Evangelist Regains Health With The Hallelujah Diet

Evangelist Regains Health With The Hallelujah Diet

Slam The Door On Cancer! Reading Evangelist Regains Health With The Hallelujah Diet 6 minutes Next Ultimate Health - 17 Years and Counting!
As we celebrate Hallelujah Acres 22nd birthday as well as my (Rev. Malkmus’) 80th birthday, I thought it fitting that we share a testimony here that goes back over 20-years (and this person is still going strong). This testimony appeared in the Winter/Spring 1996 issue of “Back to the Garden”, the official magazine of Hallelujah Acres.

Evangelist Regains Health With The Hallelujah Diet

Dr. J. C. House was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1964 and has been busy in full-time Christian service since that time. At his last pastorate at Calvary Baptist Church in Holland, Michigan, the church averaged over 600 in attendance each week, 92 missionaries and/or missionary projects were supported each month and a nationwide radio ministry was instituted. In 1988 Dr. House resigned as Pastor and began a full-time ministry of evangelism. Each week he conducts meetings in different churches across the country, sometimes conducting two meetings per week. He consistently averages 55 meetings per year. Dr. House notes, “Good health is essential in maintaining this type of rigorous schedule and I credit the teachings of Dr. George Malkmus and his Hallelujah Diet as being most important in good health.” Summarizing his health history and the changes he has seen since beginning the Hallelujah Diet, Dr. House wrote:
“In 1986 while still serving as Pastor, my weight reached 225 pounds. I had been troubled with chronic sinus (problems) for 35 years. I had horrible headaches, scratchy eyes, drainage resulting sore throats, etc. I was also being treated for chronic prostatitis, which kept me in pain and prevented me from ever getting a full night’s sleep. I had constant stomach problems that complicated everything else. ”When I entered full-time evangelism, the problems complicated. Then in October 1989 I was diagnosed with throat cancer. Two unsuccessful surgeries and 37 radiation treatments followed. “The radiation treatments evidently lowered my immune system. Drainage from the sinus created severe laryngitis and I was unable to preach. I found myself with colds all the time and at the change of each season, it seemed like a worst case of the flu. I was missing meetings due to health problems. “I was taking a prescription medication for sinus, a prescription medication for prostatitis, and 1,600 milligrams of pain medications each day. I was also receiving cortisone injections in my shoulder for bursitis and arthritis. “Each day became more difficult as I tried to maintain my schedule. In May of 1994 I was in a meeting with Dr. Charles Williams at Central Baptist Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Dr. George Malkmus had recently been with them in a health seminar and had left behind an issue of Back to the Garden. Each time I read it, I would voice all my objections as to why this could never work and how recovering your good health must be more complicated than just changing your diet. But the more I read, the more I knew in my heart that he was right. “I called Dr. Malkmus and made an appointment to meet with him. I drove 2,200 miles to talk with him and receive his counsel concerning my condition. He listened patiently and then said very kindly, ‘You don’t have to be sick.’ Then he explained to me what was necessary in order to be well. I began a new way of life that day in the midst of all my sicknesses:
  1. I eliminated all animal products from my diet, all meats, all dairy products . . . milk, eggs, cheese, etc., along with eliminating caffeine, carbonated drinks, sugar, salt and white flour. I began a diet of 80% raw fruits and vegetables.
  2. I began to take 3 tablespoons of barley powder each day. This is probably the most important thing I do each day.
  3. I began to drink freshly extracted carrot juice each day. I drink 16 to 24 ounces of juice daily, using only California carrots.
  4. I began to use distilled water for drinking and cooking.
  5. I began a daily exercise program of walking.
  6. I try to get adequate rest each day.
  7. I assume a positive attitude about my life.
“That was in May of 1994. This is being written 18 months later in October of 1995. Several wonderful things have transpired in this past year and a half:
  1. I have taken no medications of any kind in 17 months, not even an aspirin. My prescriptions were running over $200 each month prior to this change in diet.
  2. All symptoms of all illnesses have disappeared and I am healthier and feel better than I have in many years. I have no known health problems at 61 years of age: No cancer, no sinus problems, no prostatitis problems, no laryngitis, no bursitis, etc. Simply put, I am well!
  3. I now weigh 172 pounds at 6’1” height, a 54 pound loss from my high weight.
“And all I did was follow George’s advice and change my diet. I recommend it to anyone. Try it . . . all you have to lose is your sickness.” ~ Dr. J.C. House

Update From Rev. Malkmus

The reason I share this testimony is because it has been 20 years since Dr. House drove from Texas to where I was in Tennessee, a distance of over 2,000 miles to seek my advice concerning his many physical problems, and as a result adopted the Hallelujah Diet. Dr. J. C. House will be 81 years old this year and because of his diet change 20 years ago he is still on the road holding evangelistic meetings across the country with a strong body and strong voice after being diagnosed with throat cancer. Click here for his current schedule! It was so great to receive a Christmas card from Brother House this last Christmas with the note: “Miss you folks – may God’s best be yours!” In 1995, Dr. House wrote a forward for my book, “God’s Way to Ultimate Health” and you can read what he wrote, here.

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