This recipe comes from Paula Stover who writes: "I have found a quick way to make sandwiches for work without cheating on The Hallelujah Diet. I used to grab tuna or cheese on my way to work, because I didn't have time to slice vegan veggies or put a raw vegan salad together. But I don't do that anymore!
So I bought a little one-cup electrical food chopper. First I put some walnuts or almonds in the chopper and process them for a few seconds. These are high protein raw foods, which is amazing! Then I put pieces of fresh washed carrot, celery, cucumber, or any other fresh veggies I have on hand, and process them for a minute or so. This makes a very nice sandwich spread. It is so moist I don't even need any dressing. Sometimes I add spices or herbs for extra flavor, but it really is very tasty all by itself.
You can put any combination of vegetables together and have a healthy sandwich in no time, and what a timesaver. Be sure to use a good organic whole grain bread, bagel or pita on which to put your sandwich filling." ENJOY!