If a mother is unable to nurse her baby, which is the ideal and God's diet plan, what can a mother substitute for the potentially dangerous soy based formulas we talked about in last week's Health Tip #487? I asked Olin Idol, N.D., C.N.C., Vice-President of Health here at Hallelujah Acres, that very question and he provided the following:
"The only alternative we can endorse whole heartedly is a combination of:
1/3 raw Goat's milk
1/3 strained raw vegetable juice (½ carrot and ½ celery or dark green leafy lettuce juice (which is vital for the folic acid missing in Goat's milk)
1/3 distilled water
By the age of 6-months, the distilled water may be eliminated and the formula changed to 1/2 raw goat's milk and 1/2 veggie juice.
Note: Unfortunately, raw goat's milk cannot be sold in many states. Best option would be to find someone with a dairy goat (check with feed dealers or agricultural extension offices for folks with dairy goats in your area). Once located, you can sometimes buy 1/2 interest in a milk goat and use the milk from that goat legally. When the milk is no longer needed, you can donate your share back to the original owner to compensate him/her for their time, etc."