Satisfy your sweet tooth without sugar!

Part 1: Herbs and Spices That Stop Sugar Cravings

Satisfy your sweet tooth without sugar!
Confidently Prepared!

Confidently Prepared!

Guest Blog by Melody Hord My mother has a trait that has served our family well! She is “Always Prepared.” Being prepared means you are ready at a moment’s notice. I have to hand it to Mom, she is...
The Power of Living Foods
Cancer News

The Power of Living Foods

Living plant foods are some of the most nutritionally dense sources of fuel you can feed your body.
Last week, our special guest Wendy Jackson, vice president and chief operating officer at Perfect Pickler, Inc., talked to us about good and bad bacteria, how to prioritize gut health,  the process of fermentation and how truly powerful it can be.

Key Takeaways from "Power Up Your Produce"

Last week, our special guest Wendy Jackson, vice president and chief operating officer at Perfect Pickler, Inc., talked to us about good and bad bacteria, how to prioritize gut health,  the process...
Cutting out processed foods isn't always easy if you're new to a plant-based diet.

How Harmful are Processed Foods?

Cutting out processed foods isn't always easy if you're new to a plant-based diet.
Scott Laird, ND, took the time to share some of his favorite secrets, or what he sometimes likes to call “hacks,” that he truly believes can change your overall well-being for the better!

Have You Read '15 Health Secrets That Will Change Your Life' Yet?

Scott Laird, ND, took the time to share some of his favorite secrets, or what he sometimes likes to call “hacks,” that he truly believes can change your overall well-being for the better!
Prioritizing joint health is key to overall wellness.

How to Prioritize Joint Health

Prioritizing joint health is key to overall wellness.
Medical Curiosity: Where Has It Gone?

Medical Curiosity: Where Has It Gone?

Commentary by Ralph Campbell, MD What happened to curiosity as it pertains to searching for causes of poor health? Maybe it's payback. Lack of curiosity leads to the next step: complacency. Some do...
In the webinar, Scott Laird discussed how seriously the manipulation of foods can impact our health.

Key Takeaways from "GMOs: What You Don't Know Might Kill You!"

In the webinar, Scott Laird discussed how seriously the manipulation of foods can impact our health.
Let's take a moment to dive deeper and get a better understanding of just how advantageous vitamin C truly is.

Part 2: The Long List of Vitamin C Health Benefits

Let's take a moment to dive deeper and get a better understanding of just how advantageous vitamin C truly is.
Without a proper diet, your risk for developing chronic heart conditions significantly increases.

How a Plant-Based Diet Contributes to Heart Health

Without a proper diet, your risk for developing chronic heart conditions significantly increases.
Why You Should Be Eating Sunchokes Daily

Why You Should Be Eating Sunchokes Daily

The sunchoke, often called the Jerusalem artichoke, is a plant that grows underground like a potato and is related to the sunflower. It is native to America, and has nothing to do with either Jerus...
Boost your dental and periodontal health with the help from probiotics.

Key Takeaways of Building Immunity Through Oral Health

Boost your dental and periodontal health with the help from probiotics.
Use these guidelines to help you maintain the new habits and stay on the path to better health.

How to Maintain Your Healthy Habits

Use these guidelines to help you maintain the new habits and stay on the path to better health.
Having trouble sleeping at night? Consider these tips for improving your rest.

Part 1: 4 Ways to Make a Difference in Your Sleep Quality

Having trouble sleeping at night? Consider these tips for improving your rest.
Budgeting your time and resources to create invitations, gather decorations, choose your party theme and write out your grocery and guest lists is the key to success.

Key Takeaways from 'Take the Stress Out of Your Holiday Meal Planning'

Budgeting your time and resources to create invitations, gather decorations, choose your party theme and write out your grocery and guest lists is the key to success.
High fructose corn syrup has a bad reputation, and with good reason.

How Harmful is High Fructose Corn Syrup?

High fructose corn syrup has a bad reputation, and with good reason.
3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer

3 Ways to Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer

By making smarter lifestyle decisions, you may be able to reduce your risk for breast cancer.
Has The Mighty Monsanto Met Its Match?

Has The Mighty Monsanto Met Its Match?

Recently, the state of California has taken a stand that has made Monsanto lawyers quite upset. California can now require Monsanto to label its popular weed-killer Roundup as a possible cancer th...
Tomatoes are great for prostate health.
Cancer News

Tomatoes May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Fight prostate cancer with the foods that you eat.
Keep up with your healthy lifestyle with these tips.

How to Maintain Healthy Exercise Habits

Keep up with your healthy lifestyle with these tips.
Taste Buds - The Way to a Healthier Life?

Taste Buds - The Way to a Healthier Life?

How often do you sit down to eat a rich, flavorful salad with colorful, tasty ingredients and ask yourself, “How is it that I can taste all these different flavors?” I would guess it is rarely if ...
What exactly is it that makes fast food so harmful?

Negative Effects of Fast Food

What exactly is it that makes fast food unsafe?
The Power of Leafy Greens
Cancer News

The Power of Leafy Greens

Leafy greens may take the trophy when it comes to optimizing your health.
Vitamin C and Sepsis

Vitamin C and Sepsis

The genie is now out of the bottle Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (OMNS, May 24, 2017) The enormous effectiveness of vitamin C in helping to resolve any of a wide variety of infections comes...
Don't feel pressured to eat an unhealthy meal on Easter. Try some of our recipes instead!

