Salad on a Baked Potato

Salad on a Baked Potato

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This quick and easy fast-food supper idea is perfect for when you're short on time but still want a healthy, satisfying meal. Bake your potato while you prepare the raw toppings. Once the potato is done, simply split it open, load on the toppings, and season. 

1-2 baking potatoes
Your choice of 5-7 raw toppings, such as*:
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Herbs of choice
Salad dressing of choice

*Or any other ingredients of your choice for the salad toppings


  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Use a fork to poke a few holes into the potatoes. Place on the baking sheet, rub with olive oil, and sprinkle liberally with sea salt all over. Bake 45 to 60 minutes, or until the potato is fork-tender and the skin is crisp.
  3. While the potato is baking, prepare the raw ingredients of your choice (wash and chop).
  4. When the potato is done, remove it from the oven. 
  5. Split open the potato, load on the toppings, season with more Extra Virgin Olive Oil, herbs of choice, sea salt, and/or a healthy salad dressing.

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