaken the...
Liposomal Vitamin C vs. IV Vitamin C: Essential Benefits of Both

Liposomal Vitamin C vs. IV Vitamin C: Essential Benefits of Both

For much of your life, you’ve probably been led to believe that there are only two ways to take in vitamin C: eat an orange or swallow a pill from a bottle found in the vitamin aisle at the pharmac...
What to Eat After a Juice Cleanse
Cancer News

What to Eat After a Juice Cleanse

A juice cleanse offers one of the most natural and efficient ways to flush toxins and harmful materials out of the body. The health benefits from doing a juice cleanse on a regular basis can’t be b...
How God's Diet Can Help Prevent & Control Diabetes

How God's Diet Can Help Prevent & Control Diabetes

God designed food to nourish your body and protect it from illness and disease. Fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods are loaded with disease-fighting phytochemicals and antioxidants, which enh...
gut bugs word cloud

What Is the Difference Between Prebiotics & Probiotics?

As inconsequential as gas, heartburn, or occasional constipation may seem, these symptoms may point to a developing problem in your gut. Gut health has a tremendous bearing on the health of your bo...
3 Ways to Maintain Vitamin D Levels During the Winter Months
Cancer News

3 Ways to Maintain Vitamin D Levels During the Winter Months

Could you be one of the overwhelming numbers of Americans who are deficient in vitamin D? In fact, other than having heard that exposure to the sun’s rays may boost your levels of this “sunshine vi...
Will a Plant-Based Diet Help My IBS Symptoms?

Will a Plant-Based Diet Help My IBS Symptoms?

If you have irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, you’re no stranger to abdominal discomfort, embarrassing side effects, or frequent trips to the bathroom. Fortunately, if you suffer from IBS, you don’t...
What these advocates of GMO's neglect to tell you, however, is that GM foods can cause unpredictable side effects to surface, such as allergies, diseases and nutritional problems.

How Harmful are GMOs?

Genetically modified foods can cause unpredictable side effects, such as allergies, diseases and nutritional problems.
How to Get the Most out of Your Broccoli: Essential Cooking Tips

How to Get the Most out of Your Broccoli: Essential Cooking Tips

Disease-fighting phytochemicals and other components of raw broccoli are often destroyed by cooking, especially boiling, which is why raw broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables have distinct adv...
All You Need to Know About the Paleo Diet

All You Need to Know About the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet, also known as the Paleolithic diet, caveman diet, stone-age diet, and hunter-gatherer diet, is a way of eating that focuses on whole foods some people theorize that cavemen could ha...
The Surprising Health Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

The Surprising Health Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

In today’s modern age, grocery store shopping has become a convenient norm that’s getting more convenient with each passing year. The advent of personal grocery shoppers and delivery services has m...
Microgreens: Health Benefits & Nutrition Information

Microgreens: Health Benefits & Nutrition Information

Microgreens offer a wealth of nutritional benefits all packed into a miniature version of the leafy vegetables we know so well. Cilantro, broccoli, cabbage, celery, and many more all fall in the mi...

Dieting with Diabetes: The Do's and Don'ts

Believe it or not, if you have type 2 diabetes, you’re not destined to have this chronic disease forever. Studies show that almost 90% of patients who underwent bariatric surgery for weight loss ex...
What Are Digestive Enzymes?

What Are Digestive Enzymes?

You might be wondering what exactly digestive enzymes are, and how they help you achieve or maintain optimal health. Knowing more about how digestive enzymes work within your body and the benefits ...
vegetarian tacos with chickpea curry

8 Myths of a Plant-Based Diet

It seems that everyone is talking about a plant-based diet these days, from your favorite celeb announcing they’re vegan or vegetarian to the countless documentaries popping up on Netflix. This way...
5 Benefits of Magnesium Rich Foods
Cancer News

5 Benefits of Magnesium Rich Foods

Magnesium-rich foods offer a host of nutritional benefits due to the central role magnesium plays in keeping the body healthy. A wide range of different foods like legumes, nuts, seeds, bananas, wh...
Getting Back to Work After The COVID-19 Quarantine

Getting Back to Work After The COVID-19 Quarantine

The whole country wants to get back to some sense of normalcy. So you've been wanting to go back to work after quarantine. But you are also in the group of people who are recommended to stay home d...
How to Create a Home Gym

How to Create a Home Gym

We may know how important it is to get active and to lead healthy lifestyles, but for some people, that is harder because of financial stressors that can put roadblocks in our path towards health. ...
beetroot juice with ginger and lemon

How to Prepare for a Colon Cleanse

Every single day, we're bombarded with toxins: additives in the food supply and pollution in the water we drink and in the air we breathe. The overabundance of common contaminants that we ingest ca...
assorted organic vegetables

Spring Clean Your Health: The Benefits of a 7 Day Cleanse

Fasting dates back to Biblical times, and studies demonstrate the numerous health and wellness benefits associated with intermittent fasting to manage body weight and lower disease risks. A 7-day c...
doctor caring for child with measles

How IV Vitamin C Can Help Cure Measles

Outbreaks of measles, while rare in the United States, do occur. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 372 cases of measles in the year 2018. If you’ve chosen not t...
How powerful are digestive enzymes when it comes to digestive health?

The Power of Digestive Enzymes

How powerful are enzymes when it comes to digestive health?
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