Sweet Almond Milk

Sweet Almond Milk

In response to last week's article, SOY – A VERY DANGEROUS FOOD, many mothers wrote asking what they could use to replace the soy milk they were giving their children. In response, I share the following recipe for SWEET ALMOND MILK, using only unprocessed vegan foods. It is very delicious, extremely nutritious, easy to make and stores for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. This is one of our healthiest vegan recipes and is great for the whole family. (Source: Rhonda's, Recipes for Life . . . From God's Garden, available from Hallelujah Acres (800) 915-9355)

EDITOR'S NOTE: This Sweet Almond Milk recipe is NOT FOR NURSING BABIES! In next week's Health Tip we will share a healthy non-soy formula.


1 cup raw almonds

3-4 Medjool dates (other type dates can be used)

6 cups distilled water


Soak almonds overnight and drain. Pit dates. Blend half of the almonds, half the dates, and 3 cups of distilled water until creamy. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Pour through a very fine strainer or cheesecloth. Refrigerate. ENJOY!


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