Frozen Carob Bananas

Frozen Carob Bananas

Here is a raw dessert recipe that the kids will enjoy (and grown ups too)! Carob is a great alternative to chocolate, as it has the sweet taste without added sugars. It also contains more nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.  

The recipe is taken from Julie Wandling's book Hallelujah Kids. Her book is available from Hallelujah Acres. Julie is one of our culinary chefs here at Hallelujah Acres. This recipe is perfect for a practical vegan diet - quick and easy to make!


Liquid Raw honey

Carob powder

Walnuts or almonds (chopped fine)

Bananas, ripe but firm

Wooden skewers


Skewer a banana. Gently roll the banana in honey, then carob powder, then chopped nuts. Lay onto a wax paper lined cookie sheet. Repeat with more coated bananas if desired. Cover with some more wax paper. Freeze. ENJOY!

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