5 Hallelujah Diet Easter Recipes

Don't feel pressured to eat an unhealthy meal on Easter. Try some of our recipes instead! 
Thyroid Problems? Biotin Beware

Thyroid Problems? Biotin Beware

I’ve researched for years how diet and lifestyle impact thyroid health. Though I’ve learned so much, new research continues to surface providing even more insights and better guidance. I recently c...
Reasons Why You Shouldn't Eat Microwave Food
Cancer News

Reasons Why You Shouldn't Eat Microwave Food

Even though "official" releases have stated that microwave ovens are safe to use, researchers have uncovered evidence which shows many reasons why you should be concerned about having a microwave i...
Microgreens vs. Sprouts

Microgreens vs. Sprouts

Garnishes have changed a lot over the years. From a sprig of parsley on your plate to a handful of alfalfa sprouts on your veggie burger. Move over ketchup and mustard, here come sunflower microg...
Don't cave to refined sugars.

How to Curb a Sugar Craving

Don't cave to refined sugars.
For Dads with a Sweet-Tooth

For Dads with a Sweet-Tooth

By Melody Hord, Guest Writer Some of my fondest childhood memories revolve around delicious sweet treats. Most of the time when my dad arrived home from work in the evening, I would ask him, “What ...
In our latest webinar, “Eating Health in a Protein-Obsessed Food Culture,” our very own health expert Michael Donaldson, Ph.D. discusses the meat obsessive world we live in, how it’s killing us and what we can do to revive our health.

Key Takeaways from 'Eating Healthy in a Protein-Obsessed Food Culture'

In our latest webinar, “Eating Health in a Protein-Obsessed Food Culture,” our very own health expert Michael Donaldson, Ph.D. discusses the meat obsessive world we live in, how it’s killing us and...
How Harmful is Alcohol Consumption?
Cancer News

How Harmful is Alcohol Consumption?

Drinking a single alcoholic beverage with dinner may have seemed harmless in the past, but recent research states otherwise.
Would you like to help spread God's message of self healing to the community?

Reasons to Become a Hallelujah Diet Health Minister

Would you like to help spread God's message of self healing to the community?
Pesticides and Cancers: What's the Connection?
Cancer News

Pesticides and Cancers: What's the Connection?

Pesticides are linked to various cancers and other chronic conditions.
What Causes Cravings?

What Causes Cravings?

Food cravings are bizarre little phenomena. It's commonly assumed that food cravings are due to nutrient deficiencies, but sometimes the cravings are due to life situations more than a deficiency....
What happens when the air is contaminated? That means you're breathing in pollution, which is ultimately a great threat to your overall health.

How Important is Clean Air?

What happens when the air is contaminated? That means you're breathing in pollution, which is ultimately a great threat to your overall health.
Essential trace minerals are important for optimal health.

Key Takeaways From Why Do You Need Ionic Trace Minerals Webinar

Essential trace minerals are important for optimal health.
Can Seniors Find a Better Quality of Life from Taking Supplements?

Can Seniors Find a Better Quality of Life from Taking Supplements?

Medical Reality 101, for Seniors by Ralph Campbell, MD (OMNS, Apr 3, 2017) I hate to admit it, but I am getting older. For some time I had noticed that my contemporaries were getting older but delu...
What happens when the defense system is compromised?
Cancer News

The Hallelujah Diet's Impact on Autoimmune Disorders

What happens when the defense system is compromised?
You know that consuming freshly extracted juice is the best way to absorb vital vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, your juicer isn't always going to be available.

The Benefits of the Hallelujah Diet Juice on the Go Kit

You know that consuming freshly extracted juice is the best way to absorb vital vitamins and nutrients. Unfortunately, your juicer isn't always going to be available.
Stress is inevitable. But just because pressure isn't always avoidable, doesn't mean there aren't ways to cope with the symptoms.

How to Cope With Stress Related Symptoms

Stress is inevitable. But just because pressure isn't always avoidable, doesn't mean there aren't ways to cope with the symptoms.
Someone who isn't dealing with common stressors can still feel the pressure, especially if he or she follows a poor diet.

How Does a Poor Diet Impact Mental Health?

Someone who isn't dealing with common stressors can still feel the pressure, especially if he or she follows a poor diet.
Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome

Do you remember when “hypertension” was the silent killer of the 70’s? Well, there is one now that has been identified for less than 20 years but is now as common as hemorrhoids and pimples. You ma...
Is there a Difference between Healthy and Unhealthy Dietary Fat?
Cancer News

Is there a Difference between Healthy and Unhealthy Dietary Fat?

Some people are nervous about adding fat into their diet, because they assume that any type of fat is bad for their health. But, there are many ways that dietary fat can be beneficial for your heal...
Tips for On-The-Go Healthy Eating

Tips for On-The-Go Healthy Eating

Following a healthy regimen with a busy schedule can be difficult, but that doesn't make it impossible.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., taking the lives of nearly 610,000 people every year. Annually, 735,000 Americans have a heart attack.

How to Reduce Your Chance of Having a Heart Attack

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., taking the lives of nearly 610,000 people every year. Annually, 735,000 America...
Eat Your Way Out of Toxic EMF’s

Eat Your Way Out of Toxic EMF’s

When you think of electromagnetic radiation, you probably think of nuclear weapons, X-rays, power lines, CT Scans and flying on airplanes. While all of those are indeed sources of electromagnetic r...
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