Burrito Roll-ups

Burrito Roll-ups

This fast and simple supper idea offers a delicious and healthy option for those on the go or meal prepping. This recipe is easy, tasty, versatile and can be quickly assembled (even by kids!)

Whole grain tortilla
Chopped spinach
Finely grated carrots
Green onions
Avocado if desired (mashed)

Ingredients for a salad base*:
Bell peppers
Sweet onion
Grated carrots
*Or any other ingredients of your choice for the salad toppings that will not cause the salad to wilt or spoil


  1. Make a big salad using the salad base to last a few days in an airtight container in the refrigerator. (Make sure you don't put anything in it that will cause it to wilt or spoil.) 
  2. When it's time for dinner, simply add toppings like avocado and tomato to customize the salad further.
  3. Add the salad to the tortilla as a base. Add chopped spinach, finely grated carrots, green onions, salsa, and optionally mashed avocado. 
  4. Alternatively, the mashed avocado can also be spread on the tortilla before adding vegetables.

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