Carrot Juice Variations

Carrot Juice Variations

Raw Cream of Carrot Soup Reading Carrot Juice Variations 1 minute Next Easy Corn Bread

Although Rhonda and I primarily juice carrots and drink Barley Green each day, there are variations that can make juicing fun and delicious. Using your Champion or Green Life or Green Power juicer, you can make many nutritional and different-tasting juices using carrot juice as the base. 


  1. For instance, to 4 ounces of carrot juice you can add the juice of one apple . . . or a stalk of celery . . . or some lettuce or spinach leaves or a bunch of parsley . . . or you can add your favorite vegetable.
  2. Always use at least 50% carrot juice as the base, and never add any other fruit to vegetable juice other than an apple. Experiment to find your favorite vegetable juice blend - all loaded with a variety of vitamins, minerals and enzymes in a form your body can almost immediately utilize.

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