This soup is creamy, savory and richly flavor-filled. Goes well with crunchy flax crackers or carrot and celery sticks dipped in a nut pate. Another way to partake in this raw soup is to drink it like a “veg-smoothie”. If you are going to take it to work and want to spare your co-workers the smell of garlic, leave it out, as the other flavors make a superb combo on their own.
2 cups spinach
2 large organic celery ribs
¼ lemon, seeds and peel removed
3 cherry tomatoes
¼ avocado
Around ½ small clove garlic, or to taste
½ tsp. raw ginger, or to taste
Sprinkle black pepper (optional)
Sprinkle unrefined salt (optional)
2. Enjoy your new creation
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Raw Veggie Chili
Raw Veggie Chili
Having a get together and wanting to serve a pa...