Katies Sunflower Dressing

Katies Sunflower Dressing

Rhonda's Fiesta Salad & Dressing Reading Katies Sunflower Dressing 2 minutes Next Sweet Almond Milk
Katie, who lives in California, sent in this recipe: "Here is a totally raw salad dressing that can be used as a mayonnaise, dip, sour cream, or base for tarter sauce by reducing water." This raw delicious dressing is perfect for the most unique and the most popular plant based recipes. Be creative with what raw fruits and vegetables you drizzle this over!


2 1/2 cups distilled water

1 1/2 cup hulled sunflower seeds

2 teaspoons dehydrated onion or onion powder

1 to 2 teaspoons paprika

2 lemons (juice from)

1 clove garlic

1 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt or to taste


The secret to a fine dressing is letting the above ingredients blend in a Vita-Mix or strong blender until very creamy. Sometimes I substitute fresh basil and dill for the paprika. It then turns out a pale green instead of a pale paprika color. This dressing is good for salads, tomato and avocado sandwiches, potato salad, cucumber salad, and many other vegetables. This dressing is very healthy because it has no free oils, cholesterol, hydrogenated fats, vinegar, sugar, or cooked ingredients. It is a recipe I use more than any other."

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