Cheesy Popcorn

Cheesy Popcorn

All the taste of cheese - without the cheese! Find this recipe and many more in our easy-to-read, healthy living guide, Living The Hallelujah Diet. Click here to get yours now - it's FREE! Why It's Better Than Regular Popcorn:
  • Air popping eliminates harmful vegetable oils that, when heated, contribute to disease.
  • Medium-chain fatty acids in virgin coconut oil contribute to heart health.
  • Nutritional yeast is a healthy condiment that contains complete protein, B vitamins, and it tastes like cheese!
  • Unrefined sea salt contains small amounts of naturally occurring, health-promoting minerals that the body can utilize.
  • It tastes great!
Cheesy Popcorn


1/2 cup organic popping corn
1/4 cup organic virgin coconut oil
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
unrefined sea salt (to taste)


1. Make popcorn in an air popper.
2. Drizzle with melted, organic virgin cocnut oil.
3. Spinkle with nutritional yeast and unrefined sea salt.

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