Lee's Apple Celery Smoothie

Lee's Apple Celery Smoothie

Blushing Carrot Juice Reading Lee's Apple Celery Smoothie 1 minute Next Claudia's Mint Kale Smoothie

Looking for a healthy and delicious way to start your day? This Lee's Apple Celery smoothie is the perfect raw diet breakfast option. Packed with fresh fruits and vegetables, this smoothie is a great way to get your daily dose of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The combination of sweet apples and refreshing celery creates a unique flavor profile that's both satisfying and energizing. Plus, it's great for any raw fruit and veggie cleanse. So, whether you're in a rush and need a quick breakfast on the go or just looking for a healthy snack, this Lee's Apple Celery Smoothie is the perfect choice.


1/2 Apple

1/2 Pear

1/2 Banana

1/2 Celery stick


And add ONE of the following: Handful of spinach leaves; small handful of parsley; several leaves of bok choy; or several large leaves of romaine lettuce.

Place all ingredients in a blender, add enough distilled water to blend to the consistency you like." ENJOY (In next week's Health Tip, we will start sharing some Holiday Recipes.)


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