I take a Brown Bag, raw vegan lunch everyday and have lots of suggestions. One of my favorite vegan recipes is my twist on a BLT, fittingly called ALT. It's a much healthier alternative because it's fully raw vegan, all while being much tastier too! Let's get started:
Whole Grain Pita / Bread / Wrap (optional)
I love taking the ingredients for my "ALT" (Avocado, Lettuce & Tomato) sandwich, with either a whole grain pita or whole grain bread or whole grain wrap, to put the ingredients in. It is also good to just mash the avocado, slice the tomato, place it on the lettuce and eat with a fork. Chop up a variety of veggies ahead of time and take them in a small container, or take part of an avocado and half a pepper and make Rhonda's stuffed pepper. Very delicious and easy.
Take a simple salad.
Take Rhonda's coleslaw.
Take any kind of fruit.