What is Hyaluronic acid?

What is Hyaluronic acid?

What exactly is Hyaluronic Acid? Hyaluronic acid is a crucial component of extracellular matrix in the body, and has many functions. It is also called hyaluronan or hyaluronate and abbreviated HA. ...
Cooked Food... But Not From The Stove

Cooked Food... But Not From The Stove

Need a little something to go with that fabulous salad you made for supper? Here's a cooked food option that requires zero prep time!
A Vegan Diet for Managing Diabetes

A Vegan Diet for Managing Diabetes

When you’re a vegan who also happens to be diabetic, you might worry that it will be difficult to manage a balanced diet. Trying to find a way to combine both a diabetic diet and a vegan diet can c...
Natural and Supplemented Time Course of Concentration of Melatonin in Adults

Natural and Supplemented Time Course of Concentration of Melatonin in Adults

by Michael Donaldson, PhD Introduction In the webinar “Melatonin: Beyond the Sleep Aid” research was presented showing that melatonin reverses the Warburg Effect. Evidence for this is found directl...
Raw Holiday Cookies
Health News

Delicious Recipes For Healthy Living

The start of a new year is the perfect time to implement new healthy habits into your lifestyle. What better way to do so than by trying out some new healthy recipes? At My Hallelujah Diet, we have...
2022 and 2023 on alarm clock with dumbbells, tape measure and a salad
Health News

New Year’s Resolution: Take Back Your Health

A new year arrives with a clean slate and a fresh start for many people who have health goals that they want to achieve. When January 1st comes around, the health and wellness resolutions are alway...
Lemon slices and honey on a yellow background
Health Tips

Natural Remedies For Cold And Flu Season

While there’s no cure for the common cold, there are plenty of natural cold remedies to try that claim to alleviate symptoms quicker. Colds and flus, while usually minor, still make you feel misera...
A Direct Link Between Diet and Cancer

A Direct Link Between Diet and Cancer

For over three decades, my father, Reverend George Malkmus, has been spreading the word about how the consumption of animal products is destructive to good health. However, in recent years, as canc...
Post Partum Diet Tips for New Moms

Post Partum Diet Tips for New Moms

Here are a few postpartum diet tips to consider.
Take Charge of Your Health, Start Your Diet Now
Cancer News

Take Charge of Your Health, Start Your Diet Now

Here are a few reasons to stop making excuses and start your diet right now.
Various fruits and vegetables bunched together

4 Ways you Can Protect your Liver Right Now

Because the liver plays such a vital role in keeping your body in top shape, it’s important to give it the same love and care it provides for you.

Had Your “K” Today?

Summer is almost here! The trees are budding, the flowers are blooming, and best of all, the garden is greening up nicely! The season of renewal is all around us. So, if you missed out on making a ...
Vegetarian Christmas Recipes

Vegetarian Christmas Recipes

The holiday season is nearing, and the world seems all aglow with twinkling lights. We are ready to celebrate His birth, family, and friends, and share the gift of love with one another. And of cou...
Follow-up to the Webinar: Melatonin: Beyond the Sleep Aid

Follow-up to the Webinar: Melatonin: Beyond the Sleep Aid

by Dr. Michael Donaldson, PhD In the webinar, “Melatonin: Beyond the Sleep Aid” Michael Donaldson updated the audience on research findings that might just put melatonin on your “must-have” supplem...
Can Depression be Connected to Thyroid Issues?

Can Depression be Connected to Thyroid Issues?

We’re discovering more and more how mental health disorders and physical diseases can be related and sometimes cause the other to occur. Since the brain is an organ, just like the heart or the live...
8 Kitchen Gadgets for the Healthy Eater

8 Kitchen Gadgets for the Healthy Eater

Cooking healthy meals can often be a headache with planning, prep time, and cleanup. In our busy lives, we are often drawn to easy alternatives like fast food. But we’ve discovered that having the ...
Improve your health today by juicing.

Start Your Juice Cleanse Journey for Better Health

Kick start your body's health with a juice cleanse and consider these benefits.
Here Are Four Fantastic Reasons To Cut Meat Out From Your Diet

Here Are Four Fantastic Reasons To Cut Meat Out From Your Diet

Meat used to be viewed as healthful, necessary for obtaining protein, and capable of promoting muscular growth. However, it’s been recently discovered that some meats contain high amounts of antibi...
Was There Acrylamide in Your Breakfast Today?

Was There Acrylamide in Your Breakfast Today?

It’s possible that you’ve been consuming a dangerous chemical every day and haven’t even realized it. Hidden in many of our everyday foods, there is a chemical called acrylamide that occurs when ce...
Honey:  Just another natural sweetener?

Honey: Just Another Natural Sweetener?

by Dr. Michael Donaldson, PhD Honey—a delicious natural sweetener. Who doesn’t like honey? Sure, it is sweet, but there is more to natural honey than meets the eye. Honey contains some minor com...
Hallelujah Diet Questions

Busted: Myths We Heard About the Hallelujah Diet

It's the information age. Resources and information, articles, and research can be easily shared nowadays, thanks to the internet and mobile devices that keep us continuously connected. But not all...
sliced rye bread on cutting board

5 Steps to a Healthy Gut Without Expensive Food or Pills

If you’ve ever experienced indigestion, a gurgling stomach, or problems coming out the other end, you know taking care of your gut is essential. So why do so many people ignore this advice? Discove...
What You Need to Know About Osteoporosis & Osteoporosis Reversal

