Better Than V-8 Juice

Better Than V-8 Juice

Workout Recovery Drink Reading Better Than V-8 Juice 1 minute Next Burmese Zucchini and Peas

Rhonda created this delicious drink during one of her culinary classes prior to Rev. Malkmus' first-of-the-month "God's Way to Ultimate Health" seminars. Rev. Malkmus says this is the best raw veggie juice he's ever tasted!


Carrots (approx. 1/2 lb or enough to make 4 oz of juice)
Handful of cherry tomatoes
1 small beet
2 celery ribs
1/2 medium cucumber (peeled)
10 baby spinach leaves
2 lettuce leaves
2 stems of parsley
1/8-inch thick slice of ginger


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Burmese Zucchini and Peas

Burmese Zucchini and Peas

Burmese Zucchini and Peas

As photographed in Health News Issue #71 (May-J...

Workout Recovery Drink

Workout Recovery Drink

Workout Recovery Drink

After a hefty workout, your body needs to recov...

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