Raw Dawgs

Raw Dawgs

Raw, Meatless Hallelujah Hot Dogs Rhonda took on the challenge of making a raw hot dog. She shared a trial run of the ‘Hallelujah Hot Dawg’ with a number of staff who thought it was quite good. Then the real test came. She shared it with Rob, our CFO here at Hallelujah Acres, who had been a hot dog connoisseur before adopting the Hallelujah Diet. Not only did he gave it a thumbs up, but he gobbled the whole thing down! Raw hot dogs


¾ cup pecans (soaked overnight, drained, and dried on a towel to remove moisture)
1 cup walnuts (soaked overnight, drained, and dried on a towel to remove moisture)
½ cup sweet onion (coarsely chopped)
½ cup carrot (coarsely chopped)
2 garlic cloves (peeled)
2 tablespoons raw unfiltered honey
2 tablespoons Nama Shoyu (available in most Health Food Stores)
2 teaspoons Liquid Smoke*
1 teaspoon marjoram
½ teaspoon celery flakes
½ teaspoon Celtic or Himalayan salt
½ teaspoon smoked paprika
½ teaspoon Hallelujah Acres BeetMax powder (for color & nutrition)
Pinch of cayenne pepper
Freshly chopped veggies of your choice (for toppings)


1. Place all ingredients (except chopped veggie toppings) in a food processor with an "S" blade and process until a smooth dough like consistency. Wet hands and form dough into small hot dog shapes and place on a solid teflex sheet. Dehydrate 4 hours at 105 degrees. Turn dawgs onto dryer screen and return to dehydrator for another hour.
2. Serve warm on a whole grain bun with freshly chopped veggies of your choice.
3. *The only possibly questionable ingredient in this "dawg" is the Liquid Smoke which containPlease Note: Recipes using a lot of nuts are for special occasions. Nuts are high in fat and protein and should be used sparingly on the Hallelujah Diet. Those dealing with cancer will want to avoid nuts completely except for a few walnuts.

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