Waldorf Sweet Tater Salad

Waldorf Sweet Tater Salad

Aunt Elisa’s Favorite Salad Dressing Reading Waldorf Sweet Tater Salad 1 minute Next Colonial Bread

Kathy McCluskey sent us a fantastic recipe we're thrilled to share: Waldorf Sweet Tater Salad. This savory salad is jam packed with raw fruits and vegetables and all their raw benefits. Made with the natural sweetness of sweet potatoes and a medley of fresh ingredients, this raw vegan salad is a perfect addition to your vegan meal repertoire.


1 small sweet potato (coarsely grated)

1 apple (cut or shredded into small pieces)

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste)

1/3 cup fresh apple juice

1 stalk of celery (chopped into small pieces)

1/4 cup shredded coconut

1/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

1/4 cup organic raisins


Peel, and grate sweet potato. Peel and cut up apple. Mix together apple and grated sweet potato and toss with lemon juice. Then add apple juice, and cinnamon to taste. Stir in chopped celery, shredded coconut, raisins and walnuts. Refrigerate covered till ready to serve. ENJOY!

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