Better than Salmon Loaf

Better than Salmon Loaf

Do you want to really impress your guests during a special holiday, then try this delicious and nutritious recipe.
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This recipe will be an excellent substitute to any dinner where fish would be the main star.


2 cups almonds, soaked 8 to 10 hours and drained
2 whole carrots, peeled
1/2 cup red onion, coarsely chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 red bell pepper, diced fine
1-1/2 cups celery, finely minced
1/2 cup fresh parsley, stems removed, minced
1/4 cup scallions, minced
1/4 cup Meyer lemon juice, freshly extracted
2 tsp kelp powder
1 tsp dulse powder or granules
1 tsp unrefined sea salt (optional)


1. Put the almonds, carrots and onions through a heavy-duty juicer using the blank screen.
2. Place mixture in a large bowl and add minced garlic, red bell pepper, celery, parsley, scallions, lemon juice, kelp, dulse and unrefined sea salt and mix thoroughly.
3. Shape into a loaf or into a mold until ready to serve.
4. Loaf will keep several days, covered, in the refrigerator.
5. Serving Suggestions: Place onto a platter, surrounded with kale and parsley, topped with thinly sliced carrots or cherry tomatoes. Serve as a stuffing in a large tomato or bell pepper.

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