Strawberry Green Smoothie

Strawberry Green Smoothie

Easy Berry Parfait Reading Strawberry Green Smoothie 1 minute Next Micro-chopped Salad

This smoothie is basic and frosty. The omega fats from ground flax and walnuts give richness and holding power. You could give it a sour edge with a half of a peeled lime. Add more kale or collards for a greener bolder flavor.


6 oz. water, or amount for desired consistency
2 Tbsp. ground flax seeds, OR Hallelujah Diet B-Flax-D
1 large kale or collard leaf
1 frozen banana, cut in chunks
4 walnut halves
2/3 cup frozen strawberries, cut in chunks if large strawberries are used


1. Place all items EXCEPT frozen strawberries in a blender and blend well
2. Add frozen strawberries to blender and blend well
3. Pour into your favorite glass and enjoy your new creation

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