What You Need to Know About Osteoporosis & Osteoporosis Reversal

Osteoporosis has become a major public health problem with an estimated 10 million Americans living with this condition. People affected by osteoporosis have low bone density and diminishing bone m...
How to Easily Add A Decade of Good Health to Your Life

How to Easily Add A Decade of Good Health to Your Life

Count the cost of your burger and fries. Is that meal and lifestyle really worth giving up a decade of healthy living? It is your choice.
10 Foods to Try to Help Cleanse your Liver Naturally

10 Foods to Try to Help Cleanse your Liver Naturally

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" When we are healthy and feeding our bodies nutrient-packed, wholly natural foods, ...
Vitamin A and C Deficiency Signs
Hallelujah Health Tip

Vitamin A and C Deficiency Signs

A well-balanced and nutritious Hallelujah Diet has so many benefits for our bodies, inside and out. As God intended, eating the proper food powers our miraculous body from emotional and mental heal...
How to Prepare Raw Foods Without Expensive Tools

How to Prepare Raw Foods Without Expensive Tools

A raw food diet is a plant-based way of eating whole food that has not been cooked or processed with heat, or at the very least, never heated above 118 degrees, so that the nutritional content of t...
Raw vs. Cooked Vegetables

Raw vs. Cooked Vegetables

By this point, you're familiar with the SAD (Standard American Diet) and the many drawbacks it has, included elevated sugar, salt, and preservative levels among other things. There is quite a bit o...
Gardening Tips
Cancer News

Gardening Tips

Eating healthy may be the best track for your body mentally and physically, but there is no doubt that a raw food diet is not an easy one. Once you get over the initial adjustment and cravings of u...
plate heart surrounded by vegetables

Support Cardiovascular Health with Calcium-Rich Vegetables

While your doctor probably emphasizes eliminating certain foods from your diet for better heart health, did you know that you can add foods to your diet for this purpose, too? Heart-healthy foods a...
The Most Effective Supplements for Easing Your Joint Pain

The Most Effective Supplements for Easing Your Joint Pain

In this article, we’ll help you develop a broader understanding of how to ease joint pain.
Reducing Your Risk for Prostate Cancer
Cancer News

Reducing Your Risk for Prostate Cancer

Here are a few tips on how to reduce your risk of prostate cancer.
Eating Well for Cancer Prevention
Cancer News

Eating Well for Cancer Prevention

Learn how healthy, plant-based eating reduces your risk of cancer.
Here are a few ways to cope with arthritis.

How to Cope While Living With Arthritis

Arthritis is a debilitating disease that impacts the lives of nearly 54 million adults in the U.S, according to the Arthritis Foundation.
The Best Post Workout Recipes

The Best Post Workout Recipes

Try these wholesome recipes after your next workout.
The Impact of Chemotherapy on Fertility

The Impact of Chemotherapy on Fertility

It's important to understand the fertility risks associated with chemotherapy.
Easy Ways to Add Oxygen to Your Blood
Healthy Days

Easy Ways to Add Oxygen to Your Blood

Recently, I saw an ad for some expensive product that said it would promote more oxygen in the blood flow by taking just a few drops. I thought, "Hmm, that sounds like it might just be helpful and ...
The biblical plant-based diet of the Hallelujah Diet breaks down into a daily consumption of 85 percent living foods and 15 percent cooked foods.

Breaking down the raw food ratio

The biblical plant-based Hallelujah Diet breaks down into a daily consumption of 85 percent living foods and 15 percent cooked foods.
The truth about vitamin D deficiency

The truth about vitamin D deficiency

Due to a lack of natural sunlight, many Americans are vitamin D deficient.
Creative ways to consume your fruits and vegetables

Creative ways to consume your fruits and vegetables

You know that eating a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables is exceptionally beneficial to your body, but what exactly does it do? Well, according to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health...
Stay safe while exercising this summer.

Summer Exercise Safety Tips

Stay safe while exercising this summer.
Are Root Canals Dangerous to Your Health?

Are Root Canals Dangerous to Your Health?

Root canals may pose a danger to your health and have been linked to chronic diseases like cancer.
Raw Food Desserts Kids Will Love

Raw Food Desserts Kids Will Love

It can be easy to think that eating a raw-food, plant-based diet means staying away from indulgent, decadent desserts. It can be even more difficult to struggle against cravings when you've got kid...
Lowering Your Stroke Risk

Lowering Your Stroke Risk

To reduce your risk of having a stroke at any point in your life, here are a few tips.
Understanding Proper pH Balance During Detoxification

Understanding Proper pH Balance During Detoxification

By Stephanie Ray, BCN, CNHP There is a lot of discussion and opposing opinions about what proper pH balance is. Our pH is constantly changing due to emotions, diet, hydration, etc, and this is norm...
Calcium-Rich Food Sources of Your Raw Food Diet

Calcium-Rich Food Sources of Your Raw Food Diet

There are plenty of calcium-rich plant-based sources of food for your primarily raw diet.
Silicon—The Strength and Flexibility Mineral We Take for Granted
Cancer News

Silicon—The Strength and Flexibility Mineral We Take for Granted

Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth (oxygen is first). It is present as silicon dioxide—common sand and various kinds of quartz crystals. There is no official recommendation for ho...
Top Health Benefits Of Using An Infrared Heating Pad

Top Health Benefits Of Using An Infrared Heating Pad

Looking for a safe and gentle way to soak up some joint relief? Sink deep into soothing comfort with an infrared heating pad. These handy little comforts work on a deeper and more relaxing level th...
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